Chapter Five

I came back from university one day. I took a bath and started to talk to my boyfriend Kwon Chan Jung. That year two years had passed since knowing him. We started a long distance relationship, talking and cheer each other up when life was slapping us and getting us down. I took my phone finding him online.

"Hey oppa! How are you?" I texted him first. It had been a long time since I talked to him. We were both busy with studies and work.

"Hey! I'm fine, how about you?" He replied. "I miss you so much," He continued.

"I'm great. Everything is awesome. I'm a bit tired. I had lot of courses today," I laid down holding my phone listening to music and happily talking to him.

All of our conversations were mature and funny sometimes, romantic other times. I've always wished to meet him and go to Korea just to spend a holiday together. As I was talking to him Everdine entered my bedroom staring at me smiling sadly. I didn't pay attention to her first, but as I saw her I freak out and jumped out of bed taking off my earphones.

"OMG! I didn't see you. How did you get in?" I asked putting my hand on my heart.

"I knocked but you didn't hear me, so I entered. You looked so happy. You made me remember when I used to talk to him like that," She kept looking at me with a sad expression and a sad smile.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked throwing my phone away.

"Fine as always. You are?" She stepped to my huge mirror again and asked carelessly.

"Yeah. I'm happy. I was talking to my boyfriend then you came," I answered rubbing my head.

"Did I ruin your sweet time? I can go," She spoke turning to look at me.

"No. Let's continue the story," I suggested.

'..My eyes were hugely widened from shock. I put my hand on my mouth trying to keep calm. Yeongsoo noticed me.

"Dina what's going on? Why you look like you saw a nightmare? Haven't you ever been in a club?"

"No. And I'm really seeing a nightmare," I replied in a shock way.

It was my boyfriend between those silly girls, kissing them and hugging them and touching them and all. He wasn't drunk I was sure. I headed to him. My vision was focused on only him. I couldn't see anyone else only his picture getting burnt in front of my face. I stood up in front of him just to let him seeing me. He saw me as I wanted to.

"How dare you do this to me! How dare you play me and my feelings! My precious ones you coward!" I shouted in his face in front of everyone else. I was furious was going to explode or set the whole club on fire. Everyone was looking at me trying to discover what was going on. Some girls asked him whom I was while he stood up smiling and walking toward me.

"Eh. Did you think or believe that I really love a silly girl as you? Of course not! I would never miss these pretty sexy girls for you!" He replied harshly and carelessly. I tried not to let my tears fall down on my cheeks while I really wanted to slap him and kick him for what he said and did to me.

"You! How dare you talk to a young lady this way? Be a gentleman," Yeongi entered fast between me and him grabbing Jung Suk's T-shirt and pulled him to the wall smirking.

"Now who's this? It's none of your business man! And aren't you Ji Hye's fiancé? How could you defend a silly.." Jung Suk pronounced in a silly way but didn't finish his talk until he got kicked hardly by Yeongi until his blood went out from his mouth. He punched him and no one could get into the fight. Yeongi had a strong body, a hard chest and muscles. He threw him on the floor in front of me as I was totally shocked, couldn't hear or see anything only both of them fighting.

"Apology to her you moron and don't dare to hurt my girl or touch her again. You don't even deserve her and yeah, morons as you don't deserve or appreciate queens as her," Yeongi gave him killing looks and furious ones then looked at me in a pity way.

"I'm sorry. I apologize, just let me go man," Jung Suk spoke with a weak voice begging while he was down on the ground.

I ran out of that club, wishing it was a nightmare. Yeongsoo tried to follow me but Yeongi forbad her and told her to go home so she did. I was walking slowly, broken and couldn't feel anything around me in Seoul's streets. As a fool feeling dead, hurt and crying. Dying inside and suffering from the ache I had in my heart. I didn't even pay any attention to Yeongi when he was following me. I was walking and almost fell in the road. I stopped in Han River looking at it and cry. Yeongi came and hugged me so tight. I couldn't stop crying. I was holding him grabbing his shirt as I wanted him to save me or take all this pain away.

"Stop crying he doesn't deserve your tears," He whispered to me caressing my hair.

"What have I done so he'd do this to me?"

"Nothing. He doesn't deserve you and you're much better than him," He comforted caressing me.

"Did you say that I'm a queen?" I asked after few moments of silence that passed.

"Yeah you are. You're my queen," He looked at me wiping my tears. "You'll become ugly if you keep crying. Queens aren't ugly you know. And they cry when they're alone," He continued cheering me up smiling to me and playing with my hair.

"Yeah, I know. I stopped crying," I wiped my tears as he kept smiling to me. He wasn't an evil anymore. He looked like an angel. He stared into my eyes. I was frozen when he was holding me by his hands almost inside his arms since one of the two was on my waist and the other on my face. He slowly got closer to me after staring at my eyes, nose and then my lips. I was closing my eyes slowly, my lips felt softly kissed by his. Our hearts were beating so fast. I accepted kissing him. It felt safe and warm. I even didn't hear Jung Suk when he said that Yeongi was engaged. I was so shocked and couldn't hear or respond to any action at that time. He held my hand and we went back home. We entered and I found Yeongsoo waiting for us.

"Everdine are you okay?" She ran to me looking at my red face especially nose and eyes from crying started to ask.

"Yes. I'm fine, don't worry," I replied smiling toward her then looked at Yeongi.

"She's fine of course. Strong girls can't be weak idiot," He pulled her head with his finger smirking then looked at me.

"Hey! I'm not idiot you arrogant evil!" She shouted in his face while I was laughing just as him. I walked going to my bedroom. Yeongi noticed that I wanted to be alone.

"Where are you going?"

"To my bedroom to take a shower," I turned to look at him faking a smile.

"Don't forget to go down stairs to have dinner with us," He smiled to me while I did too and Yeongsoo saw us doubting.

"What's going on between you two? You aren't fighting as this morning," She looked at him then at me while I turned to go up stairs ignoring her question.

"Nothing. Just follow her and stay with her. She doesn't need to be alone," Yeongi replied while going to his bedroom too.

"Wait, wait!" Yeongsoo shouted stopping him.

"What?" Yeongi turned to look at her.

"Are you engaged to Ji Hye?! Didn't you say that you love Everdine? How could you do that!?" Yeongsoo crossed her arms to her chest while looking at him with a serious expression and an angry one on his face.

"It's none of your business. Just keep it secret until time shows what it's meant to be shown," Yeongi replied her and turned to go up the stairs. He knew inside him that he was doing the wrong thing. He was just sure of something. His plans were secretly made and he couldn't have a high control on things like Ji Hye.

"Hell! unbelievable," Yeongsoo came to me while I was taking shower. I got out seeing her waiting for me and over thinking of what her brother did. I knew nothing that time. I was just an innocent girl whom had just got broken into pieces.

"Did anything happen when brother followed you?" She looked at me while she was sitting on the suspending pink chair in my room.

"Nothing," I smiled while I was looking for something to wear.

"You both said nothing. Hell, I bet there's something and you don't wanna tell me," She pouted in a sad way. She had always had those cute expressions on her face.

"I can't find what to wear," I tried to change the subject but she really insisted.

"I'm not asking you about your clothes. Tell me what happened!?"

"Ah okay, fine. Actually nothing special happened. He just.."

"Just what?"

"Em He just kissed me after hugging me that's all!" I claimed smiling hugely, and turned to look for something to wear.

"OMG! He really did! Woah! You both are hiding a lot! You should've told me!" She surprisingly replied.

"Tell you what?" I wondered what she was talking about.

"Come on he's not an idiot or that kind of men who kiss and hug easily so he must like you or maybe more!"

"No. You must be kidding. He doesn't like me or more neither do I," I brought short pajamas and wore in the bathroom while she kept talking to me.

"He's my brother and I know him well. So don't act like you don't know that!" She shouted until I thought everyone in the house heard her.

"We're fighting all the time. He's arrogant and he's always bad to me he just helped me today that's all and I thanked him by letting him kissing me that's all!" I gave excuses while they weren't called like that. I was avoiding falling for him. It was never easy to fall for him.

"Em. we'll see dear," She winked toward me and I was sure she didn't even believe me. We went to the kitchen where Yeongi was waiting for us. He was sitting on my left and Yeongsoo was in front of me while we were eating. I had no appetite after what happened. Yeongi noticed that.

"Why you're not eating?" He asked me. He was eating as a king. I looked at him then at the meal.

"I'm not hungry," He put the spoon down and stared at me as he wanted to kill me with his looks.

"Take the spoon and start to eat now," His looks met mine. I held the spoon and looked at the soup then I stopped suddenly then looked at him again seeing him still looking at me. He had so amazing eyes. I kept staring I was drowning inside and I didn't pay attention to my actions because I was doing just as he was saying.

"Hey you both! I knew that you're hiding from me something! What's going on and what are those romantic looks?" Yeongsoo started to growl.

"Huh! I.. I told you there's nothing! Stop it!" I was confused replying while he was calm turning to look at her calmly.

"What are you bubbling Yeongsoo?"

"Eh. It's like I don't know that you kissed her."

"It's not the first time so?" He never lost. He was like he owned the game and rules and more than that he knew how to play.

"So you are her boyfriend now?" She wondered staring at both of us.

"I'm hers since long so?" He was replying confidently, and I was like 'Dina slap your face you're drunk'. She smiled to me hugely.

"Woah! why you didn't tell me!" She asked happily.

"Tell you what?" I was far away from their conversation thinking about what happened today.

"He's saying you're his girlfriend since long so why you didn't tell me?"

"What! I'm not his girlfriend. I've never been," He gave me serious looks again. It felt like I was the only one who made him lose. I was scared from him while I had never been. I looked at Yeongsoo then at him and stood up to go up stairs to my bedroom.

"Have a nice meal," I was calm. Was still feeling that scar inside my heart. It wasn't the first time I got hurt. I got used for that and I had been cold since long. Yeongi wanted to hold my hand to make me eat but he left me gone. I entered my room. I felt sad. It was late, and I wanted to sleep. Was so tired from what happened that day. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I didn't hear it at first.

"Come in," I was laying on my bed, then looked to see Yeongi coming. I got up suddenly.

"Lay down it's okay. I just came to make sure you're fine. You didn't have dinner," He pronounced getting closer. He was calmly speaking and like an angel. He looked at me while sitting on my bed.

"Yes I'm fine," I replied calmly. I was looking at him as he was my only saver. He saved me and I appreciated that.

"Great, but you didn't have your meal so I brought this chocolate. Maybe it'll make your stress goes or something like that," He gave it to me and rubbed his head as he was looking at me.

"Thank you," I smiled happily as I took the chocolate and opened it. I gave him a piece of it and tasted it.

"Wait. I'll go giving some of it to Yeongsoo," I got up and was going but he held my arm.

"She isn't here," He pulled me to the wall slowly beside my bed. I was surprised and scared of that action.

"Where.. did she.. go?" I asked in fear. He was getting closer. I could feel his breathes, his perfume, and his looks were killing me. I was getting drugged or something like that. He was breathing in my ear while holding my arms to the wall.

"To my parents' house," He whispered then kissed my neck as I was frozen in my place. I pushed him away after getting my senses back.

"Don't touch me. Just go out I wanna sleep," I pronounced turning my head away from him. He knew that he shouldn't had done that to me.

"Sorry. Good night," He spoke going out of my bed room.

Yeongi went to his bedroom. His phone rang. Ji Hye called him.

"Hey babe. I miss you," She was home laying on her bed.

"Hey. Me too," He replied coldly.

"How are you after kicking one of my agents?" She laughed tightly kind of evilly.

"I'm fine and how's your agent after kicking him hardly?" He asked in a serious way.

"He's fine. I paid for his injuries you know. But why you defended his ex girlfriend? Do you know her?" She asked curiously.

"She's my sister's best friend and she loved him so much while he played her. He deserved getting kicked."

"It's okay. Well we didn't see each other from yesterday. I even still feel your lips around mine," Ji Hye started to talk seducing him. It was her only purpose that time. Getting him and his company.

"Really? I've got lot of work and I'm responsible on my sister now since she's with me so I couldn't call or meet you."

"Em okay. But she's old enough to take care of herself don't you think? And I'm planning to tell our families about our engagement by making a party in my house. So come with your sister and her friend."

"We'll see about that. When will you make the party?" He asked to see how much time stayed for him. At least he wanted to save himself.

"This weekend or maybe the next," She replied confidently smirking evilly. She had always won.

"Ah. It's okay. I just need to find time and to know what to do about my work," Yeongi replied while taking off his shirt.

"What are you doing now?" Ji Hye asked while she covered herself after laying down on her bed.

"Going to sleep and you?" Yeongi said coldly.

"I'm already on my bed thought to call you before I sleep. Like that I'll have sweet dreams," She started to whisper with a very seducing voice.

"You'll have them now since you're talking to me."

"Yeah and I want to talk more," She said continued.

"I need to sleep. I'm so tired. Go to sleep now and we'll talk tomorrow," Yeongi said and cut the call. He didn't want to talk to her. He never wanted to remember those sweet talks and romantic conversations he used to have when he was with her. For him they were just lies from her part while he was so sincere.

"Okay," She said after he cut the call.

I woke up, opened my eyes. Was still laying and looked up thinking about what happened last night. Trying to understand what he had done.

"Did he try to touch me or maybe he tried to make me forget the pain I've got? But he kissed my neck! I was being poisoned by his kisses all this time and now I'm sick. I feel hot. Is it hot today? Maybe the weather is hot," I got up from the bed. Stood up on my feet. I was feeling heavy, dizzy and like the world was spinning around me. Suddenly felt down on the ground. A noise went out when I hit it. It was heard by some of the servants. One of them knocked the door and entered. Once she saw me she screamed loudly. Yeongi went up the stairs and entered my room as he widened his eyes.

"Everdine!" He shouted holding me inside his arms. Looking at me with fear.

"Dina get up. Come on respond to me. come on Dina just tell me you're fine," He was trying to stay calm and not to panic. He gently caressed my face.

"I'm fine. Just let me standing up," I hardly replied. I was so weak, tried to get up and stood up again but couldn't. I fell again inside his arms. He was protecting me and there for me all that time, I was barely hearing him.

"Call Mr Choi now. He must come now!" He ordered the servants whom were there watching. They got out of my bedroom. He carried me gently and put me on the bed.

"You'll be fine my queen. You're strong to fight, and I won't go anywhere. I'm always here beside you," He whispered to me then kissed my forehead. He was quiet, afraid of losing me. I didn't know that there was that side existing in him. I didn't know that there was someone in this world cared to me that much. I slept when he was saying those sweet words. Doctor Choi came and saw that I had a cold fever and needed to rest and eat and have my medicines. Yeongi ordered to buy for me medicines. I was all the day sleeping and Yeongi didn't move from my bed kept waiting me until I woke up. It was already 8 pm and still didn't wake up. My fever was the same didn't change, even Yeongi changed the hot towel many times. He came up with an idea, an evil one. I wouldn't accept it if I was awake. However, he did it just to help me get healed. He got closer to me, looking at me. He removed the cover and touched my face slowly. His hand was getting down to my neck. I was like fire but he didn't get burn. His body was colder especially his hand. It was getting down until he stopped at the end of my T-shirt. He put his hand inside it, directly on my skin, my tummy. He lifted the shirt up while his hand was touching my whole tummy. I felt that something cold was touching it going up to my chest so I opened my eyes finding him looking at me closely.

"What are you doing?" I pronounced weakly. I felt so embarrassed.

"Just let me do that. Your fever won't go unless I do that. Trust me," He whispered to me looking inside my eyes.

"What? Stop it Yeongi I'm sick and poisoned cause of you just let me sleep," I wanted to stop him but couldn't. I was really weak. He was controlling me. He lifted me and took off my shirt as he took off his too. He cuddled me putting me inside his big warm arms and started to kiss my neck gently breathing on it. I really couldn't stop him. His breathes were a song. His muscular body was holding mine. He wasn't harming me. He was kissing my neck and sometimes my lips and other times stop to get back his breathes. I was putting my arms around his neck. My face was put under the left side of his face, and he was laying on my body. I felt he was a vampire for a while since his body was cold comparing to mine. He was worried and didn't want any of those. He wanted to help me getting my health back. They say when someone is sick with fever, another healthy body can make his fever goes just by those touches and rubs between both bodies.

"Do you feel better?" He whispered in my ear slowly trying to take back his breathes.

"Yes. I am," I replied quietly feeling shy. It was a relief that he didn't do anything to me only taking off my shirt and kissing me and hugging me. He kissed my forehead after a while from stopping, then he got up. I opened my eyes seeing him holding his shirt.

"Where are you going?" I asked with a weak voice.

"I must go down. I have lot of work to do. I couldn't do it all the day because I was worried about you. I wanted to stay until you get up. You better drink medicines now and sleep," I looked at him sadly. I didn't want him to go. I just nodded agreeing for what he ordered me. I turned my head on the left side. He got closer and kissed my lips.

"Sleep tight sweety."

"You too Yeongi," I smiled toward him as he went out. I had those medicines which were put on the bed table. I felt better that night. I even slept tight and dreamt about him..'

As she was telling me all this, I kept widening my eyes each time. I wondered if she had started to love him that time or no. She seemed sad and in love and with bittersweet words she described all that.

"So you started falling for him him those days after breaking up?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know. It seemed like that but maybe it was before. I mean before I even meet him," She looked at that mirror again smiling when tears started to fall down.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I faced her then hugged her trying to comfort her.

"Nothing. It's just about love. Love is what kills me and I guess it already did," She replied taking off my hands and looking at me with anger.

"Don't ever try to fall in love! Whether you are or no! If you are already then just stop it from now before it ends up with you like me!" She shouted in my face. Stood up and left hurrying leaving me in shock and wondered why would she act that way with me.