Chapter Eight

I woke up in the next morning. It felt so lonely. I used to talk to Chan all the time and everyday, but that time he was busy working so he couldn't log in to talk to me. It was a long distance relationship we both started after confessing to each other. I kept checking my messages which I sent him. No replies. I heard my doorbell ringing. It was absolutely her.

"I came early," She pronounced when I opened the door for her.

"I expected you coming," I replied smiling. She entered my house heading to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I continued asking.

"No. I want to have a glass of water," She picked one of the glasses and drunk water.

"Okay. So we'll continue the story today," I spoke sitting on the chair staring at her. She looked like a famous girl. She was wearing expensive clothes. She looked rich having all those things which people might dream of.

"Are you okay?" She asked noticing me staring at her.

"Yeah. Why?" I replied.

"He didn't reply you right?" She smirked evilly looking at me. I was shocked from her question.

"But.. How did you know that?" I asked surprisingly.

"You keep waiting, checking messages, worrying, missing, and crazily asking yourself if you mean something to him," She answered in a confident way as she passed by that before.

"Yeah. That's right," I looked down sadly then held my phone to check his messages again.

"Don't be sad. Things will be okay soon. Let's continue the story," She went to my bedroom looking at that mirror again.

"Do you like my mirror?" I asked looking at her.

"I used to. Whatever, just keep listening to my story and don't ask any other questions."

'..The game started. Me and Yeongsoo were watching the boys playing. The ball was with Jin hyuk he passed it to Chung Min. Jinwoo tried to stop him but Chung Min passed the ball to Jin Hyuk again and he scored the first goal.

"Damn it!" Yeongi angrily pronounced. He was stressed maybe afraid of losing. Especially Jin Hyuk was against him, because he was the best basketball player among them. I couldn't know how he felt because he was tough and his face expression was serious.

"Hey Myung Hoon. Are you afraid!?" Chung Min laughed sarcastically. Yeongi looked at him evilly.

"Huh! Why would I?" He, at first, kept being silent, then he answered in a pretending way. He held the ball and hit it with the floor.

"Just saying dude!" Min replied while Hyuk laughed a bit then Yeongsoo did secretly.

"Myeong Hoon let's play our way," Jinwoo interrupted looking at Yeongi smiling confidently.

"Got it dude," He replied smirking then looked at me.

The 2nd round Yeongi scored a goal as Jinwoo did in the 3rd round. I was confused if I was happy or not because Yeongi wanted to spend a night with me and he wanted to win so bad. Maybe not for sleeping with him but mostly to keep Chung Min away from me. That last one looked at Jin Hyuk to make a plan to beat Yeongi and it really worked. They became equal, two goals for two. It stayed just one last round to see who was the winner.

"Okay. time out!" Jinwoo said after Chung Min scored the 2nd goal saying. "That goal was for you Everdine," And winked toward me while I didn't know how to react only by being confused.

"As you wish buddy!" Jin Hyuk replied while Min and Yeongi's looks were getting too serious like they wanted to kill each other. Chung Min was smiling sarcastically while Yeongi was smirking evilly and so serious as he was being afraid of losing the game. After all it was just a game. Jinwoo gathered Yeongi and I wasn't sure of what he was telling him, but his plan worked and they won the game. Yeongi was the one who scored the third goal.

"Who was afraid now!" Yeongi shouted to Chung Min as he won the world cup. The other one just smiled happily then winked to me while I blushed.

"Yeah I know dude you won," Chung Min replied then looked at me winking again. I saw him then felt so confused.

"Yeongsol. Hell, I feel like Chung Min did it on purpose," I turned to Yeongsoo speaking.

"Did what?" She looked at me weirdly.

"This challenge!?" She laughed and nodded, and for a sudden she kept staring at him sadly. A happy and a sad face at the same time. I had never imagined that those kinds of face expressions existed.

I smiled sadly and looked down remembering my ex boyfriend and hid my tears. Suddenly he came closer messing my hair tightly. I lifted my head to see Yeongi looking at me in a very sweet way. I stared at him for a while as he was doing. He made me forget all that sadness. He took my pain away and he was the healer of that scar.

"Ya!" I shouted taking his hand off, and looked down.

"What?" He lifted my head with his hand to look at me again. I stared for a while. I was like cursed by his beautiful dark eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked. I was quiet and calm.

"Come on, let's go out for a walk just both," He held my arm and went out while I asked where would he take me. "Just for a walk," He smiled replying.

"Hey, wait!" Chung Min shouted while we both turned to look at him coming toward us. "Where are you going guys?!" He continued asking.

"I don't know. Ask him," I said while looking at Yeongi.

"It's none of your business," Yeongi replied in an arrogant way.

"Let's go out and celebrate together. You won so you deserve a party and especially Ms Everdine is here," Min proposed smiling.

"I won't celebrate with you guys. I'll celebrate with her."

"But I wanna celebrate with them," I said strangely.

"See! Let's all celebrate!" He said excitedly.

"No way! Come here," Yeongi replied holding my arm and pulled me with him.

"Hey! Stop it," I tried to take off his hand from me.

"You're still loud. Just be quiet," Yeongi said while Chung Min messed his hair.

We went out together. I didn't know what time was it at that moment. I was forgetting everything when I was with him. We walked in the street, and were silent for a while until I broke it after wanting to talk.

"Congratulations by the way," I started quietly looking away.

"Are you congratulating me for winning the night with you?" He giggled as I messed my hair getting totally red. I smiled then got back my senses.

"Of course not. And I won't let you do that at all," I hit him slowly on his chest.

"It's just a night to spend together. I don't mean sleeping with you," He looked at me smirking.

"Yeah yeah," I blushed. I didn't know what to say. It was all about loving and being loved. I wasn't feeling my heart since it was beating fast. I could lose my breaths beside him. He was like the fire I can touch without getting burnt, but at the same time, it would end me up dead as a cursed girl throwing her heart and soul to the devil itself.

"Are you congratulating me because you're mine now!?" He looked at me smiling.

"What!?" I surprisingly asked. "No way!" I denied laughing sarcastically.

"Why not? Don't you wanna be mine?" He started to talk seriously that time. I was so confused. I didn't know what to say. My feelings for him were growing up day by day and minute by minute. My heart was his from that moment. I couldn't keep myself calm. I was trembling and afraid of what would happen next. If he would be mine forever or we'd end up breaking up again. My head started to hurt a bit. I kind of remembered the past. It was blurry. Not clear of those memories I had been seeing.

"Are you asking me to go out with you? I mean as your girlfriend?!" I was shy asking him that. I had to keep those memories away and focus on only him. I just looked down and blushed.

"Yeah. I'm asking you that and seriously this time," He messed my hair tightly while smirking nicely.

"Can I ask you something before you hear my answer?" I asked quietly as he nodded. "Do you love me? I mean do you have feelings for me for real?" I continued. I had to ask him that, maybe to confirm. I was afraid for a while. I didn't know why but just afraid especially when he kept being silent for a while.

"Come with me," He pulled my arm and went to a very beautiful place. It was a bridge up a river. Mapu Bridge, a very beautiful river. Water was shining when the sunshine hit it at that time.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously looking around.

"I used to stay here a lot at night. In late nights and texting you when we were talking on Line and Skype and Facebook applications. I don't know why you can't remember me. I don't know what really happened. We were okay after that situation. However, when I came back to talk to you. You never recognized me," He pronounced with a sad voice, remembering those warm feelings. He looked down messing his hair.

"I had a car accident and I lost half of my memory. I'm trying each time to remember, but it's blurry. I'm sorry," I replied in a lower tone. I too felt sad for what he said. I knew him before. We were lovers. However, I couldn't remember. My heart recognized him. It was beating each time he was close to me. I, at first, didn't pay attention until he confessed. I didn't ask even about the situation that happened to both of us so that we ended up that way.

"Tell me what happened?" He asked me calmly.

*Flash back*

I was a quiet girl. Just sad most of times in reality with parents and problems. My parents weren't good those times. Like they were going to separate and almost divorce. Since I was the elder I had to take and handle everything. Those times, I was already knowing him from using social media. I was talking to him everyday. Then we both were getting busier. He was busy working and I was busy studying. Our conversations were awesome. Mostly mature and of course he was so wise, so sweet, so kind. He got that little way to get me. I liked him those times, especially since he was honest with me. I had always loved honest people. He was 'Choi Myeong Hoon' my close and best friend and more. I could've let everything away and let all fall apart just because he made me happy. He had always done that, and never left me alone. One day, I got out of my house heading to university to study. I always went by foot then taking train then walk again to get there. I was walking putting my earphones and wanted to cross the road. I looked right and left then started to cross. That car which was coming, I hadn't seen it at all. I was focusing on music mostly. The driver didn't see me or pay attention to me crossing. I got crushed by his car. They took me to hospital. I woke up after three days remembering nothing only few things that kept inside my head deeply.

"The doctor said that I lost half of my memory and couldn't remember only few things since that accident," I explained to him all that.

"So you had a car accident and I didn't hear of it," Yeongi looked at me in a sad way. He felt sorry for me.

"Yeah, but sometimes some pictures come to my mind that's why I'm confused," I rubbed my head and messed my hair while Yeongi got closer to me. He held my face with one of his hands while putting the other around my neck. I looked at him, exactly inside his eyes, his beautiful bright dark eyes. He got closer more. I closed my eyes slowly.

"I'm sure I'm somewhere in your heart since a long time," He whispered then kissed me and kept staring at me while I opened my eyes trying to say anything. I was confused if I should tell him that I loved him or I should keep it inside for more.

"Why you're quiet? Say something," He said quietly. We were alone in that place. I could had said a lot to him in there but didn't.

"I.. I just.." I tried to say anything. I couldn't

"You what cutie," He smiled in a sweet way then kissed me again.

"I don't know what to say," I looked apart. He kept holding me and looking at me with his mysterious attractive eyes.

"I didn't reply to your question. I will now," He interrupted looking at me looking at him. My heart was racing. I was breathless for a while. "Yeah, I have feelings for you. I love you more than you ever think. I said it and will say it again. I wanna be the shoulder you cry on and the only one you love and have. I.. " He didn't finish his talk because I cut it by a deep kiss.

"I love you too Yeongi," I claimed as my cheeks blushed looking inside his eyes as he did. He smiled and kept kissing me in there for a while.

"So you're my girlfriend now, my only and one girl?" He smirked for getting the jackpot. He was like 'yeah, I won the game and you'.

"Since when you ask when you try to own something you get it?!" I looked at him and laughed.

"Woah now you know me well," He pinched my cheek.

"How can't I know my man?" I smirked confidently while he laughed .

"Let's go for a walk or we can say our first date," He proposed. We were happy. We forgot everything.

"That's a great idea!" I agreed messing my hair as we were walking.

"Ah yeah. Cutie," He giggled while pulling me to his side from my waist.

We walked out. Bought ice cream. Had fun together. Took selfies and pictures. We even acted crazy by shouting from a high place saying 'I love you' and stuffs. He was a photographer in his free time. A professional one. He took lot of pictures for me in many positions and places. I was like his own model. His looks were so impressing. Like they see only me. It had stayed half an hour for sunset. He took my arm running to Han River and kept waiting. It was so beautiful, so attractive. I kept staring at the view while he held me and stared at me with his brightful eyes smirking, and kissed me so deeply. We stayed there for a while. Then I suddenly remembered Yeongsoo.

"Ah! Can I ask you something?"


"Why you disagreed for the relationship between Yeongsoo and Jin Hyuk before. I'm just curious to know. And why can't you help her to forget him since he's married?" I asked as he looked apart for a while thinking.

"Ah. Damn it," He messed his hair.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Well. She loved him crazily right, but he doesn't and never had the same feelings for her. He is my best friend and I knew him very well. I disagreed because I knew he was engaged to another woman while he kept being gentleman with my sister considering her as a best friend's sister. And if she still loves him you better convince her to find another one. It's a lot for her. She suffered and I couldn't do anything," He looked back at me while smiling a fake one explaining everything to me.

"I don't know. I'll try to convince her finding another one. It's hard to love someone whom would never love us back," I looked down sadly holding his hand and playing with it.

"It's okay. I know that she will be okay soon. To be away from him is the best solution for her now. And I still don't want any man to get closer to her. I don't want her to be played."

"I'll see what to do. She's a great girl after all. Also not all men are players. You are not a player!" I smiled looking closely at him. I should have paid attention to what I was saying. I forgot that I was dealing with the evil, and evil always plays the push and pull until it gets rid of you.

"It's our first day of dating, so let's forget about others and just live the moment," He smiled cheering me up. His smile was firing up a flame inside me that could make me warm. I just nodded hugging him tightly.

"Let's do something special," I looked at him while he was wondering.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like this!" I kissed him and ran away while he got up chasing me shouting.

"Ya! cutie that's not special!"

"So what's special for you?!" I stopped and turned to look at him running toward me and carrying me while looking at me in an attractive way letting me frozen inside his arms.

"That's special," He kissed me deeply. I blushed while holding his head surrounding his neck with my arm.

"Yeah it is," I murmured smiling and looking at his lips. "Shall we go home?" I asked while he looked at me strangely.

"Home?! Why would we go?" He wondered while looking at his watch. It was already 8 pm.

"Yeah, Yeongsoo is waiting for us for sure," I looked at him in a weird way.

"Who cares! We're having fun and it's our first date so let's have dinner together and take another long round outside then going back home," He smirked when he poked my nose with his finger. That time, I didn't know anything about the real game. He was engaged but was with me. It was like he forgot reality, or he ignored everything and focused on only me.

"Well, that sounds cool," I rubbed my head and he messed my hair.

We went to have dinner together. Our looks were meeting from time to time with tight laughs. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Yeongsoo.

"Hey!" I answered on the phone.

"Ya! Where are you both! I'm waiting here all alone at home," Yeongsoo shouted on the phone.

"Well.." I was trying to explain while Yeongi took the phone from me replying her.

"What do you want?"

"Ah. I'm here alone. Where are you both!?" With a worried and sad voice she asked.

"We're on our first date. Can't you let us in peace for a moment?" He replied her smirking at me while I tried to take my phone from him.

"A date!?" She replied surprisingly.

"Yeah. So don't wait a lot for us!" He was harsh. He cut the call in her face.

"Why you said that to her!?" I wondered cause it looked weird.

"Can't she let us alone on our first date?" He asked looking at me anxiously.

"Well. It's okay. You could've just told her that we'll be back soon. You were harsh with her."

"We won't go back soon you know. I also didn't mean to be harsh with her," He looked at me romantically playing with my hair tightly.

"Okay. As you wish," I smiled blushing.

We got out together. Holding each others' hands. I was so happy like it was eternity or something. All I had to do was not to let him go. It was already midnight. We went almost to all those romantic places. We kissed and hugged and cuddled and talked about a lot of things. After all that we entered home. We found Yeongsoo there alone standing up in a surprise once she saw us.

"I've been waiting for both of you," She started looking at us in a creepy way.

"Yeongsoo, are you okay?" I asked noticing her face expressions.

"Yeah, why not?" She faked a smile to me while Myeong Hoon's face expression changed once he saw her.

"What's going on here? Did I interrupt something?" Ji Hye entered Yeongi's house looking at us smirking evilly. "Babe what's going on? Where have you been?" She continued getting closer to us. She was so evil. She hugged him while he couldn't even move from shock. I looked at her. It was the first time seeing her, meeting her and knowing that she was no good. She was looking at me staring in anger. I didn't know what was she exactly. It was kind of weird to me. It was like she knew me while I didn't. If I could describe her I would say she was a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

"Aren't you Jung Suk's ex girlfriend?" She asked me as Yeongi was so quiet. Angry at the same time. He looked so furious but couldn't show it, and was frozen in his place.

"Yeah I am. Who are you?" I replied in a strong tone. I wasn't liking her way of acting nor talking. I asked for curiosity. I didn't know that I was dealing with the devil itself that time.

"You're asking me sweety?" She laughed sarcastically when she was hugging Yeongi and touching his chest and looking at him and other times as me.

"Yeah you. Who else would I ask?" I answered harshly while everyone was surprised from my way of talking. When I looked at Yeongsoo she had a shocked face and what was making me scared that Yeongi kept being silent all that time letting her touching him in front of me.