Chapter Nine

"I'm Ji Hye and I'm.." She didn't finish her talking until Yeongi got out if his mysterious silence.

"Come with me," He held her hand and pulled her out with him to the house's garden.

"What babe?" She looked at him after he faced her outside. It was dark only that garden's lights showing up.

"You tell me what?! Why you're here even! Who told you to come and why you're stalking me that way!?" Yeongi asked angrily. He was shouting and talking using his hands.

"Eh. Why are you shouting? I'm your fiance and I have the right to feel jealous when a girl stays beside you and hold your hand," Ji Hye said confidently as she was right. Yes, she was right. We, girls, feel jealous when we see someone we love with another one from us. However, she was wrong because she didn't love him. She wanted him back for her own good.

"You have no right to do that. We aren't married yet and I'm free to do whatever I want before I become your slave!" Yeongi replied shouting. It felt as he wanted to escape from the prison she put him in but helplessly can't. His looks were telling a lot. I kept watching both of them. I was surprised to see him that much mad. Yeongsoo herself didn't know what to do.

"Hell! My slave?! How dare you say that! I thought our relationship is good until I find out that you're dating your sister's friend! Woah, good job honey! And don't forget our deal! Great I discovered that you're cheating on me now. I'll destroy any girl who gets closer to you! You better know that I love you mostly! And how dare you do that to me!" Ji Hye shouted back. He kept looking at her while she was talking loudly.

"I'm sorry. I just feel I'm controlled by you while that's my job and I hate being controlled! Just let me do whatever I want before I become totally yours Ji Hye," He looked at her helplessly destroyed. He messed his hair and covered his face and didn't want me to know that he was engaged while everybody knew about that, except me.

"Okay. Let me think. You want to spend some time with her since you want to have fun and enjoy. And just because you weren't dating any other girl last past years, you want to finally date a girl before getting married. So you won't be with any other girl after we get married right?" Ji Hye said slowly telling what she understood from his talking in her own way while all he wanted her to do was to let him go and set him free forever.

"Yeah, that's it," He agreed smartly.

"Okay then, you have what you want. Soon or later I'll own the whole of you and you'll be totally mine as you said. However, I'll keep watching," She smiled looking at the glassy door while I was looking at both of them then turned.

"Who's she?" I asked Yeongsoo looking at her sadly.

"Well she's.. Em.." Yeongsoo started then couldn't say anything. "She's an old friend of him and one of his partners in work that's all," She continued trembling. She was afraid of saying something wrong. She didn't want to ruin everything by just confessing or spelling the word 'fiance'.

"Oh okay. she seemed like she's his boss or something like that. It was creepy to talk to her! And why she was hugging him and all?" I claimed laughing madly and looking back to Yeongi.

He was staring at me with a very hurtful look. For a while I thought he was dying inside. He was really dying and wanted to be saved. He looked struggling and lost. He was like the center of a circle which held us all, me, his family, his father's business and his friends without forgetting himself. He didn't want to hurt anyone, especially me. I know that if he told me the truth I would get mad and angry at him and maybe would never let him to meet me again. However, I keep telling myself, I wish I knew that time. I looked so stupid to everyone. At least, that's what I felt about myself after discovering times later. Ji Hye left and Yeongi entered confusedly acting that everything was okay. He looked at me and hugged me so tight. I still remember that it was warmth itself. too warm that I wanted to be inside his arms for forever. He was saying too much silently. It was a talking body. Hugging either means I'm fine by your side and happy with you, grateful and so pleased to be surrounded by your arms. Or it means I wish you take all that pain away, healing my scars and make me feel better since I'm with you. Ignoring all other meanings of hugs between friends and family.

"Are you okay?" I asked worrying. His hug was that second meaning. I somehow felt that something was wrong with him. It was like he wanted me to understand him, but I couldn't because I had no idea about what was going on. Yeongsoo left that living room heading outside finding Kim Hyung Min sitting in the garden waiting for Yeongi to talk to him.

"Yeah. How about you cutie?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine when you are," I looked at him when I was holding his waist. He looked deeply in my eyes. I couldn't stop looking and staring at him.

"You're my beautiful queen," He whispered getting closer to my face. I could feel his heart beats beating tightly and felt his lips softly touching mine. I was feeling drunk once he kissed me. Drunk and obsessed for wanting more. Passionate enough to bring me down easily and to give up to his lips and his talent in kissing. It was a real art.

"I'll kidnap you now," He whispered closely to my mouth looking at them and my eyes, and suddenly he carried me between his arms.

"Where?" I asked with a quiet voice. My arms were surrounding his neck and I kept staring at his eyes.

"To my room," He smirked looking at me. Our foreheads were touching and sweet looks couldn't be stopped.

"What we'll do there?" I asked with a scary face.

"Nothing, just sleeping together and talking all the night long," He answered laughing tightly, and comforting me for nothing would happen.

"Okay then," I kissed his cheek fast and giggled while he looked at me going up the stairs to his room. He even forgot about his sister whom went to sit beside Hyung Min.

"Hey. What you're doing here?" She started asking.

"I'm waiting Mr Choi to discuss something with him. It's about work," He replied. "How about you Ms Choi?" He continued asking.

"I wanted to have some fresh air. It was a hard day for me," She answered quietly. It wasn't the first time she talked to him. "The sky is beautiful tonight isn't it Hyung Min?" She asked staring with sorrow up to the stars.

"It always is Yeongsoo. We just get busier with time that forbids us from appreciating the real things existing," He replied looking at her as she did.

"Yeah, you're right. I got hurt too much and was busy crying which forbid me from looking at these beautiful stars every night," She looked down sadly remembering the one she loved.

"Tears are precious. But only when we shed them on someone who deserves or at least who feels us," He claimed with a lower voice. He was hurt too. He was feeling what she had always felt. He got the same pain, same sorrow, same hard times she passed. She didn't know that either. He was right because he experienced that. She thought he was mature because of his age. He was older than her. Older enough to know lot of things better than she did. However, maturity and wisdom don't need age to be existed.

"Have you ever fallen in love with someone who can't love you back? Or who doesn't love you back?" She looked at him asking.

"I fell in love with someone who doesn't know that I love her and whom is already in love with someone else," He replied confidently looking inside her eyes. He loved her since the moment he met her.

"It's the same thing for me. It's sad isn't it?" She turned her head to look straight confused of what she was saying.

"Yeah. But still I become happy when she is happy and I smile when she smiles."

"Why didn't you confess?" She asked looking back at him.

"I'll be refused. I told you she's in love with someone else," He smiled looking down messing his hair. He was so handsome. They called him before to be a model but he refused. He was afraid if he would never see Yeongsoo again.

"Try to confess and you'll feel better. At least if she will refuse you, you'll be able to move on. Also, who would refuse such a handsome! She would look so stupid if she will do that!" She laughed trying to cheer him up as he smiled trying to say that it was always her.

"Yeah, I think I'll try. How about you? Did you confess?" He asked smiling.

"Well, he knew before but now he doesn't that I still love him. I can't confess either. He's married," She replied when she was looking back at him. But once she finished, she looked away letting her tears fall.

"Hey! It's okay. Don't cry for who doesn't deserve. It is just a wrong time that's all," He tried to hug her but he ended up tapping on her back and shoulder. She felt tired that day. She just put her head on his shoulder falling asleep. He carried her to her bedroom then went to his house.

We entered his room. It was warm and so beautiful. Lights were turned on and everything was sweet even the air we were breathing. He put me on his bed looking at me.

"Can you wait for me? I'll have a shower fast and you can ask a servant to bring you your pajama or something to change your clothes," He spoke gently.

"Oh yeah. I'll ask her that just have a great shower!" I smiled replying. I felt confused and kind of scared.

He entered to have a shower. I called a servant to bring me something to wear and change. I dressed those clothes the whole day. After a while she entered holding it and bowing.

"Oh thanks," I said holding them.

"Welcome Ms," She bowed again and was going out of his room.

"Wait!" I stopped her shouting.

"Yes Ms?" She turned and bowed again.

"Where is Yeongsoo? Please call her to come here fast " I demanded.

"In her room Ms. I will call her for you," She bowed and went out. After a while she came back. "I'm sorry, but Ms Choi is asleep in her room. Mr Kim told me not to wake her up," She pronounced bowing.

"Ah, it's okay. I'll see what to do!" I replied as she left.

I didn't know what to really wear. It was summer. Hot weather and only shorts and shirts which were useful to wear and sleep with. All my pajamas were dresses or shorts. I was so confused of what to wear. Afraid if something would happen and at the same time it was hot to wear something long. I had no choice. I only looked for long pants and a large shirt to wear. The servant brought them to me and I wore them fast. I was shy for no reason. Making scenarios inside my head then tell myself to stop thinking like that. After all he was a man and I was a woman. I was waiting him and thinking of lot of things. I didn't rest toward Ji Hye when I first time saw her. It was strange. Who she was really. Why she was that much close to him and the way she touched him and talking to him was suspicious. Then I tell myself maybe she was just a work partner as Yeongsoo said. What if she was more than that?. These questions were running inside my head. I couldn't ignore those actions. I wasn't that stupid or someone who forgets fast.

"Damn it," I shouted and messed my hair as I was talking a bit loudly looking around in his room once and down to the ground another time.

"She's who?" Yeongi asked when he suddenly appeared in front of me poking my nose and closely looking at me.

"No one! You've finished showering!" I surprisingly replied trying to change the subject. His smell was so attractive even his perfume. I could smell it from few steps.

"Yeah as you see," He smiled then noticed my clothes. "Are you comfortable with these? I mean the weather is hot and will you be able to sleep with these clothes?" He asked wondering. I couldn't say anything but I had to say something.

"Ah, yeah. I'm used to!" I blushed confusedly replying.

"Dina," He held my hand looking at me in a sweet way. "Are you afraid if I'd do something to you?" He quietly asked as I became totally red and looked away while he kept looking inside my eyes.

"No.. It's not like.." I tried to reply. I was so confused. I had never done that before. It was complicated.

"Listen to me babe. If you don't feel comfortable with these you'll have to change. I'm a gentleman and I would never do something that you don't want or even feel uncomfortable with. Even now if you don't want to be here, you can go and sleep in your room," He calmly explained then kissed my forehead standing up.

"I'll change and be right back," I stood up trembling then hurried to change my clothes. I trusted him. My heart was into him. I admired him completely. I could give up to him but couldn't. I wasn't liking that either. Especially with the phobia I had. I wore a short and a tight short shirt. I went back to his bed room entered seeing him saying down.

"I'm back," I stood up getting closer to him looking down messing my hair. He got up staring at me smiling.

"Come here my girl," He held my arm pulling me with him to his bed. I felt so shy, blushing. I was quiet looking down few times and to him other times. He was wearing a black T-shirt with his pants. He looked so handsome in a special way. He suddenly carried me pulling both of me and him to his bed and kept staring.

"Why you're so quiet? You used to be loud each time I get close to you," He whispered looking at every piece in my face.

"I'm.. I'm just.." I didn't know what to say. I even tried to look around not to him hoping to find what to say. Unfortunately, couldn't.

"You're what sweety," He whispered getting closer to me. I felt so confused and started to shake.

"Ya! It's just our first date," I shouted pushing him away and get up to sit on the bed.

"Hell. I was going to kiss you that's all," He smirked and sited beside me. Lights were still turned on.

"I'm just afraid.." I rubbed my head looking down then at him again.

"Afraid of what? Of me?!" He looked at me wondering.

"Not you. It's kinda you. Ah. How I should explain?" I looked back to see him laughing tightly.

"Then what?"

"Afraid of touching me! I have phobia," I shouted closing my eyes and hiding my face.

"You're my girl. The one I love. I can't harm you or anything like that. I can't do what you don't want me to do okay? And I already know about your phobia," He replied quietly pulling me to him. Inside his warm arms. I felt save. My insecurities just disappeared.

"Yeah," I just nodded not saying anything.

"Come," He said then laid down. I laid down beside him looking up to the roof. He looked at me for a while and smirked.

"I said come," He pulled me inside his arms again. It felt so romantic like in dramas. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled hugely. His heart beats were closer to my ears, they were a song, a melody, a rythm. I put my hand slowly on his heart.

"You're so warm," I said quietly and felt shy to say it.

"Really," He whispered to me.

"Yeah, really," I looked up to see him looking at me in a very deep look. As a drunken staring at his bottle of expensive wine.

"Everdine," He pronounced after a deep silence.


"You're so beautiful," He whispered touching my hair and my face then kissed my nose.

"Didn't you say I'm ugly few days ago?" I laughed tightly.

"Em, maybe I meant the opposite," He slid his hand slowly touching to my neck and half part of my hair while playing with it using his fingers. My body shook for a while. I blushed and looked at him. At his forehead and hair, eyes and nose, then at his lips. Every detail of him. His black hair was my favorite.

"I want to ask you something," I whispered looking at him as he nodded. I started to touch his face and caress his hair. Our arms were crossed to each other. "Who's that girl whom came before. Ji Hye was her name right?"

"Do you trust me?" He asked while I didn't expect him to answer that.

"Yes," I nodded.

"She used to be my girlfriend. She hurt me so much. I loved her for six years but she left me for no reason. She stopped loving me and she went out with another guy. That was 6 years ago. I told you about her when we were talking on Line app. You forgot that. I moved on. you helped me did you forget that too?" He explained.

"Maybe. I don't know if someday I'll get back my memory which was lost. I wish I remember everything about you," I said looking apart.

"She's just a partner at work. I mean she has her own company as I'm having mine."

"You have a company too?" I asked.

"Yeah. It used to be my father's. Some people are trying to own it.." He started to explain confusedly. He took off his hand and turned to lay on his back looking up and taking a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" I got up to look at him closely.

"It's just.." He tried to talk messing his hair. His looks weren't fine. His face expression showed that he was so worried. He wanted to tell me that time but couldn't. We both knew that it was a bad idea. I now understand him why he couldn't tell me.

"Yeongi. It's okay tell me. Trust me," I tried to comfort him. I put my hand on his face making him looking at me.

"It's all a game that's all. Some people want to own my father's company and they do now actually and I want to save it. So someday. If I'll mistake with you or even do will you forgive me?" He looked at me deeply while I nodded kissing his cheek. He smiled toward me. I got closer to him. I kissed him deeply as he held me then turned me on my back and kept kissing me passionately, slowly, sweety, as the world ended up there or as forever existed with us. Time could stop at those moments. Eternity called for both of us.

"Will you get it back?" I asked him when we stopped to get back our lost breathes.

"Yeah in a way or another," He held my hair playing and rubbing my head then touched my face. He went down to my neck. I kept staring at him while he slowly kissed my neck and sucked it sweetly. I couldn't move. I was under his control. I felt like he poisoned me by his kisses and his touches. I was holding his head wanting more. He turned off lights and he slowly took off his T-shirt. His body was so attractive, sexy and muscled. I was staring at him from his head to his neck down his chest to his abs. He smirked sexily looking at me then got closer.

"You allow me right?" He whispered to me while I put my hand on his neck.

"Just don't.. " I hesitated once he kept looking inside my eyes.

"Don't worry trust me," He smiled to me as I did. I felt so shy but it was warm being inside his arms. Between his bed and his chest. He stared to my lips slowly he got closer and put his lips on mine. We kissed each other for few minutes and he started to go down to my neck. Slowly sucking it and kissing it. I was closing my eyes. I was getting drunk with each kiss, all I could do was holding him to me afraid of letting him go. I slowly started to kiss his neck while caressing his hair as he was touching my tummy under my T-shirt going up.

"Yeongi," I whispered to him trying to stop.

"Yeah sweety," He stopped looking at me.

"I love you," I looked into his eyes. And once he heard me saying it, he smiled.

"I love you too," He replied kissing me deeply then looked at me. "Do you feel sleepy?" He asked whispering.

"Just a little bit. How about you?"

"Yeah. I'm tired and I'll wake up early tomorrow. I've a lot of work to do."

"Let's sleep then, and when you wake up wake me too okay?" I spoke smiling toward him.

"Yeah sweety. Come here," He hugged me and laid down on his back covering both of us.

"Will you keep me forever?" I asked holding him. I wanted to stay like that forever. I knew that before losing my memory we had something beautiful more than anyone could imagine.

"I'll keep you just for me. I'm so selfish and I own you now, just as you do own me," He whispered kissing my forehead.



We crossed each other's hands and fingers and slept. '

She looked down smiling shedding tears happily, but sadness was covering all her face. It was horrible to stay quiet looking at her at that state. I couldn't say anything. I heard all those details. How she felt. How it felt. How it was touching how she described passing those sweet times with her lover. They were like fire and flame, both complete each other.

"You had a bad feeling about Ji Hye. You could have found about her earlier. I mean.. It would be ruined between you both. You had beautiful unforgettable times with him and you still believe that you both were in love with each other. So why he did that? Why he had to be engaged to Ji Hye while loving you?" I asked curiously. I didn't understand why a man would do that. Even he loved her. He had to sacrifice his company, his everything for her. I was confused. I didn't know what to explain while I needed an explanation badly.

"You wouldn't understand unless you were in my place. It doesn't matter now. I think all those dreams are over. At least, at the end, Yeongsoo keeps texting me and Jinwoo too. Sometimes Chung Min. It is over that's what I do believe for now," She smiled proudly showing me what would real love look like. She stood up and left. She left me confused, drowning in my thoughts. Trying to reconsider of what love life I was living that time. Stories with sad endings had always made me cry and more than that, they were making me suffer inside. I hated to over think of those people whom could survive with those deep hurt feelings and scars. How could they handle to be away from each other? How could their heart accept to be living without the other? How could those souls separate when once they were united and related to each other?