Gia....What the heck??


Gia....So you can kiss me but you cant say it?

Brian....Am sorry Gia but...

Gia....You really are going to work your ass off to convice me, and say the word next time, okay?

Brian....So, are we now a thing??

Gia....I dont know, its upto you to make a move on me until am impressed.

Brian....Come on, dont be like this.

Gia....You also dont like it but you did it to me at first, remember?

Brian....Am sorry for being rude at first at but...

Gia....You really cant say the word, can you? Am off.


Gia walked away and left.Brian went back home and talked to his sister about it.

Zoe....Your such a baby! The only thing you had to do was to tell her how you feel.

Brian....Its really harder than you think.

Zoe....Then now what?

Brian....I dont know if she loves me back or not, now am into her alot after that kiss.

Zoe....What? Are you seriously telling me that shit?

Brian....Whats wrong about it? Am not the one who told you not to have a boyfriend.

Zoe....Your talking as if you have a girlfriend yourself.

Brian....Well she will be mine soon, just you wait and see how i make her mine.

Gia went back home and sat on her bed smiling non stop.

Gia....Well, i will have to admit that i liked that kiss.I still cant believe that he cant confess to me when he acts all tough.His shy, but its cute and so is he.What am i even saying? Stop it Gia! But i cant help it anyway.

They both spent the night thinking about eachother.In the morning, they went to school.

Hulio....Sup bro.


Hulio....Do you like Gia?


Hulio....Well she cut me off saying its because of you, that she likes you.


Hulio....So, what do you say?

Brian....Guess i will have to take the chance.

Hulio....Hey, hold on, are you saying that you are going for her now?

Brian....I mean...yeah, why not? She said it herself that she is into me, so why not go for her?

Hulio....Dont give me that shit Brian! You said it yourself that you dont do girlfriends, didnt you?

Brian....Well, as you know, people change, and am a person so it explains itself.

Hulio.....But you know that i love her.

Brian....And you know that she loves me.

Hulio....So your serious?

Brian....Hell yah!

Hulio....Then lets see whom she will choose at the end of the day, me and you are now competitors.

Brian....Good luck because you know that she loves me and not you.

After lessons, Hulio went to Gia.

Hulio.....Can we go somewhere now?

Gia....I told you Hulio....

Hulio....I know, but still we are friends, arent we?

Gia....Okay, i guess so.

Brian....Aheem, lets go together then.


Brian went to them since they now both wanted to have Gia for themselves.

Hulio....Sorry but its a two people thing.

Anold....Then am coming too.

Anold also arrived.


Anold....You said that we can hang out someday, so i guess today will do.

Brian....What the fuck man?

Gia....Calm down all of you, will ya? Am not going with any of you.

Hulio....But why?

Anold....Its not like we are going to fight, right guys?

Hulio....Yeah, right.


Brian....Okay, am in.

Gia....But you better not try anything stupid, understood?


They went to a restaurant and ordered for food, they started eating.

Hulio....Its my treat so eat as much food as you can.

Anold....No, it was my idea so i will pay.

Brian....(These morons now want to show off infront of my girl? I have to do something now.)

Brian carried a bowl of soup and poured it on Gia pretending to drink the soup.

Gia....OMG! What did you just do?

Brian....Am really sorry Gia, i didnt mean too.

Hulio....Let me clean it off.

Brian....Its okay, i caused this mess and i have to clean it myself.


Brian....Follow me.

Brian stood up and held Gia's hand, he took her to the restaurant's washroom.

Gia....You can go because its a lady's washroom.

Brian....What if i dont want to?

Gia....What do you mean?

Brian....I want to spend time with you even if its a minute, so please?!


Brian pressed Gia on the wall and kissed her.

Gia....Stop it Brian!

Brian....Why? Dont you want it?

Gia....I mean....someone might see us.

Brian....Let them watch.

Brian kissed her again and she also kissed him back, after, they went back to the table.

Anold....What took you so long guys?

Hulio....And its not even like the stain is cleaned.

Gia....I need to go home now.

Brian....Let me drive you.

Hulio....Dont worry, i will drive her.

Anold....But am her friend, so i will do it.

Gia....Enough guys!

Hulio....Fine, then choose whom you want to take you.

Gia....Okay, i choose my driver.

She stood up and left.

Hulio....Hahahaa....someone bragged that his loved but i guess not anymore.

Anold....Why dont you give up on her already? I loved her first before you guys even showed up in her life.

Brian....Your not in any position to say that, its upto her and not you.

Brian also stood up and left.

Brian....Gia, what are you trying to do? You show that you like me but then you push me away?? I really cant take it anymore, i want to be with you all the time and not to just kiss you, but to do something more than that.

Gia met up with Ray and after went back home.

Ray....She really has no idea what she is doing to my poor heart.I wish she can feel what i feel someday.

Ray also fell for Gia though he didnt say anything to her.

Gia....Brian, Brian, Brian.Kissing you is the best thing that has happened to me today.Now am so into kissing and i want to kiss you forever, i really like him for real.But why the heck doesnt he confess?

Chayoung video called her.

Gia....Hy aunt Chacha.

Chayoung....How are you sweetheart.

Gia....Am good, how is uncle Moon and the baby?

Chayoung....We are all good because am about to give birth soon.

Gia....Really? I cant wait to meet the baby.

Chayoung....I know.You better tell me why your so happy and why your cheeks are red.

Gia....Come on aunt Chacha.

Chayoung....Oh, its a love story, isnt it? You better tell me girl because me your aunt Chacha knows better.

Gia....Fine! You see, there is this guy, we kissed twice but he never confessed, thats it.

Chayoung....Wow! My princess is really an adult now.That guy better get in line and man up before i come for his mouth.

Gia....Hahahaha....i really want to hear him say the word so bad, but he cant, his shy maybe.

Chayoung....So your telling me that he cant say the word but he can kiss you? Aint no way his shy girl.

Gia.....Then what do i do aunt Chacha?

Chayoung....Lucky you that you've asked the right person.

Gia....Come on aunt, are you telling me or not?

Chayoung....Hahaa...you know am a bragger so i had to brag first.Here's what you are going to do, stop getting close, act distant and flirt with any guy, then he will say the word because he wont be able to handle the pain of seeing you with another guy.

Gia.....Sounds like a plan, am on it.Thanks aunt Chacha.

Chayoung....Any time baby.Your mum told me about his boyfriend Nick, are you fine with it baby?

Gia....Iam fine with it, i just want mum to be happy.

Chayoung....Your so thoughtful honey, now get your ass out of bed and go get that boy.

Gia....Its dark now.

Chayoung.....Hahahaa....i know, i was just joking.

Gia....Hahaha...love you aunt Chacha.