Chapter 15: Personal Student?

"I don't care what punishment is assigned to Mr. Potter, but Mr. Patil will not be banned from my class. "Rolanda says in a tone that conveys she won't take no for an answer.

Minerva looks at Rolanda as if she just betrayed her. She clearly brought her here hoping that she would take her side.

"Mr. Patil has a talent that is simply extraordinary. In my life as an instructor, the number of students I have seen perform a Wronski Feint is few. But never have I ever seen someone perform it STANDING. And you know the craziest part?" Rolanda speaks with fervor whenever it comes to quidditch.

Seeing us all shake our heads in denial, she reveals-

"He didn't know how to fly a broom a few seconds ago. Not only that, but he was practically shaking in the air when I saw him. Clutching the broom for dear life at hardly 4 meters above the ground. And the next second, he is going at full speed around the field at around 60 meters while standing on his broom and then he performs the perfect Wronski Feint I have ever witnessed."

"That is just impossible, no student-, no, no person who was trembling seconds before can do what you just described. That simply does not happen." Came the reasonable voice of Snape.

"But I am telling you it did happen, right in front of my eyes. The boy has a natural knack for flying and I am going to train him personally, so no way is he getting banned from my class."

'Well, that is certainly..... interesting. Since Rolanda goes as far as to train him personally, the boy must have some real talent.' Looking at Minerva's face, I am sure she didn't expect this development either.

"But a professor personally guiding a student would be seen as partiality. And shouldn't he just join his house team if he is that good? He will get enough training there." Minerva has always been competitive when it came to quidditch. 

"If someone complains then tell them to perform what he did today and then I will train them as well, if they cannot, not my fault that they don't have the potential. And he will just waste his time in the quidditch team." Came the reply of Rolanda. 

'This is gonna create trouble for me. I can already see Lucius storming into my office to demand Draco to be trained as well.' I think of my coming woes.

"Although I can feel your excitement over finding such a talent Rolanda, but you have to remember that he is still a kid. He may want to spend his time playing with his housemates than train with you."

"But headmaster-"

"So, how about this." I raise my hand to stop Rolanda from arguing and continue- "We ask him how he wants to proceed. Whether he wants to play with his house team, get personally trained by you or maybe he isn't interested in quidditch at all. The final decision lies with him."

"But-But he will waste that talent if he decides not to play. Are we really going to let him waste that potential?" counters Rolanda.

"But we can't make him do something he doesn't want to. Even if we do force him against his wishes, then again, he won't be able to reach his full potential." Came the unexpected voice of Snape.

Hearing that Rolanda calms down and decides to ask him and just hopes that he agrees.

"Well then I'll tell Flitwick about this and you may talk to him after dinner." I say finally ending this conversation.

Seeing them all leave I finally get a moment to rest. 'Good thing Snape got distracted. Anyway, I certainly didn't expect that development, and I am pretty sure neither did Minerva.' The thought brought a chuckle out of me.

"Headmaster about what we were talking before-" Snape suddenly barges in.

'Damn it!'


Back to MC POV

"Now, now Rolanda, at least give the lad all his options before making him choose." Interrupted Flitwick.

"What options?" I ask, confused by this sudden turn of events.

"Well, seeing your skills in flying, you have three options in front of you. One- you join Ravenclaw's Quidditch Team; Two- become Madam Rolanda's personal student; and Three- In case you don't like quidditch all that much, refuse both of the-" 

"Which is obviously not a choice you would make, so ignore that one." Cuts in Madam Rolanda.

"OR, Refuse both of the options." Ends Flitwick with a stink eye towards her.

'Did my brain finally realize that we are one team? Finally some decision in my favor.'

"And before you make your decision, let me tell you that being a personal student isn't the same as being a normal student." Rolanda suddenly speaks up with a serious voice.

"If you do choose this option, I will do my most to make sure that you are trained to be a professional quidditch player. I am talking about playing for the big leagues, with the whole country cheering for you. And a fair warning kid, I will not spare any effort to make you the best player there is. I will wring you dry every day till your bones scream of exhaustion and you can't even stand up. But if you manage to preserve through, the day you hear your name being chanted by thousands isn't far off.''

'That's new. Hmm, so an internship program. Seems interesting, I get to learn all the skills of the concerned teacher.'

"And one more thing. Not anyone can offer you this choice. Only those with a certain benchmark of strength and knowledge can take an apprentice." Added Professor Flitwick from the side.

'Wait this means that Hooch is like those powerful cultivators outside libraries who seem all ordinary but are some big shot. Now, this is a turn I did not expect. Well my decision is clear.'

"Professor I am honored to have this opportunity." At my words Hooch has a smile on her face.

"But I am afraid I will have to decline your offer."

"Good, then training starts tom-.... Wait WHAT!??"

"It's just that I am still in my first year and I would just like to explore this world and its mysteries for now. I truly enjoy flying but I am not that sure about quidditch itself." I try to explain myself.

"NO No no, if it is about not being sure about quidditch then at least try the sport first before rejecting it."

"I just got into magic, learning about its mysteries is my only priority right now. I simply can not divert my time anywhere else right now."

"But- bu *sigh*, okay, if that's your decision, then so be it. I won't force you. But just remember that I see true potential in you. So if you ever change your decision, you know where to find me." She finally gives up.

After that Hooch just gets up and leaves the office. I look at Flitwick and he gives me an expression as if I just did something wrong.

'What, I admit I like flying. But that doesn't mean that I am going to waste whatever time I have here on just it. I have to try as many spells as I can before I wake up.'

"Well then seems like we are done here. I just hope you will not try any more stunts that put you at risk of injury."

"Not getting injured is one of my priorities in life." 

"Well, then your priorities are at the right place. Good Night then Mr. Patil"

"Good Night professor. And please, call me Ansh. Mr. Patil sounds too detached."

Flitwick just smiles and nods at my request. I wish the professor and leave his office and make my way towards my room.