Gigi went outside and entered her car, she cried and cried.

Gigi....Why did you do this to us Morgan? I was right, you never stopped loving me nor your daughter.But if you really did care about us, you should've told us because we were worried about everyday.

Chayoung called her.

Chayoung....Hy dear, how is my angel.....wait...why are you crying? Is she fine? Please tell me.

Gigi....Dont worry dear, she is still the same.

Chayoung....Oh, my heart skipped for a bit thinking that something wrong happened.So, what is wrong? Is it Morgan?

Gigi....It is.

Chayoung....He really never shoul've come back, bad luck follows him wherever he goes.What did do to you? Tell me so that i can come for his soul now.

Gigi....He...had brain tumor.

Chayoung....What? Brain tumor?

Gigi told her everything she heard from Morgan and the doctor.

Chayoung....OMG! So this whole time he was getting treatment? So it was all because of his head injuries, now that explains everything.

Gigi....I know.

Chayoung.....Oh, now i pity him.Its a miracle that he recovered from it.So, will you get back with him?

Gigi.....I dont know, am now in dilemma.I dont want to even think about it because my daughter is sick and i need to give her all my attention.

Chayoung....I get you honey, lets first put that aside and pray for our sweetheart's recovery.

Brian....I really hate it that Marlyn is out there when Gia is laying here.

Zoe.....Someone really needs to teach her a lesson.

Brian....But even the police has failed to catch her, they are all useless.

Zoe....Your right.

Brian....Gia, i will make sure that you get justice.

Zoe....Calm down Brian.

Brian....I need to go home now.


Brian....I need to change my bandage and mum took my medicine with her.


Brian....I will be back tomorrow, if she wakes up before i come, call me.

Zoe....Dont worry, i will.

Brian left and went back to thw hospital the next day.After three days, Marlyn was found dead in a river.They all saw the news about her.

Reporter....Am standing on the shores of river Hughes where the wanted highschool criminal comitted suicide from.It is believed that she jumped from up there and threw herself in the river which led to her death.Stay tuned for our other news.

Gigi....That served her right.

Zoe....Why did she committ suicide when she was hiding safely?

Brian....Who knows? I dont care about her death, i want my Gia back.

Morgan....Gigi, can i bring you some water?

Gigi....Sure, thanks.

Nick....Tell me if you want anything.

Gigi...I will.

Morgan went and brought for her water.

Britney....Morgan, hope am not late.


Jesca....What are you doing here?

Britney....Am glad that your out of prison unlike my poor mum who wont ever get out.

Morgan....Stop it Britney.

Britney....How is your daughter?

Gigi....Why do you care? Why are you even here?

Britney....So he hasnt told you yet? Am Morgan's girlfriend who has been taking care of him in China when he was sick, unlike you.

Morgan....Enough Britney!

Joseph....What is she talking about Morgan?

Morgan....Excuse us.

Morgan pulled Britney's hand away and took her outside.

Britney....Let go of me Morgan.

Morgan....What are you saying to them? I haven't told them anything and its not your part to tell them.

Britney....They deserve to know what happened to you.

Morgan....Now is not the time and i never agreed to be your boyfriend.

Britney....Really now! I've been by your side since you left that house and now that you've recovered you dont need me anymore?

Morgan....Its not like that but i cant do this anymore.We dated for one week and that was when i lost my memories but me and you cant work.

Britney.....Cant you learn to love me even if i ask you too? Its the only am asking you, cant you do it?

Morgan....Am sorry but you know that i still Gigi.

Britney slapped him.

Britney.....Now you eagerly want to go back to her, go on but am not letting go either.

Britney walked away, Morgan went back inside but Gigi was confused and everyone else.It became a month but Gia was still unconscious, Brian had healed and all he had were scars.Zoe ans Hulio started dating though Britney never gave up on Morgan.Morgan was trying to build his relationship with Gigi again and they talked sometimes.It was now one and a half month, Gia woke up.

Brian....Gia...she is awake.

Gigi....What? Really?

Doctor....You cant go inside, let us check up on her.

The doctors went inside to Gia, they did a check up on her and later went out.

Morgan....How is she doctor?

Doctor....She is fine, she keeps asking about Brian.Who is Brian?

Brian....Its me doctor.

Doctor....One by one will be allowed to see her but you cant go at once.Go inside young man, here is a mask.

Brian went inside.

Brian....Gia...babe, its me Brian.

Gia....I know....i cant forget

Brian started crying, Gia rose her hand and rubbed off his tears.

Gia.....I dont think a hero like you should cry.You saved my life Brian.

Brian....I had to, i couldnt stand there and do nothing because your my other half.

Gia....Thank you for not being just my boyfriend, but also my hero.Am grateful to you and you owe me big time.

Brian....Dont say that, am glad that your back to me.

Gia....Sorry for worrying you.

Brian....Its fine.

Gia....That day, all i heard were voices but i couldnt wake up or do anything.I heard Marlyn's voice and later, i felt heat, my body was all sweating, i felt my leg starting to burn but then i heard your voice.I rejoiced inside my heart and you carried me out that heat.My life is all yours Brian, my hero.

They both were crying and hugged.

Brian....Your mum and dad want to see you, i should go but i will be outside if you need me.

Gia....My dad?

Brian....Yes, his really handsome and young, just like your mum.You look alot like him. here?

Brian....He has been here since you were hospitalised with your mum, your grandparents, Ray and his dad and then me and Zoe.

Gia....So grandpa came back already and grandma was released?

Brian....Also their was these two Korean siblings, a woman who had a baby and her brother but they left one week ago.

Gia....So aunt Chacha and uncle Hyun also came to see me? I must've worried alot of people, but how come that dad is here?