Chapter 17: Gotta Pee!!

'*sigh* I like the other pillow better. I'll just buy one late-'


Getting up because you have to go to the bathroom is the worst.

'Wait bathroom! No, No, NO! Get up me. It's a trap, WAKE UP! No I-I have to wake up somehow, I can't wet the bed.' I start working my brain over what I can do. Seeing no solution in sight, I do the only thing that came to my mind.

*Thump* 'Ouch! That hurt. Why do I feel pain in my dreams?'

Banging my head on the wall is not a pleasant experience. But anything to get up right now, it is an emergency.

*Thump* *Thump*

"Just GET UP!!!'' *Thump*

"What are you doing??" came a voice from the door.

I look up to my side to see Penelope standing at the door.

"Nothing." I reply with a straight face. 'Why am I seeing two of her?'

"What do you mean nothing? You are bleeding. Why were you bashing your head like that?" She inquires while trying to stop my bleeding.

"I have to go to the bathroom, but I ca-"


"An unfamiliar ceiling." That's one thing off my list of things to say.

The next second my nose helps me identify the place, the infirmary. Feeling parched I look to my side for some water but see none in my sight. As I try to get up, I see Madam Pomfrey standing arms akimbo near my bed.

"Water please." I croak out.

"Oh, now you need water? But I don't think you need it, considering how you haven't been drinking barely any of it." She says with the sweetest voice possible, the voice of sarcasm.

I don't even have the energy to argue with her, so I just lie back down.

Feeling something on my lips, I open my eyes I see a glass with water in it, and that second I knew I had a mission, to finish that glass.

'That feels like heaven.'

"Fells nice, doesn't it? Now tell me why have you been denying yourself of it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Believe me!

"I checked you, boy. You were dehydrated. And not the kind where you didn't drink enough water for a day, but the kind where you 'purposely' don't drink almost any for a few. So tell me, why didn't you?"

'I hate doctors.'

"I don't know what you're talking about." I refuse to answer her.

Hearing my reply she just calmly sits near me and continues to stare at me.

"Then I would have to go to the bathroom." I couldn't hold after 15min.

"And…" she was clearly expecting more.

"And that's it, if I drink water then I would have to go to the bathroom and then I would have to wake up and th-, wait, I had to go to the bathroom." Remembering my condition I get up but before I can panic I realize.

"I don't have to anymore?" a look towards the person I think has the answer to my question.

"Don't worry it has been taken care of." Before I could ask what does it mean she continues.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. It was a necessary procedure. I did it earlier too when you were down for 2 days."

"What does that mea-."

'Wait, did she...….. maybe there is a spell for that too. But does that mean I wetted my bed in real life or not?' *groan* leaving that topic I decide to not think about it.

'If I did wet my bed, then so be it. It will be a totally acceptable trade-off to stay here for 1 additional day.'

"So now you want to tell me why didn't you want to go to the bathroom?" she breaks me from my thought process and asks.

"Well, that is...huh...…. I … thought that…. I….would get less time to…practice…magic?" I don't think my voice reached her near the end. But what reason could I give for it, and technically I didn't lie?

"SAY WHAT?" Ok, she heard me. She didn't like the reason.

"It was a stupid decision and it won't happen again. I promise." Saying that I dashed out of there before she could grab me.

"It better not. You hear me." I hear her behind me as I dashed through the hallway.

Ok, now that's one crisis averted. Now first order of business, get something to eat.

With my goal in mind, I head toward the Great Hall. There are always some fruits in Great Hall, along with some bread, jam, milk and other things and considering my diet majorly consists of fruits and milk here, I hardly eat anything at all during dinner or lunch.

'Should I just try some chicken? I mean, IT IS a dream, so not a problem right? All the others seem to really enjoy it.'

'NO! Don't get tempted. This dream is too real. And if I remember this dream after waking up, which I hope I do, I don't want to remember that part.'

Leaving aside those useless thoughts, I grab an apple and turn towards the room I practiced magic in earlier.

Once I reached there, I find that it is in the same state I left it in. The destroyed bench at the side was a clear indicator of that. I sit down and open my….. right, I don't have my book with me.

'Damn it!' ...….

*15 min later*

'Okay, now that I have my book with me I can start on another spell.'

Flipping through the book I see that my only remaining options are not really attractive.

'I would need a test subject for Stupefy or Expelliarmus and the healing spell either needs an injured person or needs that I injure myself.'

'Why am I even thinking about it? Even if I feel pain here, it's still a dream. So no need to be afraid and let's do this.'

With my mind made up, I open the book to the healing spell and start on it. But as I start reading on it a problem comes up.

'This is the forking spell that bitch Gilderoy uses to remove Harry's bones instead of repairing them. Yeah, I am not doing that. I am ready for some pain, not a LOT of pain.'

'Ok, so a change of plans. First – get a new book, second - I'll think about it.'

Getting up I move toward the library in hopes of a new book that would contain all these cool spells, especially fire ones.

When I finally do reach my destination and it is still pretty much empty. Though that may be just due to the sheer size of this place. I thought my college library was big, but this place is simply gigantic. I wonder if I can get lost around here?

Wandering around, I can see this place contains books on a plethora of topics. There is a separate section for dragons, underwater spells, mythical creatures, and even raising children.

'Wonder why that book is here? Does anyone even require it in school?'

'Now which book to pick? Underwater spells seem interesting, but not flashy enough. Something with fire would be good.'

Wandering around I found Madam Pince keeping an eye on students.

'Might as well ask her for a recommendation.'

"Excuse me, Professor." I approach her, and she did not look happy at that.

"I would like to return the book I issued previously." I said holding up the book, which seemed to ease her expression.

"Come with me.'' Came her short reply as she walked towards her desk.

"Do you have any recommendations for some interesting books on spells?" I ask her while handing over my book.

She eyes me for a second then proceeds to ignore me as she opens her register to check the issue date of the book.

'Not a very good idea, noted.'

"If you want something specific, there on the chart you can see where the sections for charms, transfiguration, potions or the like is. Or if you want something miscellaneous, go straight down along the aisle, you will find something on shelf no.36." She answers as she puts the register back.

"Thank you." 'Note changed, nice idea.'

Going down the aisles I start counting the shelves '1..2…3...15....26...29 Wait, is it 29 or 28? I am just gonna assume it's 29, -1 shelf if I don't find the book I want. Now….34..35..36. Right, this one.'

'Hmm, what do we have here? 'How to play the drums right!' Not this one. 'Piano guide for Monkeys ' Not this one either. 'Violin for the sophisticate folks' Ok this is not the right section, -1 it is.'

'Spells to annoy them', 'Light up the cards', 'Blast your enemies'. Ok, this seems like the miscellaneous section. Now which book to choose.'

'The Random Spell Book series Part 1. Well, this one has my curiosity. It has exploding charm and reductor curse, seems good enough. And it is a whole series, won't have to waste time searching for a book next time.'

With my next book decided, I head off to my practice room after issuing it.