Gia later woke up and Brian with Zoe were there.
Gia....Am i in a hospital?
Zoe....You have seen it with your two eyes, why do you bother asking us? Your so tiring!
Brian....Are you fine now?
Gia....I think so.
Brian....Why didnt you bring your inhaler when you know about your disease?
Gia....Its been awhile since i had an attack so i decided not bring it with me everywhere.
Zoe....I should go and get mum.
Gia....Your mum?
Brian....Yes, our mum is a nurse here and she is the one who attended on you.
Gia....Really?? Am so lucky, i cant wait to see her to thank her personally.
Zoe went and called her mum, they went back to the room Gia was in.
Kelly....Hy there!
Gia....Huh? Is this your mum?
Brian....Why? Do you know her?
Gia....Thanks for bringing me here, i should go now.
Kelly touched her to put her back to bed.
Kelly....You should rest for awhile.
Gia....Dont touch me! Am leaving.
She left.She went outside and called her driver to pick her up.He arrived and took her home.
Gia....I cant believe it that that snake is their mum! Now i've lost interest in that guy.I cant stand that woman not even for a second.
Gia knew Kelly because her mum told her about her and what she did to her.
Brian....Whats wrong with her?
Zoe....I also dont know.
Kelly....What was her name again?
Zoe....Its actually Giyoung, do you know her mum?
Kelly and Tom continued with their relationship and Kelly had a child Brian back when Gigi came back home and Tom started a relationship with her, he already had a son with Kelly.They got married after having their second child Zoe and now they are grown up just like Gia.
Brian....Mum is gone now, tell me everything.
Zoe....There is nothing, she just wanted to spend time with you.
Brian....But your not the type to help others, why her?
Zoe....She owes me big time.
Brian....What does she owe you?
Zoe....Forget about it because the way she left, i dont think she is still interested and that makes me free from her.
Brian....Yeah, whatever!
Gia went to school the next day but Anold didnt sit in his seat since he was mad at Gia.
Lily....Let him be, so how is it going with Brian?
Gia....Its all over.
Lily....Huh? So you finally gave up?
Gia....Lets talk about something else.
Lily....If you say so.Have you noticed that the new hot guy is looking at you?
Gia....New guy? Which one?
Lily....On your left.
Gia turned her head and saw him looking at her.
Lily....His really hot, isnt he?
Gia....I see.
Lily....But still, Brian is far better than him.
Lily....Why not try him? He seems interested already.
Gia....Your right! Good idea.
Lily....OMG! His coming this way.
Gia....What? Really?
Lily....His here.
The guy sat in Anold's seat since he didnt sit in it and it was next to Gia.
Hulio....Sup.Am Hulio by the way.
Lily....Lily, its a pleasure to meet you.
Hulio....Mine too.
Lily....I should go now.
Gia....Huh? Where? wait...wait...Lily...
Lily whispered to Gia's ear.
Lily....You gat this! Go for it girl and dont embarass me.
She left.
Hulio....Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable earlier, i just failed to take my eyes off your pretty face.
Hulio.....Do you have a boyfriend?
Hulio....Good! Can i be your suitor?
Gia....Sure! Why not?
Hulio.....Can we meet after lessons?
Gia....No problem.
Hulio....See you then.
Hulio left, Lily went back to Gia.
Lily....So? How did it go?
Gia....Well, he wants to meet after lessons.
Lily....Good start.Wait....his talking to Brian?
Gia turned to look at them.
Gia....Do they know eachother?
Lily....Maybe, maybe not.
Gia....What does that mean?
Lily....I mean...his a new student here but then his talking casually to Brian the unfriendly guy.
Gia....Maybe his asking him something, like where the washroom is, or the library or the mainhall.
Lily....It doesnt seem like that at all, they are laughing.Look, they've even sat down.
Gia....I dont care anyway, its not like am dating Brian.
Lily....Your right!
Brian and Hulio talked.
Brian....Didnt know that i will be seeing you again here.
Hulio....Me too dude.Am glad that we meet again after all these years.
Brian....Me too.
Brian and Hulio were childhood besties and now they've met again after years.
Hulio....Anyway, do you have a girlfriend?
Brian....No, am not into that.You?
Hulio....Am going for that pretty girl over there, i asked to meet her after lessons and she agreed, so guess i will start from there.
Hulio.....Do you know her?
Brian....I do because she is my classmate.
Hulio....How can you study with such perfection and not go for it? Am going to use my chance to make her mine cause she really is very pretty.All guys here are going to envy me.
Brian....Good for you.
Brian was not so happy about it.After lessons, Hulio met up with Gia.
Hulio....Can we walk?
Gia....Sure! No problem.
Hulio....So, are you from here?
Gia....Iam, and you?
Hulio....Not really.
Brian was in car on his way back home and saw them walking together while talking.
Brian....They both have cars and now they want to walk? Its not even romantic at all!
He drove fast and parked his car infront of them, he opened the car windows.
Brian....How about i give you a ride back home?
Gia.....No need, we are good.
Brian....Well i insist.
Gia....You can go with him but am not entering in his car.
Hulio....Why? Do you have a grudge against him?
Brian....Yeah, do you hate me now?
Hulio....What do you mean now? Have you been friends or something more?
Gia....No! You either go with him or walk with me, make a choice.
Hulio....Sorry dude, later.
Hulio decided to walk with Gia and Brian drove his car angrily.
Gia....(Why is he acting like his cares when he is always rude to me?)