Brian....Why? Am his boyfriend.
Nurse....Its no use because she is unconscious.
Nurse.....Even her mum cant go inside because you might infect her, she needs to be there to get clean oxygen, so please leave.
Gigi went back to the hospital and she found there Brian.
Brian....Hy mrs.Gigi.
Gigi....How are you?
Brian....Am fine thanks.Am sorry for all that i've caused to Gia.
Gigi....You should tell that to her, when she wakes up, go and talk to her and fix everything.I dont want to see her in that condition.
Brian....Dont worry, i will talk to her.Am also sorry about my mum and dad, Gia told me everything.
Gigi....Its not your problem to fix so dont worry about it.Your a handsome boy and i cant resent you because of the beef i have with your parents.
Zoe also went to see Gia in the hospital but no on was allowed to go inside the room she was in and she was still unconscious.Anold also went with Lily and visited her.After three days, she woke up and Anold was the one there, he was allowed inside with a mask.
Anold....Hy Gia, you scared us for sure.
Gia....Have you been here for so long?
Brian also arrived and saw them talking, he stayed outside watching them.
Anold....You've spent here three days.
Anold....I missed you Gia.
He leaned his lips on hers though he was in a mask, Gia looked away.
Anold....Am...sorry, i just couldnt help it.
Gia....Thanks for visiting, i need to be alone.
Brian felt angry and went home.
Zoe....Why are you back early today?
Brian....I want to be left alone.
Zoe....Whats wrong with him?
He went to his room and covered himself in his blanket screaming loud.He went to school the next day.
Brian....Whats with everyone?
Hulio....Haven't you heard the news?
Brian....What news?
Hulio....Gia's friend Anold committed suicide.
Brian....OMG! Are you serious?
Hulio....Am serious dude, that is not something i can joke about.
Brian ran outside and drove his car straight to the hospital to see Gia, he found her crying with her Gigi comforting her.
Brian....Hy guys, am sorry about the news. not dead, right?
Gigi....Its okay dear.
Gia....Its all my fault.
Brian....Its not your fault dear.
Gia....No, he last night.
Gigi....You need to calm down dear.
Brian went and hugged her and she wrapped her hands around him.
Brian....Am here so dont worry dear.
Gia....Just please dont let go of me, am scared.
Brian....Its okay, you have me.
Anold was burried and they all attended his funeral.Gia and Lily cried alot because he was their friend and they loved him.Gia went back home and Brian drove her there.
Brian....Can i stay?
Gia....No, i want to be alone for now.
Brian....Okay but please call me anytime, am here for you always.
Gia....Thanks for being with me through this whole situation, i miss him already.
Brian....I understand, may his soul rest in erternal peace.
Gia....But, it was so sudden.Its not even like he was depressed or had any huge problems.
Brian....Thats life dear.
Gia....Your right, we all have our time to die.
Brian....I should let you rest for now.
Gia....Okay, good bye.
Brian left and went home.
Zoe....How is she now?
Brian....Not so good, i feel like we grow apart everyday.
Zoe....Dont blame her dude, she is now in alot of pain.
Brian....I wish i can try to be understanding but my heart cant, i want to be with her.
Zoe....Then give her time to heal, she has just lost her friend whom she didnt even know why he took his life.
They went back to school the next week since they had exams.Gia was still feeling down, Brian looked at her throught the exam time feeling sorry for her.
Brian.....(Hope she gets better, i hate seeing her in that situation.)
After the paper, he went to her.
Brian....Hy Gia.
Gia.....Oh, Brian, sup.
Brian....Can we go somewhere?
Gia....Sorry but not today.
Brian....You will feel better when we get there, i promise.
Gia....Just let me be, please!
Brian....I know that your having a hard time but what about us? Its been one week and a half since he died, i thought that now you will be willing to work things out.
Gia....Dont speak like we are on a break, no, you cheated on me, remember?
Brian....Fine, am sorry, am deeply sorry for what i did.
Gia....I should go now.
Brian....Is there any chance left for us? Its like your pushing me away.
Gia....Brian, leave me alone, will ya?
Her driver arrived and she left.She called Chayoung.
Chayoung....Hy honey, how are you? Your mum told me everything about your attack and your friend, am sorry for your loss.
Gia....Thanks aunt Chacha, am feeling better now.How is the baby?
Chayoung....She is very well and she looks like your mum, as if am not the one who gave birth to her.
Gia....Hahaha...its because you love mum alot, thats why she looks like her.I want to carry her so bad.
Chayoung....You will, so, how is you boyfriend?
Gia....Well, he cheated on me with his ex four weeks back.We are not on good terms.
Chayoung....What?? Oh, sorry baby that you had to experience that shit, so, what does he say about it?
Gia....He always asks for my forgiveness and calls, texts me every now and then.
Chayoung....So, what do you say to him?
Gia....That am not ready yet.
Chayoung....Come on, its been a month and you still haven't forgiven him?
Gia....Well, yeah.
Chayoung.....I might not know him but the way you described him to me, am sure he really loves you.No man is an island, we all do mistakes and mistakes are done to be forgiven for.
Gia....Whats your point aunt?
Chayoung....Men are creatures which dont often plead, he will move on from you if you keep building a wall between you two.Unless you dont love him anymore.
Gia....But he hurt me.
Chayoung....I know and his sorry, am supposed to take your side but honey, love hurts and we bare everything because we love that person, just forgive him if you dont want to lose him.
Gia....I will see.
Chayoung....You wont see but your going for it, just tell him that your also sorry for pushing him away, it will make you both happy.If it was me, i wouldnt hesitate to forgive him.
Gia....Your right aunt Chacha, i still love him and am going to tell him how i feel.
Chayoung....Am glad, just keep it in your head that their is no perfect relationship, but what makes it stronger are the conflicts and arguments in it.Facing them and then learning our mistakes and asking for forgiveness, thats what makes love stronger.