Chapter 26: Demoness

Okay, now that I am free, let us go and learn another spell.

"Off we go."

As soon as I take my first step, I am choked by someone grabbing my shirt from behind.

"Who the fudge wants to meet their maker to-, Oh, hello professor."

"Mr. Patil, where were you going I wonder." Inquires the resident librarian.

"To my room professor."

"Did you forget about the detention Mr. Patil?"

"Of course not, how can I, please professor, I would never forget detention. I was just going to grab my bag from my room and then come over." Don't these idiots have anything better to do?

"No need for the bag, just come with me. And you are having lunch with me today, in case you get any ideas about running away." She says and starts walking away.

"Professor, I didn't know you liked my company so much that you didn't want to be separated from me for even a moment. But I get it, I am just so likeable. Sometimes I fear my own charisma." I say as I start walking beside her.

"You really should Mr. Patil. I can already see the day your 'charisma' gets you into deep trouble isn't very far. Now walk faster, we have lots to do."

"Oh professor, such a hurry to get alone with me. Maybe I should tell someone where I am, so that they can search for me in case I don't get back by nightfall." I fear for my safety.

"Nice try, but you are not getting away."

"Meh, worth a shot."

So, I give up my resistance and succumb to my fate.

We reach the library and it is empty today. Though I guess no one wants to be in a library on a Sunday.

"Okay, so your first task is to place those books on the shelves." She said pointing at a tower of books.

"Surely you don't expect me to destroy such an architectural wonder. I mean, just look at the sheer balancing of this structure, like just a wisp of wind away from falling, yet staying upright, defying all expectations against it. It symbolizes hope, hope to rise up against all odds and stand tall. I for one, cannot be the one to break that hope."

She just stares at me for a few seconds, too moved by my speech to think.

When she just flicks her wand at the books all while staring at me, and the next second, I first-hand experience a tsunami. And I distinctly realized that the books in Hogwarts were hardcover.

When I finally make it out of the ocean-bed, or book-bed, I gasp for air, filling my lungs with that sweet oxygen that I was suddenly deprived of.

"Now that I took care of your feeling of guilt of destroying the tower, and if you are done with your theatrics, I advise you to get to work. I have other tasks for you after this." Why does her voice sound chipper.

"Fine! I will sort the books. But how do I know where to keep them?"

"According to their category, once you find the shelf it will have the place where the book is to be kept written down at the start. Now get started. Once you are done, find me at the front desk."

With no other idea to get out of this, I pick up a dozen books and start to sort them according to their category, before picking up the next set and repeating it...

"Okay, I did it, it took me 3 hours, but I did it." I drag my body to the front desk.

"Good work, here have some juice." She pushed a glass towards me.

"Thank you, just what I needed."

'It wasn't that hard if I am honest, not to ment-'

"Professor, what fruit juice is this?"

"Like it? It's pumpkin." She says with pride in her voice.

"Yeah, I have never had something worse, and I have tried bitter melon and neem juice, so that's saying something."

"What? Now you are just exaggerating."

"If I was stranded in a desert for 5 days with no water and then you offered me this, I would simply choose death." How can a sane person like this, it is horrendous.

"Okay, I get it. You don't like it. Would apple juice work?"

"That would be much better."

She tells a house-elf to bring me one.

"Okay, now that you have finished sorting the books, you can get started on the next task."

"Come on, let me take a break. My back is still hurting from that mountain you fell on me."

"No excuses. Now start with........"

The woman was a slave driver, she gave me one task after another without any breaks in between. It was like she wanted to squeeze every worth out of me, and she did. By lunchtime I didn't even have strength left to pick up my hand.

"Good work. I have to admit you worked more diligently than I anticipated. Now let us have lunch first before continuing."

"You may have to feed to me, I don't think I can lift my arms."

"Stop overreacting." She had the guts to roll her eyes at me.

"We are having lunch in my office, I don't trust you to not slip away." And there goes my plan to run.

"Fineee. Have it your way. Use my body for your gain until you are satisfied."

"Where did you learn to speak like that?" She starts making her way towards her office with me behind her.

Lunch was a simple affair, with nothing interesting happening. Aside from me making some more comments on her using my body.

After lunch when we returned to the library, I was ready for her next order.

"Well Mr. Patil, you have honestly done everything I planned for you already, so I quite frankly have nothing more for you to do."

"Does this mean, dobby is a free elf?" am I hearing this right?

"Who is what now?"

"I mean, am I free from the clutches of the demoness."

"Oh so now I am a demon?" She asks with one eye raised.

"Yes, although a very sexy one I must admit."

"Your flattery needs more work, but no, you are not free. Your detention was still dinner and so you will stay with me till that time."

"Well, I like the 'staying with you' part. So what am I supposed to do now, my sexy demon?"

"For starters, stop calling me that. Second, remove your hand from my waist. And third, pick any book and sit quietly and read it."

"Really? Then let me get my bag from my room, I have my book there."

"No, I said pick from here. You are not getting away from my sight."

"*sigh* Such distrust. Fine, if you don't want to part ways with me, then I will stay right by your side. Right after I chose a book."