Gia....Am sorry but its true.

Hulio....So, you've been in love with him this whole time but you didnt tell me?

Gia....Thats why we cant go on, sorry.

Hulio felt angry and left.

Gia....Huuu! Sorry Brian to use you to get away from Hulio.

Brian....Well, your not forgiven.


Since they were in the male's washroom, Brian was inside the toilet and heard their conversation.

Brian....Dont freak out please! Am not going to carry you if you pass out.Breathe slowly.

Gia....You...scared me.

Brian....Easy.Did you bring your inhaler?

Gia....Its in my bag in class.

Brian....So? You just dumped the guy who loved you, whom you pretended to love and care about, how interesting!

Gia....I should go now.

Brian....Do you know that he is now going to hate me for what you've told him?

Gia....I know, sorry, i will fix this.

Brian....But were you serious about what you said?

Gia....Ofcourse not.

They heard someone coming and Brian grabbed Gia's hand and hid in the toilet.

Gia....I think he has left.

Brian....Wait to leave, why did you stop chasing after me? I thought that you liked me.

Gia....I just lost interest, you know.

Brian....But you seemed serious, what made you lose interest?

Gia....Dont ask me.

Brian....Did i suddenly become less handsome to you?

Gia....Your so annoying! I just dont like your parents.

Brian....What exactly happened between your parents and mine?

Gia....Why didnt they tell you everything? They only told you that they had beef, is that all?

Brian....But thats not our business, would you still like me if that wasnt in the way?

Gia....Why do you keep asking the same question over and over? Do you want me to say that i like you? Well, i wont because when i came to you at first, you were rude and showed no interest so let me be.

Brian....Well, that settles everything.

Gia....What do you mean?

Brian....You said it yourself that your not into me anymore, dont change your mind. that a threat? You bet!

Gia went back to class and so did Brian.Anold went to Gia.



Anold....How are you?

Gia....Thought you will never talk to me again.

Anold....Look Gia, i know that i overreacted the last time we talked but am really sorry.


Anold.....Are we good now?

Gia....Ofcourse we, your my friend so there is no need to hold grudges.

Anold....Am glad.I really missed you the days we spent without talking.

Gia.....I missed you too.So, how have you been?

Anold....Great! Are you now a couple? You and Brian?

Gia....Lets not go there.

Anold....Okay, if you say so.Lets hangout sometime as we used to, i miss those days.

Gia....No problem.

Gia went home after classes and found Gigi, Nick and his son.

Gia....Hy mum, hy guys.

Gigi....Come and join us dear.

Nick....Oh, am Nick by the way, your mum's suitor.


Ray....And am Ray, his my dad.

Gigi....You heard him right dear, me and him have been going out for awhile now and i wanted you to meet him and his son.

Gia....Really mum?

Gigi....Whats wrong? Are you...not happy about it?

Gia....No, am like, really mum, you've finally decided to be happy? Am so happy mum to see you moving on with your life now.

Gigi....Wow! I thought that you were against it.Thank you baby for your support.

Gia....Anytime mum, you know that i love you and i will always support you, i've got your back.

Nick....Your daughter is really sweet.

Gigi....Yeah, isnt she? Lets have something to eat as we get to know eachother more.

Gia....Good idea mum.

They ate food together and after Gia talked to Ray.

Gia.....Am, so...glad to know you and your dad.You guys are like siblings because you look alike and your both handsome.

Ray....You think so??


Ray....Thanks for saying that, but you and your mum are also very pretty.

Gia....Well, thanks too for saying that too, hahahaaa... seem to be a free person.

Gia....Yes iam.

Ray....So, are we friends now?


Ray.....Am lucky to have a pretty friend.

Gia....And am also lucky to have a handsome friend, hahaha...

Ray and Gia became friends and started hanging out after school together.Brian always followed Gia because he had developed feelings for her though he didnt want to admit to it.

Brian....She is so unbelieveable! How can she forget about me and get herself an ugly boyfriend? Am way better than him.

He went back home and talked to Zoe.

Brian....I need you to do for me a favor.

Zoe....What is it?

Brian....I want to meet Gia now.

Zoe....Why her?

Brian....Just call her over.

Zoe....Cant you just admit that you are in love with her already? Yes i dont like her but she really is very pretty and kind.

Brian.....Dont start now.

Zoe....Why not? Just admit it that her beauty is eye catching and she is perfect.

Brian....You wont get off my back easily, will you?

Zoe....It seems like you dont need my help now.

Brian....Wait....fine! her.I've been following her and i saw her hanging out with a guy, know.

Zoe....You've been stalking her? You are so fuckin crazy in love dude.

Brian....Come on, i knew you will be like this.

Zoe....Its okay, i got you bro.Now that you know that she is hanging out with a guy, you now have to tell her.

Zoe called her and they met at the park because Gia didnt want to go to there house to see their parents.


Gia....Hy, why did you want to meet? I mean....its not like we are friends, so?

Zoe....Actually my brother wants to talk to you.

Gia....Brian?? About what?

Zoe....Excuse me.

Zoe left and Brian was there, he went to Gia.

Gia....What do you want Brian? Make it quick.

Brian....Why? Does it bother you to spend time with me?

Gia....What do you want?

Brian....Do you like that guy??

Gia....Which one? What are you getting at Brian?

Brian....I just..


Brian....No, i've changed my mind.

Gia.....What now? Do you want to confess or something?

Brian....Confess?? Hell no!

Gia....Okay, suit yourself.

Gia walked away to leave and Brian pulled her hand and kissed her.Gia pushed him away.