Gigi went to Kelly and slapped her.

Kelly....Huh? YOU!

She slapped her again.

Tom....Please stop.

Gigi....You did not only play the victim card, but now you also hate my daughter? So now she is also your enemy, huh?

Brian....Mrs.Gigi, please calm down.

Gigi....Sorry Brian, am here to see how your doing.Thanks for risking your life to save my daughter's.

Brian....You know that i love her and i will do anything for her.

Kelly.....You've said your part now leave.

Gigi....Luckily your son is nothing like you.

Kelly....Fine, am a bad person, but what about you? Are you that perfect after sleeping with your brother?

Gigi....Come again???

Gigi got angrier and grabbed Kelly's hair, she punched her on the nose and it started bleeding, Tom pulled her away.

Tom....Please stop Gigi.

Gigi....Why? Do you even know that your husband here, used to date me when he was in a relationship with you? Dont ever talk about perfection to me, understood?

Kelly....Aaahh....you broke my...nose you...bitch!

Tom ran to get a doctor since Kelly's nose was bleeding.

Kelly....You really are a whore, you dared to flirt with my husband when you knew we were dating?

Zoe....Mum, please stop.

Gigi....I might be a whore, but dont forget that he loved me first and you were jelous, thats why you pulled a first one on me.

Kelly....Oh really? Now who has him? Its me, right? I had fun uploading that video of a sister hooking up with her brother, what a shame!

Gigi started crying.

Gigi....Stop! Dont talk about that shit, you embarrased me and what hurts is that you are not sorry yet you were my friend.

Kelly....I never liked you because you were ugly and fat as a pig, now that your plastic makes you think people forgot about you looked like or forgot about that video, never!

Gigi ran to her and knocked her head on the wall.Kelly's head started bleeding and she fell down.

Zoe....Mum, are you okay? Mrs.Gigi, please leave now.

Gigi....See you later Brian.

Zoe....Doctor...doctor...come and help my mum.

Brian....Served her right! She is in the wrong but acts entitled.

Zoe....Shut up Brian.

Gigi went and sat down with Nick by her side.

Nick....How is he doing?

Gigi....He is out of danger now.

They waited for the doctors report on Gia, Morgan refused to leave and stayed.The doctors came out.

Gigi....How is my daughter doctor?

Doctor.....We are trying our best but she might....

Morgan.....Dont say it please, she is going to be fine, right?

Joseph....Please her life, i've spent months without seeing her so i want to see her alive.

Jesca....My poor baby, please doctor save her, we are counting on you.

Doctor.....I will do my best.

The doctor and Gigi couldnt stop crying, Morgan wanted to comfort her so bad but she didnt let him and Nick was always by her side.

Gigi....Lily dear, go home now.Your parents must be waiting for you.

Lily.....Okay, i will come back tomorrow.

Gigi....Thanks for everything dear.

Lily....Am off then.

Lily left.What started as a one day, it became a week but Gia never woke up and she was still on a life supporting machine.Brian was discharged though his wounds were not healed well.

Brian....Am staying here.

Kelly....Fine, do whatever you want with your life.

Zoe....I will stay with you Brian.

Kelly....Are now ashamed that am your mother?

Brian....We are not mum but what kind of friend does that? You even called her an ugly fat pig right infront of us, it proved that your guilty and not sorry.

Tom....Son, this is your mum so mind your language.

Brian....Dont start with me dad, you both wronged her but you never apologised.I thought that parents should be exemplary, but maybe not you.

Zoe....Lets go Brian.

Kelly started crying.

Tom....Dont cry, the plastor on your nose will become lose.

Kelly....Now even my own children resent me? Am i a bad person?

Tom....Why didnt you apologise to her?

Kelly....Your taking her side too?

Tom....See? Thats exactly your problem.You dont want to accept that your at fault but play the victim instead.

Brian went with Zoe to visit Gia but they were only able to see her through the door since no one was allowed to go inside.

Gigi....Brian dear, am glad that your fine.

Brian....Thanks Mrs.Gigi.I will stay here and wait for her to open her eyes.Dont lose hope please!

Gigi....Thanks dear, am sure that she is fightin for her life to come back and thank you for saving her.

Brian....Was Marlyn arrested?

Gigi....Not yet, she is in hiding but they wont stop until they find her.

Morgan....Who are you?

Brian....Huh? Am Brian, Gia's girlfriend.Wait, your her dad?


Brian....No wonder why she is pretty, she took you looks.

Morgan.....I heard that you saved her from the fire, thank you for that.She really chose herself a nice handsome boyfriend, am glad.

Gigi....When are you leaving?

Doctor....Morgan, a word please.

Morgan....Excuse me.

Morgan left.

Gigi....Let me get everyone something to drink and some eats.

Joseph, Jesca, Nick, Ray, Zoe, Lily and Brian were all there waiting for Gia to wake up everyday.Gigi went to bring for them some food and beverages.As she was going, she found Morgan and the doctor talking at the hospital stairs, she hid and eavesdropped their conversation.

Doctor....So, no more taking those pills anymore.You've recovered.

Morgan....Thanks doctor.

Doctor....Now that your daughter is like this, do you think she will be happy to see you when she wakes up?

Morgan....I dont think so, they all hate me but i cant leave her in this situation.

Doctor....Dont you think its time you told them about your brain tumor.

Morgan.....I dont think, its useless now.

Doctor....Its not because after all these years, you've finally recovered.People die from this tumor but you made it, its a chance given to from god, tell that you woman you love about it and your daughter before its late.

Morgan....Now she is dating someone else, i dont want her hate me much than now.

Doctor....But it was not your fault.You shouldve told them about your tumor than leaving.

Morgan....I do regret that now because i still love her and i want to be with her and my daughter, i wish i told them than walking away.

Doctor....So, they dont even know that you were in China for treatment and that you just came back?

Morgan....They dont know doctor, now is not the time because my little angel is fighting for her life, its really pointless.

Doctor....I understand Morgan, but if she makes it out alive, tell them everything.

Morgan....Dont say that doc, she will make it just like how i've survived that brain tumor.

Doctor....Okay, easy.

Gigi heard evrything and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Gigi....(What did i just hear? He had...a..brain tumor? Is that why...he left because he didnt want to worry us? Why now? Why Morgan? You shouldve atleast told me.)