Chapter Four

One day, I was still doing my homework for university. It was getting colder since winter had already opened his cloudy doors to hold us. I didn't expect her coming. My doorbell rang suddenly. For a while I thought it was mother coming to check up on me. I changed my mind once I saw her inside my house already. Ms. Everdine.

"Oh, you're in!" I started surprisingly.

"Yeah. It was opened and I entered," She smiled then looked at my bedroom. She directly entered it as I was frozen in my place looking at her. I ran entering my bedroom seeing her standing in front of my huge and tall mirror. She didn't move as I kept staring at her. I was asking myself if she was looking at herself and saying that she was beautiful or maybe she was over thinking about something from the story.

"Is everything okay?" I asked getting closer to her.

"Yes," She only said that then turned to face me. "Can we talk here from now on?" She demanded as I nodded without any explanation. She sat on my bed as I did. She started again.

'..I saw Jungie thinking. I wondered what it was about. He looked so handsome. Jeans and white shirt. Brown hair and dark brown eyes. Medium and muscled body.

"Jung Jung," I called smiling as he looked at me while we were walking between lot of people. City was crowded so all I had was his hand to hold all the way long.

"Yes babe," He smiled back.

"I see that you went far away with your thoughts. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah why not okay?"

"Since we met and you've been thinking. I just wonder why," I sadly replied.

"No. It's just that.. How he kidnapped you to his own house and workers and all?!"

"Well, maybe he wanted to have fun that's all."

"I don't think so. But whatever, you're now here with me right!" He smiled toward me as I did too nodding.

We were talking and walking, smiling and laughing. He was hugging me all the way long, putting his arm on my shoulder and kissing me from time to time. Sunset came quickly. I didn't feel time passing. We entered to a very beautiful store which was buying juices and drinks from all kinds. While he was commanding for us drinks, my phone rang. I didn't recognize that phone number but I went out and replied.

"Hello?" No answer. A strange man pulled my arm, covered my mouth and entered to a dark hall in the street then pushed me to the wall. He was Yeongi. I felt so scared as I widened my eyes resisting him and trying to escape but nothing.

"Did you think you escaped from me? You're smart but I'm smarter sweetheart," He laughed sarcastically. So arrogant he was. So evil really. Even darkness was going out of his eyes. He was surrounding me between his arms. The first almost touched my waist and the other hand almost touched my neck and I was surprised how did he show up.

"What are you doing here?" I was so scared. With a shaking voice I asked.

"I told you. I'm everywhere and you're just mine so how dare you run away from me!?" He looked angry. Smirking that evil smirk and looking inside my eyes. His breaths were making me faint on his muscled body. Jung Suk suddenly was passing from that way. The dark hall was at his left. I was going to scream calling him. However, Myeong Hoon kissed me. He kept doing that until Jung Suk passed and didn't recognize that it was me. I pushed Yeongi away shouting.

"Don't touch me!" He held my arm while a dark car arrived at our place. He directly put me inside that car as he did after me.

"Why you're doing this!? Why!" I was so sad. Was going to cry for a while. He kept staring at me like he was talking with his mysterious black eyes.

"I was having fun. You make my mood go down more than ever. Now it's getting deeply down! That's all because of you!" I claimed.

"At least I make your mood go down. you'll have fun mostly with me. Ah, also if I were him, I wouldn't put my arm on your shoulders and kiss you that way he did. I'd kiss you as a king kissing his queen. Holding your waist and your pretty face and kiss you passionately not that way he did," He smirked as I was silent. I just shut up, turned to look out from the window while he turned left. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Jung Suk calling. The evil took it and answered.

"Forget about her she's mine and don't bother us again. She's safe with me and she loves only me. She's my wife," While he said that I was shouting trying to take the phone from him.

"Stop it! He's my boyfriend you're gonna be the reason for our break up and I don't love you. I hate you more than you think! I even don't wanna be with you! Being you my boyfriend will be my worst mistake ever! Now get me out of this car!" He smirked again and again and didn't say a word.

We arrived and entered his house. I ran to the bedroom he gave me and started to cry in the corner. I didn't even noticed that someone new was in the house when I entered. I slept after I cried that night. I was so sad and broken. I wondered what I had done in my life so that happiness should walk away like that. But sometimes when things or people leave us another better thing or person enter our life making it happy or more than we ever think. After changing my clothes and having a shower, I started to calm myself down and make my evil side show up. I wanted to beat him and ruin his life. He ruined that happy moment with the one I loved that time.

"I will make him kneel! And he'll beg me to stop doing it! Yeongi you'll die! You damn evil!" I kept saying that in the hot tub planning to revenge for what he did.

The morning came. I opened my eyes on a noise coming from my room, exactly beside my bed. I got up sitting on the bed finding her looking at me crazily.

"Good Morning!" She pronounced.

"Huh?" I was so surprised.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked me smiling hugely like she was happiness itself. I had never met her before but somehow my head started to hurt as I was seeing few pictures of her before.

"Oh. I guess yes and who are you?!" I rubbed my head looking at her sometimes and other times around the room to see if I was still in the same house.

"You seem funny. I like that!" She laughed a bit.

"Who? Me?! Am I?" I laughed while she started laughing really hard.

"Well, I'm Choi Yeongsoo. Myeong Hoon's little sister," I looked at her strangely. She wasn't arrogant as him and she was the funny one not me. For a while I laughed hardly hearing her saying that.

"Are you sure you're his sister? Sorry but.. How can I say it? He is arrogant! And an evil! And he's putting me here in this house forbidding me from going out! Hell!" I closed my mouth suddenly looking down since she was his sister but she shocked me when she laughed.

"You're right. I've always said that but no one believed me. Damn! I finally found someone who agrees me! Brother you'll die!" She had an evil look, a foxy smile, but funny. I was wondering if I heard her well or no, I smiled saying.

"So you know he is. And most of people don't believe you?"

"Yeah! They see him the boss and the wiser and the coolest and everything while it's not true."

"I guess you're the only one who agrees me too. I wanna go out of here. can you help me, please?" I tried to keep it up though it was the first time meeting her.

"You didn't even introduce yourself to me, how will I be able to help you?" She crossed her arms to her chest looking at me and waiting for my answer.

"Oh sorry. I'm Everdine. I'm 22 years old. I came here to meet my boyfriend but Mr arrogant forbids me and never let me go out of here!" I started it calmly and ended it shouting.

"Who's Mr arrogant?" She asked weirdly.

"Eh? He's your brother," I replied as she laughed at me.

"I know I know. Nice to meet you Dina. Can I call you Dina? And he told me before about you. Lot of things!"

"He did? Why would he? He doesn't even know me," I wondered.

"Em. I don't know. Ask him."

I got up. Washed up and changed my clothes. Yeongsoo was with me all the time. We went down the stairs to have breakfast, and I found that evil siting on the couch holding his phone.

"Morning sweetie," He didn't even look at me as he started. I replied quietly trying to stay calm and to forbid myself from attacking him.

"Morning you evil."

"What have you said?" He didn't hear me. Yeongsoo and I were laughing then he said. "Now you both laugh cause of something you said and I didn't hear you!" He motioned his finger to me and looked at us smirking sarcastically. I sat down to have my breakfast giving him an evil look as I learnt how to smirk back as he gave me a very sexy look when I stopped looking at him.

"So Dina what we're gonna do today?" Yeongsoo asked as I kept smirking to her then turned to look at Yeongi finding him wondering what we were going to do.

"We'll kill the evil!" I murmured giving him that smirk, a so attractive smirk while he smirked sarcastically like he was saying. "You will never be able to kill me." I ate and stood up going out to the garden. He followed me.

"So you're planning to kill me while I'm planning to kiss you as yesterday," He laughed looking at me while I evilly looked at him.

"Are you trying to seduce me to kiss you?! Are you out of mind!? I didn't even allow you to kiss me or even touch me! How could you do it?" I pronounced sitting on one of the garden's chairs. He was tall and I was a bit short. Shorter than him for sure. He got closer looking into my eyes as he sat beside me.

"You're beautiful when you're angry," He smirked again I was gonna smile then I held it, but I blushed pushing him back and got inside. Yeongsoo was looking at me laughing.

"You can't kill him this way I know how to get him out of mind. Wanna try?"

"Of course! He'll beg me to stop making him suffer!" I shouted letting him hearing me.

Yeongsoo and I wanted to go out for shopping and to have fun. I wanted to get to know her more. She was the only hope I had that time to escape. It was like I was in a roller coaster turning around as my feelings started to grow each time I was looking into his eyes. I asked her to go out for shopping. I need few things to buy. However, he didn't accept. He was never going to let me go out.

"Brother please! let us go. We want to know each other more and have fun outside," Yeongsoo begged with a baby voice with that cute expression on her face.

"No way. If you wanna go just get lost but her, she's staying here. She's punished," He crossed his arms to his chest while I looked at him in a weird way. What did I do so he'd punish me. Whom was he to do that even.

"What? Have I heard you saying punished! Are you crazy? I don't belong to here at all and I can't be controlled by you! Got it?! You don't have any right to say that though!" I got mad shouting at him while he sarcastically smiled.

"So you think I will let you go out of here with her?" He pressed my nose with his finger as I was a baby.

"Hell. I will go out and watch me do that!"

"You can't," He stopped me interrupting.

"Oh please Myeong Hoon, let her come with me, or you can come with us!" Yeongsoo was begging him just for me. He took the chance like he was waiting for it.

"Okay then. I'll go out with you both so I'll make sure that cat won't escape," He was making fun of me while I was breathing slowly to keep my anger inside.

"Alright! Let's go get ready Dina!"

We went up the stairs heading to my room. She picked for me shorts made of jeans with pink high tops and a pink T-shirt with some white written on it. I tied my hair up and after she dressed up we went down to see that Mr arrogant had already finished dressing up. Hell how can an arrogant as him be that charming. It was the first thing I said to myself when I kept staring at him. He looked at me and smiled.

"So finally you're ready."

"Yeah can't you see that!?" I replied deleting what I had been thinking about.

"You look ugly you pig," Making fun of me again.

"It's like you look handsome. You look worse than me and I'm not a pig!"

He laughed sarcastically heading first to his car. I wanted to meet my boyfriend again. I missed him so much. We arrived then entered to a huge mall as we started to look at the stores which sold clothes and shoes. We bought things we loved to buy. As I took what I needed and went out finishing the first three stores. Yeongi was behind us watching. Yeongsoo and I put a plan to get rid of him. We found an old lady beside us and touched her bag and her back then turned to pretend that we were looking at the shirts. She turned to find Yeongi behind her and she started to growl as she got angry kicking him with her hand bag while we were laughing. She called him 'pervert'. It was so funny. I had never done that in my life. I've always been a good girl. Looking arrogant and bossy but still I was so kind and loving inside. People never knew the real me. That's why they have always judged me.

"OMG! that was awesome. Let's run out of here!" She surprisingly pronounced.

"Yeah! I've never done such things. He won't follow us right?" I asked.

"No. He can't know where we are. Let's take the chance to have fun both, and let him look for us after that I'll take you to your boyfriend," Yeongsoo smiled toward me just to give me hope as I smiled to her thanking.

We ran far away from Yeongi. Bought lot of things and she showed me a lot of places. Yeongi kept calling yeongsoo but she ignored him and when he called me I refused to answer too. It was the right time to call my boyfriend and tell him to meet me. I kept calling him but he wasn't answering. After a while, Yeongi called me many times and at the end I replied.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you calling me with no stop?" I shouted while he kept being silent then he said calmly and seemed serious.

"Dina. I want you to go and Yeongsoo to the club. She knows which one. Go up the stairs and wait for me there. We need to talk."

"How can I believe you?" He was serious that time. His voice tone really scared me.

"Just do it and you'll see," He cut the call. I told Yeongsoo what he told me then we went on our way to the club.

"I feel something bad is gonna happen," I said sadly. I've always had that sixth sense of feeling that something bad will happen to me and it happens. It was the same feeling that time.

"Why do you think that? Oh Everdine. Don't worry, I guess it's one of my brother's ways to prank so it'll be fine and we'll escape again," She winked tried to calm me down.

"Well, Yeongsoo. I appreciate that you're by my side but really I feel that something bad will happen. I just feel it and each time I feel it, it just happens. His voice wasn't as usual. He wasn't joking at all."

"Em. Let's get there and we'll see. For now let's smile and forget."

She was trying to make my mood going up when it was getting down. She was so hopeful and I really liked her as my close friend. I smiled nodding. We walked along the way. It was already getting dark. 8 pm. we finally got in there. It was a huge club. I had never entered clubs before. There were a lot of people. Some were half naked. Others totally drunk and there were stairs. We went up. There were a lot of girls inside boys' and men's arms. Drinking and laughing and enjoying. Then my eyes saw what I had never wanted to see. I couldn't believe it at first. I just widened and froze in my place as Yeongsoo didn't pay attention to me at first..'

"What did you see?" I asked curiously staring at her.

"I won't tell you now. I have to continue the other story with Yeongi, when he was with Ji Hye," She smiled looking at me.

"Oh, right. Who's she? And why he had been controlled by her?" I asked many questions at once. She had never liked that.

"While telling the story you'll answer your questions by yourself."