Chapter 24: Prank

(Next day morning)

Dumbledore POV

'Such a nice weather on Sunday. Maybe I should go for a walk today?' I make plans for today while having breakfast.

"Good morning headmaster."

"Morning Professor McGonagall."

Seeing as all the teachers were present today, except Snape who was probably busy in his lab, I thought to invite them for the walk as well. Maybe make it an activity with all students.

"Today sure is peaceful, right Headmaster. How about a stroll by the Great Lake afterward." Says Philius from beside me.

"Sure Philius, I was thinking the sa-'' Why do suddenly have a bad premonition?

"Something wrong, Albus?" Minerva asks.

"Nothing Minerva, just got cold all of a sudden. How about we invite all the students as well. Some sun would do them nice." I add.

"That would be wonder-" Minerva was interrupted by the sudden shout of a student.

We look towards the source of noise and see a couple of students doing a strange dance.

"What is happening?" Questions Minerva.

"I don't know. Maybe a celebration of some kind, look the other kids are joining in." Says Flitwick.

"I don't think they are celebrating, they are screaming for help." Says Bathsheda.

'Help from what? Is it something invisible.'


Ansh's POV

Ok, and now some the Gryffindor's way.

"What are you doing?" Padma asks.

"Nothing. Why do you ask that?" I reply while maintaining my poker face.

"Because everyone around us is screaming and you have that silly grin on your face."

"I don't. I am very concerned about my fellow students."

"Yes of course. But do tell me why do you have your wand out under the table?"

"To.... fight away whatever it is that's troubling everyone." How saintly of me.

Although it doesn't look like she buys the act as she continues to stare at me.

"Ok, ok, it is just a little harmless prank. Watch this."

What follows was Parvati's scream as her hair gets pulled and ruined by air.

"How are you doing this?"

"You want a first-hand experience?"

"Try it." Ok, something about the way she said that scares me.

"But why trouble Parvati?"

"She beat me up a few days ago, remember the time we came back from the walk around great lake."

"You sure hold a grudge. But don't you think it is getting a bit overboard?" she gestures around us.

I see students trying to fight an invisible enemy, running around and screaming, while some assailants get into their mouths.

"Maybe….. but its fun." I try hard to contain my evil laugh and see Padma trying to stifle a laugh as well.

"*Revelio*" Someone shouted and out came hundreds of paper birds around the hall.

The birds were wreaking havoc everywhere. Some were messing with people's hair, clothes, some were just splattering food everywhere, some were chasing the ones trying to run away.

"*finite*" Ok, who is the bitch that did that?

As I try and pinpoint the one who did this, Padma shoves me and points at Dumbles.

The old man had his wand out.

"A marvellous display of spell casting, co-operating with another student and timing the spell just right to make the birds invisible. Now who did this?" Hey, I did that alone. Why downplay it to 2 people?

"Fred, George." McGonagall has her suspects.

"Now although we wish we did this."

"It wasn't us professor." They replied together with messed up hair and clothes.

"Who other than you two would do such a prank?" She questioned.

"If you are asking us."

"Who are we supposed to ask?" Okay, I have to find a way to distinguish them.

"Minerva, the boys are mischievous, but not liars. It may be someone else." Dumbles intervenes.

"But Headmaster, if not them, then who would dare to-" mid-sentence she stops and her head spins in my direction.

"Is she looking at me?" I whisper to Padma.

"Mr. Patil." She hollers.

"Yes Professor, I can assure you that it was not me."

"Oh, then maybe it was Ms. Patil right next to you." Asks Dumbles.

'Hehe, good try. Trying to trick her into admitting it was me, but it won't work on her. She isn't an idiot and I trust he-'

"NO! Not me, it was him Professor. I even tried to stop him." I so wish to break the finger that she is pointing at me.

"You idiot." I say in the most deadpan voice.

'It is hard to get angry at an innocent person.'

"So Mr. Patil, who was the other person with you?" Asks Dumbledore.

"No one professor. It was a solo job."

"Mr. Patil, how many times are you going to lie?" fires Minerva.

In response, I just do the magic again in front of them. And this time, directed at Padma.

'I know I said it is hard to get angry at her, but I am.'

However, her suffering ends within seconds as Dumbledore swings his death stick again.

"Marvelous. Truly an amazing display of magi-"

*cough cough*

"I mean, this act of yours is not appreciated Ansh, several of your friends were troubled because of this. I think you them an apology." This bitch, he changed his words from just a slight gesture of Minerva.

"*sigh* I am sorry everyone. I troubled all of you during breakfast." I say, acknowledging the Great Hall.

"I will try my best NOT to get caught next time." I say with a pointed look at Padma.

Most people either ignore me or are too busy making fun of each other's state to care about my non-apology.

"*sigh* Ansh, meet me in my office, now." Says Flitwick.

As he leaves the great hall, I follow him out towards his office.