Gia was taken inside, Brian winked on his sister.

Zoe....Lets take her to my room.

They carried her and took her to Brian's room though they didnt want Hulio to find out.

Hulio....Your room is so man-like.

Zoe....Its how i want it.

Brian....Mum is coming back.

Kelly arrived and they told her, she went and attended on her.

Hulio....Is she fine now?

Kelly....Ofcourse.Does she know that she is here because last time she freaked when she saw me.

Brian....Then you should go mum.

Zoe....His right.

Kelly.....Okay, but your dad is coming home soon so you have to eat dinner with us.

Brian....Yeah, whatever mum.

Kelly left.

Hulio....When will she wake up?

Zoe....She will six hours.

Hulio....What? Six hours?

Brian....It might even be eight since she got treatment late.

Hulio....What? How will i she go home?

Zoe....Dont worry, we are here.


Brian....Are you saying that we might eat her? Come on dude, just go home.

Zoe....Am sure she will call you once she wakes up.

Hulio....Please keep her safe.

Zoe....You got it!

Hulio left worried about Gia but he didnt know that Zoe and Brian lied to him because Brian wanted to stay with her.

Brian....So, who were those masked guys?

Zoe....They are our bodyguards.

Brian....Oohhhh, no wonder why they knew how to fight! But anyway your plan worked.

Zoe....Your welcome.So? Do you like her now? I mean...she has perfect features.

Brian....Cut it out!

Zoe....She is going to get really mad when she finds out that she is in our house.

Brian....Just go, i will talk to her.


Zoe left.Brian sat no his bed next to Gia and he looked at her pretty face for awhile.Gia later woke up.

Brian....Easy! Hiw do you feel now?

Gia....Wait, where am i?

Brian....In my bedroom, on my bed.

Gia....What?? I need to go home now.Wait...your mum attended on me?

Brian....Obviously cause am not a doctor, you know.

Gia....Why didnt you take me to the hospital in Hulio's car.

Brian....It was an emergency.

Gia....I dont care but i dint want to be near your mum.

Brian....Well she is not here, its just me and you.

Gia....Whatever! Show me the way out.

Brian took Gia downstairs only to find Kelly, Tom and Zoe on the dinning table.

Gia....Tom? Wait! So Kelly is your wife?

Brian....Dont address my parents like that!

Gia....You should all stay away from me!

Gia left angrily.

Tom....Who is she?

Zoe....Gia, Giyoung.


Kelly....Do you know her babe?

Tom....She is Gigi and Morgan's daughter.

Kelly....What? Gigi's daughter.

Zoe....Care to explain to us too?

Brian....Mum, why does she hate you so much?

Kelly....Its about the past between us and her mum.

Gia called her driver and he picked her up.Hulio called her many times but she didnt answer.

Gia....Not now Hulio, why am i even wasting your time when i dont feel anything for you?! Its all giving me a heavy headacche.

She went to bed.Gigi went to work the next day.

Secretary....Mrs.Gigi, the investor we talked about yesterday is here.

Gigi....Good! Let him in please!

The man entered Gigi's office.

Gigi....Its a pleasure to finally meet you Mr.Nick.

Nick....Thank you, am glad to finally meet you in person too.

Gigi....So, how was your journey?

Nick....Not bad at all.

They talked about business.

Nick....As we wrap up, can i ask you something?


Nick....Are you married?

Gigi....No, why?

Nick....Am not married either.

Gigi....I see.

Nick....Do you mind if we go out for some coffee?


Nick....What do you say?

Gigi....(Hope my daughter will be happy if i decide to move on from her dad, its what she wanted anyway.) I dont mind at all.

Nick....By the way, i have a son, his 17 years old.

Gigi....Really? I also have a daughter but she is 16.

Nick....How great! I would love to meet her someday.

Gigi....I would also love to meet your son someday.

Nick....I will check up on you after here, please respond.

Gigi....Dont worry, i will.

Nick....It was great doung business with you Mrs.Gigi.

Gigi....Thank you Sir.

They shook hands and exchanged numbers, Nick left.

Him and Gigi started going out on dates and knew eachother alot more better.Gia decided to avoid Hulio because she failed to catch feelings for him and she didnt want to hurt him.

Lily....Why are you avoiding Hulio?

Gia....I dont want to hurt him yet he seems serious.

Lily....So you failed to love him?


Lily....Why not keep on playing along, maybe you can fall for him slowly.

Gia.....No, i cant force myself.What if it still fails?

Lily....Your right anyway.What about Brian?

Gia....What about him?

Lily....Didnt you feel anything for him because you even went out of your way to make him yours, what happened? Why did you stop?

Gia....Its a complicated issue and you wont understand so lets ignore it.

Lily....Okay but did you love him?

Gia....I dont even know, i think i liked him at first but am not sure anymore.

Lily....I think Hulio is coming this way.

Gia....What?? Really??

Gia stood up and ran outside and ran outside but Hulio was following her.She entered the male washroom to hide from hin but he found her.

Hulio....So?? Why are you running frim me?

Gia....Its just...that...

Hulio....Did i do anything wrong?

Gia....Am really sorry Hulio.

Hulio....Sorry for what?

Gia....I failed to love you back thats why i've been avoiding you.

Hulio....Just give it time.

Gia....No, i cant force myself.I dont want to hurt you because your a nice person.

Hulio....But still, you can give me time and i promise that you will fall for me soon.

Gia....Am really sorry, i cant.

Hulio.....Why?? Give me a reason then.

Gia....Its because Brian.

Hulio....What?? You love Brian?

Gia....Yes, am so sorry.

Hulio....Is that why you always acted like you had beef with him yet you loved him instead?