Chapter 18: Best friend

(A\N: Read at the end)

With my next book decided, I head off to my practice room after issuing it.

Or I would have had I not seen one Hermoine Granger sitting in the library. And spells are all cool and that but, it would be a waste not to interact with my favourite characters.

''What a coincidence to meet you here.'' I agree not my best starter.

She pauses her reading to look at me. And boy, does not like my presence.

"What are YOU doing here?"

"Just searching for a book to read, and also returning one."

"You read? I guess you are a Ravenclaw after all." Ok, her attitude seems to be recreated perfectly.

"Yes, I do. In fact, I enjoy reading, about magic especially."

"Oh really, what kind?" She asks with a bit of interest.

"The one that blows up kind. Anything that can cause damage or explode is my favourite. Like the exploding charm that I am going to learn next." I speak with enthusiasm (probably a bit too much).

"Of course, it is exploding charm. Is the only thing you can think of is to create trouble? You got hurt on your first day here from fire magic, didn't you learn anything from that?" She spoke with a bit of fire in her voice.

"I knew you cared about me. And don't worry, I did learn from that accident. And that's why I'm reading a book about the proper way to cast it, and not trying to wing it like last time."

"If you did learn something then you wouldn't be learning something so dangerous for a first year. Can you even perform first-year spells before trying to learn a fourth or fifth-year one?"

"It is not like I only learn dangerous spells. Check this out."


"This bouquet is for you" I knew the flower spell would be cool. Just look at her face, it was worth it just for that.

"Yo-you HOW!!?"

"No need to shout here. If you don't remember, we are in the library and I don't want to get kicked out."

"No, but how did you-"

"Do not like the flowers? Is the pink colour? I mean I tried to make it a different one but the spell seems to be limited to that one."

"No, not the colour. How did you perform this magic? It is more advanced than ordinary transfiguration. Did you learn it before Hogwarts from home? And that too without your wand. I knew I was behind other kids who grew up in a magical household, I should have studied more…" And her switch is flipped.

"Alright stop. No, I did not learn this at home, I learned it yesterday. And I can do this wandless because I am just that awesome. And the most important thing – So I take it you liked the flowers?" What can I say, my talent just leaves everyone astonished.

"I *sigh* I do like the flowers. But how did yo-"

"Then take them, I made them for you after all." I said handing over the bouquet.

"But how did you perform that wandless magic, is there a trick or did you learn from someone?"

"Nah, just did it. I told you, I am just that awesome. If I believe I can do it, I can. That's all it takes. Now it was lovely talking to you but I have to go practice spells, see you later." I said getting up to be on my way.

"No wait-"

I turn around to see her packing up as well.

"It is almost time for dinner. So let us just go there together." She said a little hesitant.

'Look at her, trying to make a friend.' "Sure, let's go."

"So how do you like Hogwarts so far?" I said trying to make small talk.

"It's just magical. I still can't believe magic actually exists or maybe this is just a dream and I will wake up tomorrow."

"You are right about that one." I say to myself.

"What did you say?"

"You are right. Magic is so amazing."

"Yes, and all the teachers are so good, especially Professor McGonagall. And the huge library, I only hope to read as much as I can during my stay here. Do you think they let us take books with us during vacations?"

"I don't know about the last part, but something to check about later. And I am not too sure about the teachers, I mean I like Flitwick maybe and Pomfrey, a nice woman, but Minerva is a bitch along with that Bat." Minerva seems to have something against me.

" 'Professor McGonagall' is a great teacher, mind your language." Spoke little Minerva.

"Sure, let us skip this topic. What magic is your favourite?" I ask, diverting the topic.

"That would be transfiguration obviously. Though I enjoy charms as well. And don't you think that teaching 11-year-olds how to fly is a dangerous thing? Neville broke his arm earlier in that class."

"I quite enjoy flying. Just feeling the wind rush at your face is such an experience. And regarding the dangers, we have spells that can cure broken bones in an instant so no need to be so afraid. Be a little daring, little Gryffindor." I say rubbing her hair at the end.

She quickly slaps my hand away from her.

"You are not any older than me, and being a Gryffindor doesn't mean being an idiot."

"Whatever you say. And we are here. Talk to you later."

"Thanks for the flowers." She says in a small voice.

"Anything for my best friend." I try to rub her head again but she dodges me.

"We are not best friends."

"No need to lie. I know you already consider me your best friend in your heart."

"Your arrogance is certainly high."

We both go towards our own tables and I sit and quickly begin filling my plate with sweets. And look, the elves already have my apple juice ready, they seem to be learning well.

"Just sweets?"

I look to my right to see Padma talking to me.

"Yes, in the mood for some today. So how was your day?" I ask while stuffing my mouth.

"Better question, how was yours, considering you spent most of it sleeping in your room."

"Wai do yowh souh ahry?"

"What? Just eat first."

"Ok, why do you sound angry?" I don't think I did anything.

"I don't know. Maybe because you didn't attend classes today as you were sleeping. What were you doing late at night to not be able to get up in the morning?"

"Nothing, just some spells. Oh but don't worry, I will attend tonight's astronomy class. That one sounds interesting."

"Since did you have this crazy obsession about learning spells? *sigh* Look just make sure you come to classes from tomorrow."

"Absolutely not. Those idiots are teaching nothing but useless stuff right now. Tell me when we start learning actual magic and I will actually come to class. But till then, it is just a waste of time. I am having much more fun learning all these amazing spells, why would I want to listen to some boring theories over it?"

"This 'useless stuff' must be important. And you can learn all those spells that you are learning later on, or maybe after class. That is no reason to skip lessons."

"But I don't have time to learn it all later. Who knows when I will wake up and this dream will end? I have to use every single second I can." I get up after that as there was no point in continuing this talk, better learn another spell or two.

"What dream?" Padma asks behind me as I make my way towards my room.


A/N: Now for those asking when MC will realize it is dream. Remember it has not even been a single week, and I am planing to stretch it out. If you noticed in this chapter the MC got needlessly angry there at the end. That is him showing very early signs of panic at realizing that this might be realizing. After this will be a calm ignorance phase, where he ignores the fact that the dream is stretching too long for a dream, Then the denial phase will come back full blown where he will just do anything to prove it is not reality. Then after a certain event he will HAVE to accept that this is real.

But if you are getting impatient now, then I will tell you now to save your time and not read further as you will only get increasingly frustrated as this goes on.

Hope that answers your questions.