Gia....Just leave, please.

Brian....Okay, but just please tell me that their is still hope left for us.

Gia....Hope so.

Brian....Is that it?

Gia.....Brian please!

Brian....Okay, see you.

Brian left but both of them cried.Gia went back to school the next week.

Lily....Good to see you back dear.I know its been hard for you but you have me.


Lily....Whats next now?

Gia.....I dont know, i hate everything now and i dont even know who iam anymore.

Lily.....Why dont you talk you things out with Brian, his also been down.

Gia....Not now, am still hurting.

Lily....I know, but Marlyn doesnt leave his side and with time, his feelings for you will fade away.

Gia.....That can never happen, i know that he loves me and that will never change.

Lily.....Dont forget that Marlyn was his first love but he was able to move on from her to you, so you think he cant move back to his first love?

Gia.....Lets stop talking about this.

Brian was looking at her.

Hulio.....Now is my turn to go for her.

Brian....Dont you dare!

Hulio....Easy man, i cant because i know that you love her and she still does.


Hulio....Now am in love with someone else.

Brian....Really?? Who?

Hulio....Your sister.



Brian.....Does she know?

Hulio.....No, she doesnt but am going to make a move on her with your help.

Brian....Count me out dude, am also fixing my problems so suit yourself.

Hulio.....Dont over think things, she will forgive you dude because she loves you, i know that.

Brian....What if she finds someone else?

Hulio....Like i said, stop overthinking things.Here comes trouble, am off dude.

Marlyn went to them and Hulio left.Brian stood up to leave and Marlyn held his hand, he pushed her away.


Marlyn....Easy! Am here to apologise.

Brian....As if it would fix anything, go and apologise to my girlfriend. still consider her your girlfriend? Wake up Brian, aint no way she is getting back with you.

Brian.....And aint no way am also getting back with you.

Marlyn.....Really?? Then watch me crush down your pretty girlfriend, i mean ex-girlfriend.

She left.It started raining yet it was time for them to go back home.Brian took off his jacket and went to give it to Gia, but Anold went to her first.

Anold....Wear my sweater Gia, you will catch a cold.

Gia....Thanks but am good.

Anold....Come on, now that your not with him anymore, why dont you give me a chance to show you that am better than him.


Brian was still there standing and heard them.

Gia....Both of you get out of my sight this instant!

Brian....Dude, am warning you to stay away from my girlfriend.

Anold....Hahaha....she is not yours anymore so back off.

Brian....Am not going to warn you again, this is your last warning.

Brian walked away and went outside in the rain, Gia ran after him.


She didnt mind him and went with an umbrella.

Gia....Wait, are you crazy? Here, you can bring it back tomorrow.

Brian....Thanks for always looking out for me, let me take you home, please.

Gia....No need, my driver is on his way here.

She went back to class but Anold and Marlyn saw them and felt angry.

Anold.....(She still cares for that moron? I wish she never forgives him.)

Marlyn.....(That snake! The way he suddenly became happy when she gave him that umbrella, he didnt even want to let go of her hand.Dont celebrate yet Gia.)

Brian was happy that Gia gave him her umbrella.

Brian....She still cares about me and i could feel her heart beating for me when she gave me her umbrella.Hope we get back together soon because i miss her like crazy.

Gia went to school the next day but everyone was talking and looking at her weirdly.She didnt mind them and went to class.

Girls....Here comes the murderer who almost killed her own boyfriend.

She sat down.

Lily.....Dont freak out girl, I think Marlyn is behind this.She posted her pics when she was in the hospital of last week saying that your the reason she has scars now.


Brian also arrived and heard them shouting at Gia.

Brian....Whats going on here?

Girl....How do you feel getting beaten by your one and only girlfriend.

Brian....Why do you care? Get a life!

He ran to Gia but she stood up angrily and went to the washroom, Marlyn followed her.

Marlyn.....Poor you, what are you going to do now? You lost your boyfriend, the students who once called you their hero and mrs.pretty are now your enemies, what a mess?!

Gia.....This is fun to you, right? Your so annoying and you never know when to quit.

Marlyn.....Its not my fault that my hot ex-boyfriend still loves me, its not my fault at all.

Gia.....Why dont you let him be? He already moved on from you.

Marlyn....I dont think so because me and him got steamy some weeks back, like really steamy.

Gia....What?? What did you just say?

Marlyn.....You heard me right, his body is just so right and i still want to touch it so bad.What? You thought that you were the only one who was allowed to his body?? Hahaha....dream on.

Gia....You've dug your own grave bitch! Brian is my man and no one's else.

Gia grabbed Marlyn's hair and punched her hard in the face twice feeling angry and Marlyn started bleeding, she started crying and she let go of Marlyn.She fell down and fainted.

Marlyn....Oh up, help!

She was rushed to the hospital and Gigi was called, she rushed there to see her.

Doctor....We are going to keep her for a couple of days because her condition has worsen and she doesnt even use her inhaler.


Doctor....She has to be put on oxgyen machines to support her breathing until she goes back to normal.

Gigi....Will she be fine?

Doctor....She will.

Gigi went straight to Gia's school and talked to the Principal, Marlyn was suspended from school for a month.

Marlyn.....What?? You cant do this to me, please.I have exams next week.

Gigi....You should've thought about that before messing with my daughter yet she is sick.

Marlyn....But she also punched me, see.

Gigi....Thats a mere bruise, but she is fighting for her life to be able to breathe.

Brian went to the hospital but he was not allowed to go inside.