Chapter 14: What is going on?

I get up to go to Flitwick's office. 'What can they even do? Give some detention, or take out house points?'

After I reach his office I knock twice on his door and enter to see Madam Hooch and Flitwick standing there.

"Well Mr. Patil, I am pretty sure you already know why you are here. Because of your irresponsible act earlier today, you have deducted 80 points from Ravenclaw." Says Flitwick.

'Like I care.'

"And detention with Madam Pince tomorrow after your classes till dinner time." He adds to my sentence.

'More books….Yay!'

"Alright professor" I reply in an apologizing tone.

"And now for the final part-"

"There's more?" I let out. 'Seriously just how much am I punished for something so minor.'

"Let me finish, for the next part Madam Hooch here has something to say to you." He gestures towards Rolanda to take over and steps back.

"What you did today young wizard was an extremely foolish act. I literally saw you trembling on your broom at the start of the class and then you hardly stabilize yourself before doing that. A second wrong there and you could have broken your neck at the speed you were going." She starts off berating my actions which is quite expected to say the least.

"You did something stupid and downright lethal, but you did manage to pull it off, perfectly at that I must say." She continues. 

'Yeah yeah, I shouldn't ha.... wait a sec, this doesn't sound like scolding anymore.' I think with a confused expression. Seeing me like that, she clarifies.

"If what you did today wasn't just a fluke, which I believe isn't, I would like to offer you to become my personal student." She finishes with a big smile on her face.

"Now, now Rolanda, at least give the lad all his options before making him choose." Interrupted Flitwick.

'What is going on?' I have no idea how things developed to this state.


Dumble's POV(Earlier in the day)

"I do understand the dangers Severus but regardless, the fact that Hogwarts is the safest place is true. Gringotts was just attacked, where else can we keep it?"

"Bottom of the sea seems a good option to me. Or why not just keep it with Mr. Flamel, it's been safe for all these years with him."

"Nicholas has lived his life Severus. I would rather not trouble him in his last days."

"Still keeping it in-"

*Knock knock*

"We'll talk later about this."

"You mean you are not going to change your decision." Snape is beginning to understand me.

"Come in."

'Rolanda and Minerva, now that's a strange combination.'

"Albus, Ansh has crossed the line this time. Directly disregarding a teacher's instructions and putting off such a stunt. It is clear that he did not learn anything from the last incident."

'Not him again.' I feel like this is going to be a long conversation.

"I think it would be better if you explained what happened first Minerva." Thanks for the support Rolanda.

"In flying class today-"

"If this is related to Rolanda's class, I believe she would be able to explain the events in better detail." 'Or at least tell exactly how it happened instead of exaggerating it.' I say to myself.

"Right, so in today's class, as usual, someone fell from their broom while trying to showcase his flying talent. So as I went to take the student to the infirmary...…"

"And that's what happened." Rolanda finishes describing the event. 

"Today he directly went against the teacher, what next is he going to do? We have to punish him Albus or other students will start following in his footsteps." Huffed out Minerva.

'No no no, you don't say that. Did you forget th-'

"Did you forget that Potter did the same thing? If anything, it is Potter who should be punished. The fact that you let him go scot-free in the first place is the whole reason for this I would say." 

'This would happen. Obviously, because why make an old man's job easier?'

Hearing Snape's reply, McGonagall didn't know what to say. In the first place when Potter did the same, she was the one who defended him and even got him to be a part of the quidditch team because of his talent.

"All right, both if you stop. I believe we should ask Rolanda here what to do with both of them as they created problems in her class." Divert the problem onto someone else, nice.

This made both of them look toward Rolanda hoping to hear a judgment made in their favor.

 "Clearly both Mr. Potter and Mr. Patil have broken the rules and should be punished. So I say we deduct house points from both of them and assign detention to both as punishment for their behavior."

"Well then, 80 points from both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor would be taken. And Mr. Potter would be assigned detention with Filch and Mr. Patil with Irma."

"Just that? Albus this is the 4th time within one week that he has broken the rules. We have to take strict action here, I say he gets banned from further flying classes as an example."

"Well in t-"

"No!" came the voice of Rolanda cutting through Snape's.

As we all look at Rolanda, surprised at her sudden outburst, she continues-

"I don't care what punishment is assigned to Mr. Potter, but Mr. Patil will not be banned from my class. "Rolanda says in a tone that conveys she won't take no for an answer.