Chapter 6: Suker Punch

I wake up to the same dream again. 'You know, if I'm going to be in it for a long time, I should go to classes. At least they teach magic there.'

I get up to leave and look to my right...… "ahhhhh *sucker punch*"

"Mr. Patil what happened?" the matron came running hearing me scream.

Aaand looks to the figure of Dumbledore holding his stomach with a look of pain on his face with my fist extended out.

"Now hear me out here first. I know it looks bad, but in my defense, it is kind of scary when you wake up and suddenly see an old man so close to your face. I did not mean to do it, it was on instinct."

The matron immediately moved over to Dumbledore and made him drink a potion. And after started reprimanding me.

"Mr. Patil this is no way to treat your elders. i am just-"

"No need for that Poppy, I believe I was at fault as well here. As Ansh says it is kind of scary to see an unfamiliar face right after getting up."

Hearing what Dumbledore said Madam Pomfrey let it go. She just gives me one last warning and stands to the side.

"I am sorry headmaster, it was not my intention to hit you. It was just instinct I swear-"

"There's no need for that my boy. I believe what you say. I have been alive for many years and met with all kinds of people. That has given me a knack to judge people's personality. And I can say for sure that you are an honest person, mischievous yes, but still honest."

'Don't know what to think about my brain's judgement of my personality.'

"so now the reason I come here. I believe you have been searching for this" Dumbledore says that and takes out a wand from his pocket.

"Whose is that?"



"...… It belongs to you I believe"

"oh oh, right-right. It is mine, of course. Who else can own such a beautiful wand. Its just that I am still not fully awake so my brain isn't working at full capacity. HaHahHa." I laugh in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. What do you expect, I have barely seen the wand and they all look almost the same to me.

"Well here you go. And I believe you have learnt that magic should not be used carelessly, otherwise the consequences could be dire."

I take the wand from his outstretched hand. "I will keep that in mind headmaster"

"Now I believe it is about time you go for your breakfast. You don't want to be late for your classes do you?"

"But I thought I was getting discharged tomorrow?" I look towards Madam Pomfrey for an answer.

"You regenerated faster than I thought. Your burns have mostly healed and the remaining should be healed in a few hours as well. Just take this potion in case it hurts to move around." She says and hands me brown-coloured potion that did not seem like it would taste good.

With that Dumbledore walks out of the infirmary as well 'and I thought he would give me detention for last night. Well good for me.'

"And Madam Pomfrey, please call me Ansh. Mr. Patil seems too unfamiliar considering we will be meeting a lot."

I quickly get up and change my clothes behind the privacy of curtains. With that I walk out of the infirmary towards the great hall, but come back halfway through. 'Forgot the damn wand'.

Now I finally head towards the great hall for breakfast and I am ready to eat a whole mountain. 'Ok maybe an exaggeration but still the idea remains the same.'

As I enter the great hall a few heads turn towards me and immediately start mumbling something amongst each other. I ignore these useless details and head towards my table where I see my housemates being kind enough to open up a space for me at the far end.

'Great, I'm being shunned by my own mind. Just great!'

I sit down at the table and look at the options present there. 'Okkkk, is this gonna be a thing now that I won't be able to find anything even mildly appetizing here? I mean if I remove those non-veg items the only thing left are those baked beans and grilled tomatoes. How is one supposed to fill their stomach with this?'

'Alright no prob, lets see…..*knock knock* "banana shake please". And for solid lets just go with bread butter for now, I'll think of something later.'

Just as my shake arrived I saw Flitwick coming towards me.

"Mr. Patil looks like you are fully healed now. Good now you can join your fellow batch mates for your lessons. Here is your schedule for this year. You have already missed the classes for two days, I expect you to revise what was done in those classes on your own with your housemates help. If there is anything you don't understand then feel free to ask me or any of the other teachers." He said while passing 2 pieces of pape- not parchment, yes 2 pieces of parchment towards me.

"Okay Professor, I'll do as you said."

"Alright, now I'll leave you so that you can have your breakfast in peace." He says with a chuckle at the end.

As I see him walking away I turn my attention to my time-table while holding my shake in one hand. 'So I have free time now followed by transfiguration. Alright lets hit the library after this.'

I quickly finish my breakfast and head towards the library with the help of the map Flitwick gave along with the time-table.

I finally found the library after getting lost 3 times. 'Damn I hate those moving stairs.' I head inside and it seems-normal. Like way too normal for a library containing books on magic. 'And here I expected to find books flying or something.'

I put that thought behind me and start browsing through various books here trying to see a title that catches my eye. 'Hmm 'Common Spells to Start With', this one seems simple and interesting. Let us see, Accio, Expelliarmus, Petrificus Totalus, Brackium Emendo ...…, seems alright to begin with.'

With my chosen book in my hand, I select a comfortable chair and start reading up on Petrificus Totalus. The spell seemed like a must-have so I will begin with it.

With a book in my hand time almost seemed to fly past and before I knew it, it was already time for my class. 'Maybe I can issue this book or something, It is an interesting read.'

I began looking around for Irma, I have read about her rude behavior but my brain should mellow out her personality a bit, right?

I found her sorting some books on one of the shelves. I calmly approach her and when she turns to look at me I ask my query "Good morning Mam, I was wondering what are the rules regarding issuing a book and see if I can issue this one." I present my book to her.

She just stares at me for a few seconds, scanning me up and down, and just as I thought that she won't answer me she says "Books can be issued for a max of 1 week, and after that you have to bring it back. If you want to reissue it, then you will have to wait in case someone else already has put their name on the waiting list for that book."

"Then I would like to issue this book for the week." I say with a smile on my face.

"Alright come with me" She turns around and walks towards her desk from under which she takes out a register and writes my name, house and the name of the book. After that, I thank her and leave the library with my book under my arm.

'She wasn't as bad as portrayed in the books. Good job brain. Now onward to transfiguration class.'