Hulio and Gia talked on their way home and Hulio was happy.Gia went home after and so did Hulio after exchanging numbers.She went to school the next morning.

Lily....Tell me girl.

Gia....Well, good morning too.

Lily....I forgot to greet you because i want to know what happened.

Gia....Nothing much, we talked and walked together back home.

Lily....Really?? Thats so romantic girl! Good for you.

Gia....Hope so.

Lily....But why is Brian giving you that look?

Gia....His looking at me?

Lily....Yes he is but look back, he will know that we are on him.

Gia.....Lets just dont mind him.

After lessons, Gia met with Hulio again and they went home together though Brian was always bothered about it.He went to back home and talked to his sister Zoe.

Brian....Are you still in touch with Gia?

Zoe....Hell no! Why?

Brian....So she is nolonger interested in me?

Zoe....I told you dude that she lost interest when she left in that manner.Why do you ask? Dont tell me that you like her now?!

Brian....Me?? Never!

Zoe....Continue pretending but i wont do you any favors when you seriously want her.

Brian.....I didnt say that i like her, give me a break!

Zoe....But she is really pretty.

Brian....Well i dont care!

Zoe....Whatever it is, i dont give a shit!

Gia and Hulio went on a date on weekend.

Gia....I really like this place, thank you for bringing me here.

Hulio.....Am glad that you like it.Brian is calling, excuse me.


He answered.

Hulio....Sup dude.

Brian....Hy, where are you?

Hulio....Am on a date with Gia, why?

Brian....On a date?


Brian....Arent you taking things a little bit fast?

Hulio.....Well, we dont mind.So, whats up?

Brian....Can i tag along?


Brian....Am also in town, you cant turn me down, right?

Hulio.....Fine! But you will have to leave soon because i need to spend time with Gia.

Brian....No problem dude.

He sent him the location and he went to them.

Hulio.....Am really sorry Gia, he was in town and wanted to hung out with me.Hope you dont mind.

Gia....What excatly do you want Brian?

Brian.....I also want to spend time with my long lost friend, is it wrong?

Gia.....Of all days, why did you choose today when he told you that we are on a date?

Brian.....Because its a weekend.

Gia....Your so annoying!

Hulio....Guys please calm down! Lets just have fun, please?!

Gia....Fine! Lets do that.

Brian....No problem.

They bought ice cream and ate together but Brian and Gia couldnt stop looking at eachother, Gia was angry at him.Hulio spilled ice cream on his shirt.

Gia....Let me clean it.

Brian....Too slow, i will clean it cause i have a tissue.

Hulio....Guys please! I need to clean this in the washroom.

Hulio left.

Gia....Whats your problem?


Gia....What are you plotting?

Brian....Nothing still.

Gia....What do you want from us? Cant you leave already so that we can spend time alone?

Brian....Well, it a big NO!

Gia....Maybe Lily was right.

Brian....About what?

Gia....About you being gay.

Brian....What?? Me being gay??

Gia....Yes you!

Brian....I am fuckin straight for crying out loud!

Gia....Then what do you want? Do you love Hulio?

Brian....What? Is that you've been thinking?

Gia.....Then what do you want because you keep bugging wherever we are.

Brian....Cant you really tell why am doing this?

Gia....Just say it already because its not like you like me, so maybe you like him.


Gia....Whats funny? Cant you see that your a thirdwheel here?

Hulio came back.

Hulio....Lets go Gia.

Brian....What about me?

Hulio....You promised that you will leave soon, didnt you?

Brian....Change of plans.

Gia....If his coming with us, then am going home instead.

Hulio....Sorry dude but we are going together without you.

Brian....Fine! Can you please drop me home atleast?

Hulio....What about your car?

Brian....It broke down.

Gia....But promise not to disturb us again.

Brian....I promise.Let me make a call first.

Hulio....Sure but please make it quick.

He went away and called Zoe.

Brian....Am coming home with Gia and Hulio.


Brian....Just do as i say.Make sure that Gia stays there longer.

Zoe....Huh? Why?

Brian....I dont want her to go on a date with Hulio.

Zoe....Hulio your friend is going out with Gia?

Brian....Just look for a plan.

Zoe.....Now you really fell for her, i told you.

Brian....We are coming so dont argue with me.

Hulio drove his car and headed to Brian's home.They found Zoe fighting with a bunch of masked men.

Gia....Whats happening?

Brian....(What kind of plan is this Zoe?)

Hulio....Who are those guys? She is in danger!

Brian....Maybe they are thieves because this is not the first time those masked men wanted to enter our house.

Gia....Dont you have any security guards on the gate?

Brian....I dont know where they are.

Gia....Shit! I need to go and help her.

Hulio....Gia wait...

Gia went and joined Zoe, they fought but the masked men were skilled.

Hulio....Am calling the police.

Brian....Please dont!

Hulio....But why?

Brian....Because my mum and dad will ground me and Zoe saying that we are careless.

Hulio....Then am going there.

Brian....No, dont! I will go because i know how to fight.


Brian....You just have to trust me.

Brian joined Zoe and Gia to fight the masked men.He was a great fighter than both of them and the men later ran away.

Gia....Goodness! Why didnt you come to help us at first when you fight this well?

Brian....Well, sorry. always fighting??

Zoe....Are you fine Gia?

Brian....Oh my god! I think she is going to have an asthma attack.

Gia fainted, Hulio ran to them.

Hulio....Gia...what happened to her?

Brian....She has asthma.

Hulio....What?? Let me drive her to the hospital.

Brian....No need, lets take inside.

Hulio....But its serious.

Zoe....Enough already! She will stay here because our mum is a nurse and she has attended on her before.