Chapter 7: Transfiguration

'Looks like I'm still early.' Seeing the classroom nearly empty I make my way towards the third row and sit there. 'The perfect seat, not too close and not too far from the teacher.'

A few minutes later the students begin to fill in and take their seats. Fully expecting to be shunned here as well, I was surprised when one of my housemates sat together with me.

'What was her name again? Either Padma or Parvati, forgot which one was in my house.'

"How are you now? You were burned pretty bad when I came to see you earlier." I totally didn't expect her to start a conversation.

'Wait she came to the infirmary, is she supposed to know me? Alright brain, what kinda background did you create for me?'

"Completely fine now. Just got discharged this morning."

"What were you thinking burning your room like that? You were lucky Prof. Flitwick came and rescued you or you would have been burned to ashes." She half screams at me.

'Alright, why do I hear genuine concern in her voice? How long have we known each other?'

"Answer me now. What was going through that brain of yours-" in the second it took me to think she started her rant again.

"Alright that's it. Calm your tits woman. I'm alive and kicking so no need to chew my ear off. And second of all the teacher is here." I point towards the figure of McG who just entered class.

It seems my reply didn't sit well with her as at first she was just staring at me like a deer caught in headlights, then her face twisted to one of anger. I figure the only reason I didn't have to hear whatever she was going to throw at me just because of McG who just started the lesson.

'Like heck, I'll concern myself with maintaining relations with a fragment of imagination. I'm not crazy ok.'

I got ready for some magic when I saw McG beginning her lesson. 'If my brain is making this dream so lifelike, then surely learning in class should help in successfully casting magic. Alright grannie come on, we need the levitation spell.'

'...Damn it!!! Stop it, just stop with the damn theories bitch. Its been 40 min since you stared ranting about 'The Five Exceptions'. I get it magic can't conjure food and other stuff, but move on now. There is hardly five minutes remaining. Something, anything even lumos will work but teach something please.'

"Alright students that's it for today's class. Next week I expect a full 16 inch essay from you describing all about what we learned today." With that declaration, she shattered all my hopes I had for her.

"Hey, can you tell me when will we learn Lumos, levitation and other spells?" I ask the one beside me.

"Oh so now you speak with that softness. What about that crude language from before." She hisses at me.

"*groans* not gonna deal with this", before she can say anything else to me, I go around her and quickly make my way towards the departing figure of McG and come in front of her.

"Professor, I had a really important question for you that would take just a second of your time."

She eyes me like she just wanted to ignore me but I didn't let her pass me and stood straight in front of her.

"What is it Mr. Patil, and make it fast." She gives up at the end seeing that I wouldn't give way to her.

"You see I was wondering when are going to be done with the theory part and learn actual spells in class."

"Mr. Patil, you better than anyone have first-hand experienced what happens when you try to use spells without proper knowledge. And this is the knowledge that is necessary before you even attempt to wave that wand around. And seeing that you didn't even bring your quill and parchment to the class I think you didn't learn anything from your stunt"

"I'm not debating about the theory being necessary Professor, I was just asking how long till we move on to 'actual' magic." This bitch is testing my patience.

"For your information, this part of your syllabus will continue for the whole month and only then will we move on to 'actual' spells, as you called it." With that declaration, she continues on her way.

'Ok...…. I need the CIF for this year. Is attendance mandatory in transfiguration or not? If yes, then how much? I need answers.'

"Will you stop gawking and move on, we have potions next and I don't want to be late for Snape's class." Came the voice of that same girl.

'Ok seriously what is my background with her. After my attitude most would turn around and leave but she still waits for me.'

"*groans* not that vampire-wannabe, he will chew me out." I respond to her while I worry about facing Snape.

"He isn't that bad, and what happened to your language. Since when did you become so rude with your words?" She looks at me expecting an answer, and seeing that we will be together until we reach the potions classroom, I can't get out of this.

"Since being roasted alive. And he WILL be that bad to me since last night I threw a potion bottle at his face." I make up a reason for my behavior.

"YOU DID WHAT?? Why, when, and how? Ju-" before she starts again I interrupt her midway.

"Long story, and not enough time nor drive to tell you about it, just pray for my survival if you can."

With that constant back and forth we reach the potions classroom.