Chapter 23: Threesome

'She didn't say no.' With that thought I finished my own dinner and headed towards my room.

"How did it go? Did you finish?" Came from Padma as soon as she saw me enter the common room.

"Yes, I completed the assignment, without 'your' help."

"Really! Let me see." She reached her hand towards my bag but I moved it out of the way.

"No way, traitors don't get to see it."

"What, you are upset I left you in the middle. It was a boring task, even for me. Now come on and show me."

"No means no." With that, I turn around and start walking towards my room.

When I suddenly felt a weight on my back.

"What the fuc- fudge!"

"Show me." She demanded from behind my back.

"Bitch get off me before I throw you off."

"No, show me or I am not letting go."

"Fine then. You asked for it." I try to shake her off me.

But she got stuck like a Koala.

As a last bit attempt I bended as far back as I could.....and she took me down with her.

"Unhand me you peasant! Unhand me!!!"

"No way. I am not letting you go today, you fatso."

"You pig I will beat you up."

"Try me, you monkey."

"Alright then." I grab her hair from my back and pull.

Though I may have forgotten that she could do that too.

"Leave me pig." I say while tightening my hold on her hair.

"You first monkey." She responds in kind.

"Okay, okay. As fun as this is, I have to break you up as I am the prefect. Now let each other go. Come on." Comes an annoying voice from the side.

 "aghhhhh" Yeah, it is either her or me tonight.

"agghhhhh" She isn't letting go either.

Seeing as none of us were letting go, the annoying voice tried getting in between us.

"Okay, that's enough. Both of you let goooooooooooo."

And got tangled up….

"Ouch Ouch Ouch, let 'me' go. Ouch, okay okay, you can fight but please let me go."

Both Padma and I grabbed her hair with one hand.

"Oh, it is on. Take it." And she joined in on the action.

We were now in a 3-person deadlock, pulling each other's hair and rolling on the floor.

We were calling each other names when suddenly I couldn't move my body, as if frozen.

'Oh my god! Did they pull some nerve or something? I can't move my body.'

"That is enough." Came another voice and we were separated from each other while I was still frozen, through levitating us.


And I could move my body again.

'Thank god it was a spell, was scared for a second there.'

I get up and turn around to see Professor Flitwick facing the three of us, and he did not look happy.

"What were the three of you doing?" He demands.

'Yeah, we are not answering th-'

"It was him professor, he started it all." The traitor pointed at me.

"Yes, I saw it too. It was him who started it all." Says the other bitch.

'You are supposed to be the prefect here!!'

"Mr. Patel, is that true?"

"Not at all. She was the one who jumped on my back first." I pointed at the perpetrator.

The other students backed me on that one.

"Ms. Patil, do tell me the reason for such an act."

"Professor he…that…..I am sorry." Well, she can't exactly say that she attacked me because I was not showing some pages to her.

"And you Ms. Clearwater, for what was reason were you, a prefect, instead of stopping them were fighting them?" He demanded from her.

"That, I tried Professor, but I somehow just got entangled in it." She replies with a voice that was barely audible at the end.

"*sigh* Since no one was hurt I won't be punishing you with detention. But don't take that as an excuse to do this again. And this applies to everyone here." Flitwick declares.

"And 5 house points will be taken from you." He adds to our sentence and leaves us.

After he left, I turned to the other two.

"Someone was quick to point fingers."

"Oh please, none of this would have happened if you just showed it to me." Padma counters.

"Show what to you?" Asks the 'prefect'.

"He was working on improving the cure for boils potion, I just asked to see the result."

"It is the first week and you are already trying to improve a recipe, impressive. And you fought over something so little." She grabs the bridge of her nose and spoke in an exhausted tone.

"Sorry, we lost 5 points because of me." Padma says.

"Don't worry about the points. Ravenclaw isn't as obsessed with house points. And a family does squabbles sometimes, the important part is to make up afterward." She shares her wisdom.

We both just stared at her at those words.


"Nothing, we just didn't think you could say something…..'Prefecty', you know." I tell her and Padma nods at my words.

"Oh please, I act 'Prefecty', as you put it, all the time." She defends herself.

"Right, maybe say that before getting entangled in our fight. Now any image we had of you as a Prefect is gone. Poof, out of existence. *Sigh* I can never see you with the same eyes again Penelope." I say to her.

"You were the one who grabbed my hair when I tried to stop you. And when did you ever give me any respect as a Prefect." She adds.

"True that." Padma agrees with her.

"Here." I hand over the recipe to Padma.

"Oh so NOW you give it."

"Do you want it or not?"

She snatches it from my hands.

"Show me as well. I wanna see the reason for it all too." Penelope stands behind her to read.

"I am going to my room, just give it back to me tomorrow."

"So soon, since when do you sleep so early?" Padma asks.

"I am not going to sleep, but to try some new spells."

"No. I don't want to risk another fire in the dormitory." Penelope says.

"Well then, you are allowed to come watch me. How about you sleep with me as well, seeing as you can come to the boy's side? I would surely enjoy that." I offer.

"Does he always talk like that?" She asks Padma instead of answering me.

"He used to, but it certainly got a lot more annoying since we came here." Padma provides her review.

"Oh please, you will make me blush." Man, people just can't stop praising me.

"I certainly agree with the annoying part." Penelope adds.

Leaving them I head for my room.

'Today was tiring, it isn't fun being tired in a dream. Well, it is almost a week. I suppose I am reaching the limit of this dream. I should just enjoy the remaining moments here.'

'Now, onto another spell I go… '


A/N: They are 11-12 yr old, what were you thinking you freaks!!?

Anyway, I had to use this as the chapter name, it was the perfect opportunity!