Chapter 25: Dual Casting

As he leaves the great hall, I follow him out towards his office.


"First things, your detention with Madam Pince that was till lunch, is now extended till dinner time." Flitwick declares.

"Not too bad."

"Well, nobody was really harmed or anything. It was harmless fun."

"Though the punishment next time would be more severe." He quickly adds seeing my smile.

"And now for the important part, that was a marvellous display of magic. How did you go about combining that two magic? Did you figure it out yourself or did a upperclassman help you?" He continues in a much more cheerful tone.

Before I could answer, the door opened and Dumbledore came into the room.

"Pardon my intrusion, but even I am interested in knowing about that." He claims.

"Okayyy, well first of all- No, I didn't take any help. It was all me."

"So how did you go about combining the two spells Ansh?"

"Well, I was trying the 'Avis' spell last night and the birds made a small mess of my room, so I thought of sending them off after Padma to annoy her, but then I got this epiphany."

"What was it?" Both Flitwick and Dumbles came closer.

"I thought, why restrain my target to only one, when I can target all of them?"

At this point I honestly think I saw Flitwick slapping his forehead, or might just be my imagination.

"But, then I realized that if I performed it on everybody, it would be ended before it began, because people will know about the counter-spell. So I started thinking ways to get around this problem and then I saw it- The Disillusionment Charm. If no one can see the birds, no one can apply a counter-spell. So I got right down to practicing it, which took a couple minutes."

"As much I am awed by your way of thinking, although for pranks, but still how did you combine them?"

"Yeah, I was getting to that. So, after I got the Disillusionment Charm down, I started applying it to the birds. At first, I was just summoning the birds first and then applying the charm. But the problem was that the birds dispersed as soon as summoned, so my spell missed most of the time. So it got me thinking about another way. And it clicked instantly, Dual Casting. Just fire both at the same time. I mean sure it took a couple of minutes to get it working, but once I did it felt natural. But even still the original problem remained. I still couldn't target all the birds with the spell. So, I went a step further and thought about the spell itself. You see I couldn't target all the birds because the spell fired like a beam, and hence some got out of its range, so I thought, instead of like a beam, why not make the Disillusionment Charm like a funnel or a dome, that every bird passes through, and in the process becomes invisible. Now the process of making the Disillusionment Charm dome shaped, while hard on the brain was still doable, after a splitting headache, but nevertheless doable. The hard part was doing both of them together. So, although I am ashamed to admit it, at the end I had to use a wand to summon the birds and then I could maintain the dome at the same time. The wand helped smoothen out the headache I was getting somehow, maybe by lowering the stress on brain on something, but I am still not clear on that one."

With my monologue complete, I look at them to see their reaction but all I saw were confused faces.

"What?" Did I say something wrong?

"Ansh my child, are you telling me that you were successful in making the Disillusionment Charm dome shaped? Wandless?" Dumbles are with scepticism dripping from his voice.

In response I just raised my hand, took a mug from Flitwick's table and passed it through empty air in front of my other hand, making it invisible.

They both stared at the now invisible mug like owls, then Dumbledore took a candy out of his pocket and tossed it at the same spot as the dome, and it disappeared too.

"You said you were ashamed that you had to use a wand, so I am assuming you know how to perform some other spells wandless as well?" Questioned Flitwick.

"Yes, most of the spells I know like Accio, aguamenti, aberto, lumos, tempus, Leviosa, aqua eructo, orchideous, Petrificus totalus , though I still haven't tried the last one on anything alive so I am not too sure on that one." Man, now that I count them, they are too less. I have to learn more of them.

"If you don't have anything else to say, can I leave?" It is weird getting stared at by these weirdos.

But they still just stare at the now invisible candy on Flitwick's desk.

"I think I will take my leave now." Better to just slide out of here.