Chapter Six

One day, I remember I was coming back from university and it was a bit late. As I entered my home, I found Everdine waiting for me sitting in the living room on a couch. I was surprised to find her and kind of mad at her because she shouted at me the last time we talked to each other.

"I'm sorry," She started once I saw her.

"For what?" I pretended like I knew nothing.

"You know.. I shouted at you last time. However, it was for your own good and trust me. Do as I told you," She looked at me in a cold way like she was an evil spirit, becoming like that because of getting hurt.

"It's okay. I'll take your advice in consideration," I replied putting my bag on another couch and faced her. "You want to continue your story?" I continued asking while she nodded remembering where she finally stopped.

'..I got up in the next morning, opened my eyes, and I felt like there was someone beside my bed looking at me for so long while I couldn't see who. Then I saw Yeongsoo looking at me in a weird way.

"Morning Dina!" She laughed toward me while I didn't get anything. Her face expression suddenly changed.

"Oh. Yeongsoo! Good morning. What you're doing here? I thought you went to your parents' house," I asked her when I was rubbing my head and trying to open my eyes more and more.

"I heard you're sick so I worried and came! Did anything happen?" She was curious and I was wondering why she'd ask me that question until I figured out that I was without T-shirt and wearing my short and bra. I screamed looking at myself then covered myself looking at her while she laughed a lot at me and my reaction.

"Come on, tell me who took off your shirt?!" She sarcastically laughed.

"I took it off! Yeah I did. I felt hot and I had fever and still have! So yeah, I took it off," I picked my T-shirt and wore it after I laughed in shock while she was laughing hardly.

"Em so my brother didn't take it off and wasn't here last night?!" She gave me weird looks again and I was like what the hell was she saying. I felt embarrassed when she said that suddenly. I kept asking myself that moment if he told her and I thought it was a dream but it happened in real.

"No way! I wouldn't allow that to happen. Especially him! He's an evil and arrogant and can't trust him. Can't even let him sleep on my bed with me how can I let him taking off my shirt so!? It's a no way dear!" I replied in fear, acted confident and denying everything.

"Ah hell I thought he did that and I was gonna congratulate you for your relationship but seems you both don't wanna tell me that you are a couple already!" She crossed her arms to her chest pouting sadly.

"No Yeongsoo. Listen to me, we aren't in a relationship, we hate each other. Also I broke up few days ago and even him he just bothers me all the time for fun that's all! So it's impossible to be with each other me and him," I explained like nothing happened. I denied the fact that my heart was starting to beat fast each time I saw him.

"Are you talking about me?" Yeongi stood up at the door looking at me smirking while I was talking to Yeongsoo.

"Oh hey brother! I was asking her if you both started a relationship and she just said yes!" She laughed sarcastically while I shouted at her.

"No Yeongsoo! I've just told you that it's impossible to be with this arrogant evil in a relationship! We hate each other even!"

"Oh. I don't hate you sweety, and you're talking like I wasn't here last night sleeping with you," He smiled evilly crossing his arms to his big chest looking at Yeongsoo laughing and at me getting on my nerves. I got up from the bed was about to kill him.

"You evil you weren't here last night! And I didn't even allow you to take off my shirt!" I shouted feeling so embarrassed and blushed because I kind of felt shy.

"So he did that? You said he didn't!" Yeongsoo looked at me laughing while I covered my mouth looking at both of them and ran to the bathroom closing its door fast. I looked at the mirror trying to believe that I left him doing that.

"Dina hell! Why you left him doing that to you!? It's not like we are couple! We never be! Also I don't love him right? Even though I'd be in a relationship with him I should never let him doing that!" I washed my face. I took a shower, thinking about him, thinking of what he said and wondered why should I even do that. I wanted him to regret doing that to me. I was talking with a loud voice saying that I want him to die and that I'd kill him so soon. Everyone heard me while I didn't notice that. I got out, dressed up, went down the stairs, and found Yeongsoo smiling toward me.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her.

"Because we heard your plan about killing me," Yeongi showed up from the kitchen smirking sarcastically at me while I had an angry and shy face looking at him.

"Ya! do you think I'm that easy! I'm not like other girls okay? I'm not in love with you!" I shouted from anger and being pissed off.

He came fast holding my arm as he always did. He took me outside while Yeongsoo was laughing. We were in that beautiful garden standing up facing each other.

"Girl. Calm down," He quietly started. He had always looked so arrogant and bossy. "First, you should thank me for saving your life. Second, who said you're easy or something like that! You're strong and not easy. Third, I didn't say you're in love with me. So are you really in love with me while you keep denying that inside you?" He continued while I was staring in his eyes. I was drowning and I felt like I was losing to him and against him for the third time. When he finished I took off my arm in anger.

"First! You didn't save me but medicines did! Second, I don't care why you keep doing this to me, keeping me here in your house and trying to kiss me each time and all. Third, I can't be in love with an arrogant evil like you and yeah I'm so strong that's why no one can take me easily!" I shouted at him turning to look down going inside. He was silent for few seconds then pronounced after taking my arm again. "But strong people don't give up easily as you did last night," I looked straight to the glassy door seeing his face from it. I took my arm off his hand again and entered since I had no words to say. He was right. Maybe I was falling and didn't know at that time. I entered the house. I was so hungry, food's smell was attracting me from far.

"Wait what are they doing? Preparing lunch at this time?!" I asked myself while standing looking at each servant whom were busy cooking and preparing. The first one preparing dessert. The second preparing the plates while another one saw me and bowed. I took the chance asking her.

"Excuse me. What are you doing all of you?"

"We're preparing lunch for Mr Choi," She replied to me quietly.

"Mr Choi.. That evil!" I whispered. I was still angry at him. I didn't know why but I was just mad. I'm that kind of girls whom like to boss and not to be down, and because that time I was being bossed by him and controlled, it felt so bothering.

"Yes Ms?" The servant wondered.

"Nothing! Just wondering if it's lunch time or no or maybe my phone's hour isn't set up in time cause it's just 10 am."

"No Ms.." She didn't continue and bowed again. I didn't get her at first. For a while I thought that she was used to bow each time.

"I have a basketball game with my friends at 1 pm, so I ordered them to prepare lunch early. I must have it at 10:30 am" He pronounced as I turned my head then stepped back since that arrogant freaked me out.

"What.. What are you doing here?" I asked in shock. I left him before in that garden not entering inside.

"You should ask this question to yourself," He smirked replying.

"I can be anywhere so it's none of your business!" I shouted at him again while he smiled hugely replying sarcastically. "You answered at your question!"

I was pissed off and feeling stupid for what I had just asked. Suddenly my tummy made a sound. I was hungry and didn't eat anything. He looked at me sweetly and in a cute way.

"You can eat with me," He offered as I looked at him then looked down to my tummy.

"Why should I always stuck to him huh?! Poor you Everdine," I murmured with myself.

"Are you okay?" He messed my hair and smiled to me when I looked at him.

"Fine. I won't say no," I escaped to my room waiting to have lunch with him. I held my legs to my chest on my bed and looked down wondering. Why should all that happen to me? Why should I act that way with him? He was as other guys in his age so why I was being weird and confused? Do I love him? Do I like him or was I just addicted to him? I wondered how I'd spend a day without him. I should have felt broken because of what my ex did to me. Why I didn't feel anything? Maybe my heart didn't love him but it was falling in love with Yeongi. That was kind of a burden for me. I was talking to myself confusedly. I never knew the answers for all those questions. Suddenly I heard knocks on my door .

"Get in!" I said. It was the servant entering and bowing.

"Ms. Lunch is served, and the master is waiting for you."

"Okay. I'm coming."

I went down the stairs. I was wearing shorts in black and a white T-shirt. I sit in front of him, and couldn't look at him or even start eating.

"What's wrong with you cutie?" He asked me while he started to eat.

"Huh. Nothing," I replied him quietly. I remembered my ex that time and felt sad.

"Should I believe you?" He looked at me while I looked down .

"Why not?" I faked a laugh and held the spoon to start eating. He stared at me for a while then continued eating. We were silent, that deep silence as there were just our breaths was confusing me and made me over think. Suddenly Yeongsoo came up excitedly.

"I'll come to cheer you up brother!" She shouted as she was laughing and jumping around, then she stopped asking. "Why you both are silent what happened!?" She looked at me especially. It was shown that I was sad and not fine. I looked at her smiling.

"Nothing's wrong. I was gonna ask him who is the other team," I faked again my face expressions not showing that my mood was down.

"Which team you're talking about?" She asked .

"He will play basketball and it needs two teams right?" I looked at him in a weird way.

"Ah right! Him and his friends will make two teams. Right brother?" She turned to ask him .

"Yeah, and my team is gonna win for sure," He smirked drinking water and looked at us arrogantly.

"Why you think you will?! I'll support the other team then and it'll win. What an arrogant!" I replied him harshly.

"We'll see sweety," He smirked winking and went up to his room while I looked at Yeongsoo.

"I'm sorry but I wish he loses," I confidently confessed.

"It's okay. I even don't know if I'll support my brother's team or no," She looked away as she crossed her arms to her chest.

"Why not?"

"Em. One of my brother's friends is my crush since a long time, and.. I love him while he doesn't. It's weird damn why am I even saying that!"

"Wait. You do love him but he doesn't?" I asked in a sad way.

"Brother didn't accept being me with him from the first. I mean years ago."

"Hell I didn't understand. So you love him. That evil never accepted your relationship or love with him. How about your crush? Does he know all this?" I asked trying to understand.

"He's married," She answered sadly and couldn't say no more word.

"Huh! OMG. Your crush is married!?" I was shocked totally when she said that. I stood up hugging her and continued. "Yeongsoo.. I don't know what to do or say, but you really need to forget him and find another lover. He's married and I don't know even if there's a chance with him or no," I tried to comfort her while she shed two tears on my shoulder.

"How?" She looked at me confusedly with her crying face.

"I'll help you for this. And maybe Myung Hoon disagreed when he knew that his friend is in love with another woman," I explained then smiled to cheer her up as she did wiping her tears.

"Thanks Everdine."

"You're always welcome."

That feeling of loving someone that it's impossible to be with. That fire inside us which was once flaming for us now it's burning us inside. That horrible state you'll be in when you discover that you have a wasted love and you keep wasting your life for that one whom you call 'everything'. That heart which beats for someone you call a 'lover', and what's sadly happening, those cute and small beats start to slowly dying. Love is what we can never explain. Neither him nor his reasons while we can expect any consequence from being broken. When you're in love you just want to get what you call 'jackpot' and once you get it, you're lucky, happy, a winner, and crazy. At least these are what people would tell about you in that situation.

"What's going on?" Yeongi went down the stairs already ready to go finding us hugging each other and giving us a weird look.

"We're planning for your loss babe!" I answered him confidently.

"You think you can, babe!" He got closer to mess my hair and smile evilly.

"Hell we'll see!" I took off his hand as suddenly his friends entered the house. They were three: Bang Jin Hyuk. Chung Min and Jinwoo.

"Hey what's up man!" Jin Hyuk said while shaking Yeongi's hand as Jinwoo and Chung Min did.

"Awesome," Yeongi replied and once I saw Jinwoo I remembered that he was the one whom I asked before about Yeongi when I tried to escape. He looked at me smiling.

"Hey Ms Everdine. How are you doing?"

"Oh great. How about you?" I answered confusedly.

"I'm fine, thanks," Jinwoo replied me while the other two looked at us strangely.

"Who is she?" Chung Min asked while he was looking at me smiling sweetly.

"Everdine. She is my girlfriend," Yeongi put his arm around my neck while looking at his friends arrogantly.

"Hey! What are you saying!?" I took off his arm and shouted with a shocked face while he murmured to shut up. He held my face and kissed me in front of them while I blushed and couldn't move.

"So let's go to play. It stays half an hour! And ah! These are Jin Hyuk and Chung Min, my friends, and you met Jinwoo before," He smiled then moved to walk out.

"Nice to meet you Ms Everdine," They both said looking at me smiling.

"Nice to meet you too both," I smiled while Yeongi went out and I heard Jin Hyuk whispering to Chung Min.

"I'm sure he's acting, you know that."

"Yeah. But I like the girl, I must talk to her don't you think!?" Chung Min turned to look at me smiling then turned to Jin Hyuk again.

"Let's go Dina!" Yeongsoo held my hand and got out of the house following her brother and his friends.

We were walking, Yeongi with Jin Hyuk and Chung Min with Jinwoo while me and Yeongsoo were behind them. Chung Min suddenly came by my side while Yeongsoo slowly sneaked to be beside Jin Hyuk.

"So you're Hoon's girlfriend?" He calmly asked me.

"Of course no! How can I let an arrogant evil be my boyfriend? No Way!" I smirked looking at him.

"So you don't have a boyfriend? Ah. that's unfair how can a beautiful princess not to have her prince charming?" I blushed and smiled while he messed my hair while suddenly Yeongi turned to see him. He came to take off his hand.

"Dude. What the hell are you doing?!" Yeongi asked getting kind of jealous. "And you! Come here with me," He continued looking at me then pulled me from my arm while I turned my head to Chung Min. "Don't worry! I'm not his girlfriend," I shouted while he held my hand then held my waist and kept looking straight. I didn't know what to do, I just left him doing what he wanted since he was in front of his friends. Or maybe I wanted that. His arm around my waist made my body shaking and I blushed when he pulled me closer to his side.

We entered to the basketball stadium. Me and Yeongsoo sat on the chairs where the coach usually sits. Yeongi took off his jacket. Everyone prepared himself to start playing.

"Hey wait" I turned left to see Chung Min talking to Yeongi.

"What?" Yeongi replied quietly.

"Let's play against each other but first let's choose our second player," He wanted a challenge against Yeongi.

"Why you wanna play against me?" Yeongi arrogantly asked

"If I win, I'll ask Everdine to go out with me," He confidently claimed.

"Are you out of mind!? I told you already that she is my girlfriend so why would I accept this challenge?" Yeongi's face turned to a real evil. I had never seen him that way before, especially someone was challenging him about me and he was his friend.

"Are you afraid of losing?" Chung Min smiled confidently. It was kind of irritating.

"What if I'll win?" Yeongi asked then continued turning his head to look at me. "She will be mine then and she will spend a night with me," He evilly smirked to me.

They both looked at me while I couldn't say anything. At first I thought they were kidding, but once serious faces started to show up I became afraid.

"Wait wait wait! Are you guys serious!? Yeongi are you serious?" I stood up to look at both of them claiming. It was about me and they were challenging for me.

"Do you see us kidding?" They both replied at once. All I had to do was to shut up and sit down again watching them playing to get me.

"Then Chung Min you must win! I'll support you to save me from this evil!" I crazily shouted while sitting on the chair. It wasn't like I wanted it. It was just for fun.

Chung Min chose Jin Hyuk while Yeongi chose Jinwoo. The game started and I was supporting Chung Min while wanting Yeongi to win. They both made a deal for who got three points the first would be the winner. Yeongsoo was supporting the same team I chose too.

"Great you're helping me supporting Chung Min instead of that evil!" I looked at her smiling. She smiled looking back at me.

"I don't support my brother neither Chung Min, but I'm supporting Jin Hyuk silently as you're doing that with my brother. You wanna my brother to win not Chung Min but you keep supporting him," She claimed smartly as I looked at her strangely. I was confused. For a while I couldn't say anything because it was surprising.

"So you're supporting just Jin Hyuk? So he is the one you love and he's married!"

"Yeah dear. He is the one I love and the one who's married," Yeongsoo was staring at him while I smiled looking at Yeongi playing..'

She seemed happy remembering. However, sorrow showed up on her face again. It was eating her from the inside. That time it had been two weeks since she had started telling me that story.

"So he was the reason for healing you, and he was trying to make you be his girlfriend in front of his friends. All this happened!" I asked wondering. It was so surprising to listen to her saying all those details. I had really wanted to know more.

"Yeah. They were happy moments. Jealousy, love, friends, going out and two handsome guys playing a game just to get you was so fun," She smiled looking away.

"Then who won? I mean what happened next?" I asked curiously.

"I don't have time telling you everything now. I have to go now," She stood up preparing to leave. "Ah right. I won't be telling you the whole story. At some point you'll know what will happen," She smirked looking at me.

"Wait. What?! How will I be able to do that?" I asked wondering.

"It doesn't matter. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be coming everyday to continue."

She was like the wind that comes and leaves each time we get needy to it. I was doing my best to write her story and made it a masterpiece. I wanted something special to happen to me like her, but without getting hurt. I wanted to live a love story as she did without breaking my heart or feeling sad or even to look like she did. She looked like she was holding skied and when she couldn't hold them they fell on her at once. Sorrow was her air she used to breath. It was so unfair. It wouldn't look like that if any detail or situation of the story changed. I didn't tell anyone about Everdine. She wanted me to keep everything secret. I just told my best friends about the book I'm writing and it was exciting to move on with it further. I just wished it wouldn't stop at her sad state and prayed to be continued, at least until she became happy.