Chapter 2: INCENDIOOO!!

McG-"Terry B.."

And I tune them out 'not gonna listen to stuff I remember by heart. This dream looks way too high definition. Good job my brain. Hmm now that I see it there seems to be a few extras mixed in with the first years. Eh, don't care about them. Now let's see, this dream might end soon so I should at least try magic before waking up.'

With that thought I check out my pockets and sure enough there it is, I take out my wand but instantly it gets snatched out of my hand. I turn to glare at the looming figure of the wanna-be vampire.

Snape-"What do you think you are doing? Practicing magic during sorting is not allowed."

Ansh-'Say what bitch'. "since when exactly?"

Snape-"Since I said so. You have caused enough chaos for a day, so you can forget about doing anything else today. It would be in your interest to not any other scene today since I'll be watching over you"

With that said, he turns around and starts walking away.

Ansh-"Wait give me back my wand!"

Snape-"You'll get it before leaving the Great Hall"

'Ok, now I am pissed. How dare he? Wait, since this is a lucid dream, I should be able to control it right. Let me try it.....'change into a skirt, change into a skirt, change into a skirt'...hmm seeing as Snape is still in his robes, maybe I don't have as much control over it as I thought. What if I can only control my actions and the rest is just dependent on my subconscious without me having active control over it."

The sound of the glass made me pay attention to the front.

Dumbles-"Seeing that the sorting went on longer than expected *looks at me*, I assume you are all hungry so I won't be taking much of your time. Let the feast begin"

As soon as he says that, the table gets filled up with variety of food. 'huh, neat trick'.

While others just seem to be in a hurry to fill as much into their plates as they can, I try to find one thing that suits my palate.

'Why are there non-veg options when I am a vegetarian? and the only thing that looks like it has been cooked in some way other than just boiled are the beans. Who eats beans in their freaking dreams? Ugh brain make at least one thing that I can eat, come on. Lets just try that pumpkin juice. *sip*...*spit* ughh, what the heck is that. Nope can't handle that. I hope this works'

"*tap**tap* apple juice please"

'Huh what do you know, these elves do listen. Good for me.'

"*tap**tap* veg fried rice, extra spicy"

I wait for a minute for my order to arrive and look up to see those near me just staring at me dumbfounded.


"…..Nothing. it's just that this isn't a restaurant you know" an older kid replied.

"So, what am I supposed to do when nothing here seems suits my taste? Go hungry? No thank you"

"Whatever man, do whatever you want"

Seeing as my order arrived, I ignore the kid and start focusing on my dinner. 'This actually tastes good. At least my brain got the taste right'

The rest of the dinner finishes peacefully and Dumbles got up again for another speech that I tuned out. I mean why hear all that nonsense about danger or whatever, I don't have time to waste here seeing as I could wake up any second now.

Snape returned my wand to me and we got up to follow our prefects to the dorms. I could tell that Penelope was fed up with me by the time we reached there. Well ok I accept that it may be my fault seeing as I was constantly asking her various questions and when she started ignoring me, I may have switched my attention to one of those vanishing steps and she had to literally lift me in her arms to pry me off it. What, you think I should be embarrassed of being carried by a girl? Then you are an idiot. It's my dream, heck if I'll be embarrassed here.

As soon as we reached the eagle knocker, it began speaking? I think. But its mouth doesn't move so is there a speaker fitted inside it? Something to figure out later as I don't think Penelope will let go of my arm right now.

Knocker-"What question can you never answer yes to?"

Penelope-"So, who wants to try and answer?"

She looked toward us. Not like it helped, everyone looked clueless.

"Are you asleep yet?".

Knocker-"That is right"

"What? Am I not allowed to answer." Why are they staring now?

Penelope-"No, just didn't expect you would know the answer."

We all just walk inside the common room with Penelope still refusing to let go of my arm.

Flitwick-"ok so welcome everyone. I hope you all carefully memorized the path to the dorms. If not, no need to worry. For the first week your prefects will accompany you to your classes and back. Now I hope all of you know our house motto 'wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure'. You all have one trait in common-'the eagerness to learn'. Some more so than others *looks at me*, but just because you think you know more than others or are smarter, never look down on others, whether they are from the same house or others. Because arrogance is the 1st step in a person's downfall. Now I can see that you guys are tired so go on and tuck into your beds."

Ansh-"So you planning to leave my hand or are we gonna sleep together cause let me tell you I for one don't have any problem with that idea"

Penelope just glares at me and leave my hand roughly at that. "I hope you don't do anything that would us loose house points on the first day."

Ansh-"Oh you wound me, don't you have enough trust in me to know that I definitely will do something exactly like that"

I just turn around and walk up to the dorms without hearing her reply. If she thinks I am gonna waste my time sleeping inside a dream, then she is sorely mistaken.

Seeing as there were five of us first years and the rooms were double sharing, my yearmates decided that I get the privilege of staying in a room all alone. I hurriedly get inside my room and lock it up.

'Now let us begin' I take out my wand*cough* magic wand I mean, and try my first spell "Protego Diabolica"..... 'hmm that's strange. Why did nothing happen? Let me try one more time' "Ignis Infernum..... Expecto Patronum Bombarda Maxima Procella Ignis...….l-lu-lumos".

*sniff sniff*"stupid useless dream, can't even cast the most basic spell, what is the use of being in harry potter then? No, I don't accept it. Before I wake up, I will cast at least one spell successfully. And not just any weak ass spell, but a fire spell." 'incendio' 'incendio' 'inc—'

'What the heck is up with this dream, why can't I cast a single incendio after 6 freaking hours?? Ughh…'INCENDIOOOOOOO' hot red flames burst out of my wand "YES!! Finally"

"That's right, I'm great. *dancing around* thank you ladies and gentlemen, I know, I know I am great. But no need to feel down, you see I am just different than all you plebeians." 'hmm *sniff sniff* why does it smell like something burning?'

I look down my hand to see my wand still spewing out flames and now my whole bed is on fire. "ah fuck, stop. Stop I said you stupid wand" I shake my wand frantically in an attempt to stop it from spewing more flames. 'oh no, what do I do. Think think, what was the water making charm, aghh think you useless brain. Ah "aguamenti'' ... 'FUCKK why did the flames get stronger, it was supposed to be water, not freaking oil damn it!'

'Oh well I give up, I mean not like I'll be harmed in my own dream. Pretty sure I am about to wake up any second now anyway.' Thinking this I just sit down and stare at the flames bursting out of my wand. I mean I finally performed magic, it sure is a beautiful sight. I am vaguely aware of constant banging on my door but choose to ignore it in favour of watching those flames. 'ouch' I look down to see the flames reaching me. 'Ah man this is gonna hurt.' No matter how people say that you don't fell pain in your sleep, I for one always have, don't know why though.

The flames now fully completely surround me, but strangely enough, they don't really burn me, all I feel is a warm sensation. Ok maybe a bit too warm, its certainly annoying, like I am infront of a heater out in the sun on a summer day. 'well atleast I don't have to feel pain' as I have this thought, I feel myself getting sleepy and right before I go in the arms of Morpheus, I saw my door bursting open and the figure of Flitwick behind it.