Chapter 3: It hurts

I woke up to the smell of a typical hospital with me unable to move my limbs. Now let me tell you that waking up in what you can only guess is a hospital and having no control over your body is a scary experience.

??-"Don't try to move Ansh . I can assure you that it is futile to try and do so"

'Great! Now I am kidnapped'

??-"You should be thanking your lucky stars that atleast you are alive right now after literally being cooked alive. That was an extremely dumb thing to do. What exactly were you thinking setting your whole room on fire?"

'.....What is this bitch talking about? When did I set my room on fir- Oh, right seems like I'm still in that dream. Huh I thought I would wake up by now. Well more Potterverse time for me Hurray!'

??-"oh so you are gonna play the silent card huh, all right suit yourself"

I open my mouth to speak to the now-identified Madam Pomfrey but the instant I do so I feel like I have been parched for a whole month.

"Wa-wat-wa" that's all my throat could force out.

MaPom-"Here open your mouth"

I do so and instantly feel the cool elixir bringing me comfort. I must have drunk at least 3litres of water before I felt my throat to be in working condition.

MaPom –"Willing to speak now?"

Ansh-"What do you want me to say? I wanted to try magic and I did. The results may have been a bit out of what I wanted but I still did magic."

MaPom-"That is your excuse? That you wanted to do magic? I have worked here since before your mother stepped foot inside this castle and let me tell you That is the most stupid excuse I've ever heard in all my career."

Hearing that I just began laughing "Yeah I am a bit crazy but still, I performed magic. That's something I have wished about since I was 7. All those times waving my pencil around saying 'wing-GAR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sa' and tens of other spells. All those stories about magic. If I could do it again I would without blinking an eye. All I hope is that I remember this feeling when I wake up"

MaPom-"DO YOU REALISE YOUR CONDITION?? You have 2nd degree burns all over your body and multiple 3rd-degree burns. The only reason you are not wailing in pain right now is because of all the potions and salves that have been applied to you."

Ansh-"...that sounds bad. But no worries not like anything can happen to me."

MaPom-"If this is nothing then I for sure don't want to see you when 'something' does happen. *sighs* forget it, you will be discharged in 2days. Try not to cause trouble till then"

Ansh-"Let me tell you a secret Madam, come close."

When I can hear her near me I say "*whispering* trouble is my middle name".

She doesn't even bother with a response and walks away. And in the meanwhile I am left wondering ways to pass my time. 'If any of these people think I'm gonna lie here and waste precious time to cast magic, then they are mistaken. But what can I even do?' I try for a while and now am finally able to open my eyes.

"Congrats, you really did make us lose house points on your first day."

I look to my side to see Penelope standing there, though contrary to her tone of scolding she had a look of concern on her face.

Ansh -"What can I say, I am a man of my word."

Penelope-"How are you feeling, though looking at you I guess the answer can't be good"

Ansh-"Well I can't really feel my limbs right now so all right I guess. Though looking at you my pain seems to be alleviated. Now if you just wear a sexy nurse outfit, I'll be able to make a full recovery."

Penelope-"Not exactly flattering hearing that from an 11yr old"

Ansh-"Age is just a number"

Penelope-"A number that matters"

Ansh-"*sighs* Kids, they just don't understand how to ignore such minor details"

Penelope-"All right grandpa, do tell me that if you are so wise how come you managed to burn yourself on the first day?"

Ansh-"*in an arrogant tone* Listen and be amazed you plebian, my great self casted the fire-making charm 'incendio'. And not just any trickle of fire, but a full-blown flamethrower level. Now be amazed and bow down in my presence"

Penelope-"Wait that condition of your room was done by incendio? It looks like someone unleashed Fiendfyre in there. Tell me the truth, how exactly did it happen?''

Seeing her standing there with her arms crossed made me sure that she wouldn't budge until she got a satisfactory answer. 'Damn it, my brain made these guys way too life-like'

Ansh-"I'm telling you the truth. I wanted to try magic and what better way to confirm that you are a wizard than spewing flames from your wand? I just didn't know how to turn it off…"

Penelope-"Well next time how about starting with a simple lumos, or maybe learn the counter spell before attempting something that dangerous? How long till you get discharged?"

Ansh-"Oh I'll be up and running in a day"

"He'll be here for at least 2 days" came the voice of Madam Pomfrey.

Penelope-"Well atleast that I don't have to worry about you making another scene for next 2 days."

Ansh-"*tut tut tut* Girl, you are still underestimating me and my capabilities to cause chaos"

Penelope-"Your stunt caused us to lose 50 house points, please don't do anything or forget winning we won't even be able to compete for the house cup"

Ansh-"Why care about an empty cup that provides you with zero benefits? Instead of that wouldn't it be better to make all the mistakes that you can and learn from them? "

Penelope-"Exactly, learn from them and don't do anything like this again."

MaPom-"Okay that's enough. Let him rest now"

After that Penelope had to leave and I was again left wondering about ways to pass my time. But that didn't last long considering the matron made me swallow a dreamless sleep potion.