Chapter 13: leh-vee-OH-sa

I ran to the castle with all I had, and once there, I immediately went up to the 5th floor in one of the empty rooms. I found this room earlier and though nothing really interesting here, it is big enough and clean. What else do I expect from a room?

Before going to the flying class I kept my bag here, grabbing it I pull out the book I'd been reading and continue my struggle to learn spells.

This time I start learning the trademark spell of HP. 'I would be damned if I dream about harry potter and not learn the levitation charm....wait, it is a charm right. Then what the heck do we learn in transfiguration? Ah, it's that match-to-needle thing. Forgot that part since it wasn't in the movies.'

Leaving those thoughts aside, I began reading on the levitation spel-

Taking a chance I take out my wand and point it forward. *swish and flick* "Wingarduim Leviosa"...…and nothing.

'Maybe I should try it how she said it' "wing-GAR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sa."

And lo and behold, my bag starts rising in the air. 'Knew it. All those hours practicing the damn spell with the pencil couldn't have been a waste. Now that I have done it with the wand, let me try it without one.'

With a simple gesture of my fingers, the bag was levitated again. Even when I tried to do some simple movements like making the bag go around in a circle, it was done without any problems. For the next few hours I played with the levitation spell. 'This is fun, and not to mention safe.' I decidedly ignore the table that was shattered on the side just because I put too much power and it slammed it on the wall.

Looking outside, it seems to be night. 'How do I tell the time here? If I remember there was a spell in that book.'

Picking the book again, I see the spell and it is the shortest spell in the book. It has only 2 pages about it so I read it up within 10 min and then try the spell.

*Tempus* and some orange light leaves the wand forming a clock in front of me showing the current time. 'How does this spell decide what time zone to follow? Questions to ponder on later.'

Seeing how it is time for dinner, I pick up my things and leave for the great hall.

Reaching the great hall, I walk towards my table when I see all my housemates turn to look at me. Feels weird for a second until I remember what I did in the class. I immediately turn to look at the teacher's table to see Hooch glaring at me, and the grandma next to her seems ready to expel me.

'Not like they can.' I comment in my head before moving over and seeing the other professors .....doing nothing. 'Well, that's strange. I expected at least Snape to be already at my throat. Though I guess not giving a flying fudge about me does suit his character. And Flitwick seems calm as well, why isn't he angry? Well if they are not saying anything to me, I for certain don't have a problem with it.'

Ignoring the looks, I sit down at the table and just pick up a few eggs for my breakfast along with milk. Most of the students are staying at arm's length from me.

 "What were you thinking?" Most didn't seem to include her.

"What if you got hurt? A minute ago you were hanging on the broom for dear life while staying still, next I know you are STANDING ON THE BROOM NOSE DIVING!!!!" Parvati hissed at me.

"That was great right? I totally nailed it!" just remembering that moment puts a smile on my face.

"Great? No, it was not 'Great', it was downright idiotic and suicidal. You have already visited the infirmary, do you want to visit St. Mungo's too now?"

"All right look. I may have gone a bit overbo-"

"A 'BIT'"

"Okay, I may have straight-out jumped the ship, but I still don't regret what I did. Look, for all I know today might be the last day I'm here. The last time ever experiencing this magical world. Now I don't want to wake up tomorrow and think to myself that 'if I had done that' or 'why did I not try that'. I would rather not have regrets. And when exactly am I going to get another chance to fly?"

"What are you talking about? Don't make it sound like you're dying or something. You're 11, so until a meteor crashes down, you have your whole life to do this madness. And regarding this being your last day here, well that might just be true."

"What do you kn-"

Before I could complete my question, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look around to see Flitwick standing behind my back.

"Mr. Patil, meet me in my office in 15 minutes." he says with the most serious face I have seen him make ever and leaves the great hall. 'Though I have only met him for 2-3 days so, not much data to work with.'

I look in front of me to see Parvati still sitting there, now joined by Padma. 'Why isn't there a rule against sitting on another house's table? And now there's two of them.'

"Why did you do th-" before Padma could start nagging my ears, I just picked up an egg and stuffed her mouth. 

"You shouldn't talk while eating, that's bad manners. And regarding what I did, I don't regret it one bit. So, no benefit in wasting your energy scolding me. And why is my brain so fixated on that? Why make me listen to all this nonsense?"

Glaring at me, they just decide to just turn their heads around and leave the hall as well. 'One problem down, many more to go.'