Chapter 19: Private Ansh reports

'Now till the astronomy class I have around 3 hours. I should be able to pull off at least 5-6 spells in that time.'

'Now which one to choose? I do want to learn bombarda first, but if anything goes wrong like last time it would be troublesome. Maybe aqua-eructo is the way to go then. It is hard to hurt myself with water, and once I learn this, no need to fear fire anymore.'

With that in mind, it is time to grind.


"Why is your mood off?" Padma asks next to me.

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is. And it's surely not lack of sleep since you slept all day."

"You're still holding a grudge over it. Let it go, and before you say anything, I am not coming to those useless classes till they start teaching something fun."

"Fine, suit yourself. You still didn't tell me why you're mad though."

"Ugh, fine, if you really want to know then it is because of a spell." She won't leave me until I tell her.

"After dinner, I went back to my room. I thought why not learn some spells before the class, since I have 3 hours, I should be able to pull off 4-5 new spells. But-"

"But you couldn't. And that's why you look so grumpy." Why the heck is she laughing?

"What, don't look at me like that. You are the one who started joking and then you-, Wait, you're not joking. You actually thought you could pull off 4 new spells in a couple of hours. If you could learn even one spell in that time it would be good. And you tried 4 and then got mad, that's hilarious." Ok her laughter is now gathering attention towards us.

"Well, let me tell you that I could have learned 5 or even 6 spells. The only reason I couldn't was because I was focused on perfecting the first one that I learned. And regarding that, do you know if the house elves replace broken furniture in our rooms on their own."

"Why do you want to know that, don't tell me you-"

"Shush, the teacher is here." I said pointing to the woman who just entered the class. Now I only hope that we do some practical in this class or it is going to be disappointing.

"Welcome class, to your first astronomy class. Now I know that some of you are half-asleep, but don't worry, in a while you would be bubbling with excitement. Some of you may be wondering why we need to learn and observe those shining objects in space. Let me tell you that the arrangement of those glowing things up there can affect a variety of your tasks, whether it be potion-brewing or some kind of ritual or enchantment or even some very special spells. And even if you are not planning to excel in any of those fields, just watching them can be relaxing and soothing in its own way.'' This one knows how to get students interested, they look more awake now.

"Now enough with the words, first let us start with learning how to operate the most basic instrument you are going to use in my class, the telescope. Although we do have some very advanced ones, the ones you see in front of you are the most basic ones which don't require much handling. The first thing I want you to do is to find the moon with it, and then I'll teach you how to focus it......."


Looking at my ceiling, I can confirm that I am still in the dream. 'Well, just means more time for me to try my spells.'

Taking care of my morning routine- 'Kinda weird that I have to do everything here, but hey, dreams are always weird anyways'- I think about what to do today. Last night was taken up by astronomy class and I was too tired to do anything after that but sleep.

'Now that was a class I didn't feel was a waste of time. Definitely a class I will attend again if possible.'

'Ok, so what to do now? I can just learn the bombarda, or I can-'

*knock knock*

I open the door to see Anthony standing there.

"Good morning there, how can I help you, my friend." I am in a good mood today.

"Morning, Padma was asking for you downstairs." Why does he seem a bit afraid?

"Ok, thanks for the message." Let us see what she wants now.

In the common room I see her in front of the bookshelf, of course, and I had half a mind to go back to my room so that I don't have to deal with whatever she's going to say. I already knew I wasn't going to like it, but because I am an idiot, I walk up to her.

But halfway there I change into a full march and salute upon reaching her.

"Ma'am, Private Ansh reports."

"The what?" *sigh* she ruined it.

"Nothing, what did you want to say."

"Right, let us go to the library." Why does she assume I would just say yes?

"And why do I need to come with you?" I ask in the nicest way possible.

"Because I am going there, and I remember Professor Snape gave you extra homework, so you can finish that."

"You do realize that I am not going to classes, right?"

"Yes, buuuttt do you really want to go against Professor Snape? And you wanted something practical in class, and potions is our most practical class right now, except astronomy but it doesn't count."

'Ok, she has a point there. I have a feeling if I miss his class he will come here to drag me off. And I did enjoy making potions. And if I think about it, potions are also kinda magic, in a way, so I am not losing anything.'

"That's why I didn't want to listen to you. I am gonna bring my books, wait here."

'I hate her smile as if she just won over me.'