Chapter 27: Natural Charm

A/N: Couldn't think of a title, so make do with this.

I get away to find a book before I hear her response. Walking through the library, I think about the type of book I want to read, I already have a book of spells I want to perform selected and I want to finish that before I pick a new one. So what to choose? Potions are kinda fun, should I pick from that section?

I make my way toward the potions section and try to see if something catches my eye. I find it on my third shelf- 'Do you dare to brew'. I mean, if it has such a grand name, surely there must be interesting stuff in it, and who doesn't like a challenge?

With my new book with me, I go back to the front.

"I chose one, what do you think?" I show her my book.

"That one, hmmmmm, read it if you like, just don't try to actually brew any of the potions in it."


"Nothing much, just that most of those potions have a tendency to blow up in your face if something goes wrong during brewing." She replies so nonchalantly, that I thought I misheard her for a second.

"Well, it should be an interesting read." I sit down at a table and am joined by her after a few minutes with a book of her own.

We pass our time in silence engrossed in our own books, with the library being empty we were hardly disturbed and only got up for water now and then.

We did get up for a snack in between and after much pestering, I got her to share some amusing things. Like how she once challenged one of her classmate to a swordfight after being fascinated by the idea from reading about it....

"Wait, you actually thought it was a dragon egg?"

"Well, it was big and… it was really big. I was a child back then, how am I supposed to tell that my mother used an Engorgio spell on it." Irima counters.

"So did you like, sit on it or something." Just the mental image cracks me up.

"No. I did not do anything of the sort. I just kept it warm with a scarf….. and read bedtime stories to it….. and slept while hugging it." She confessed after I kept staring at her.

"So you wanted a dragon pet."

"Not necessarily as a pet. I just wanted to ride a dragon once. And if I raised one, I can ride it too."

"Riding a dragon sure does sound fun." Could be one for the bucket list.

"Please don't try to. I feel like you would, and if you got hurt that would be on me."

"Don't worry. Do I look like someone idiotic enough to try and ride a fire-breathing giant lizard and put my life at risk?"


"Good. You are starting to understand me."

"*sigh* I give up." After looking around, she gestures me to come closer.

"If you do ever get a chance to ride one, see if you can make a spot for me too." She whispers in my ear.

"Ohh, what happened to- don't try to ride one?"

"That is what I said if anyone ever asks." She replies with a grin.

"Well, then you have my word."

We talk about other things till it was dinner time at which point Padma came to find me and I went with her.

"You seem to be getting awfully well with Professor." She says.

"Well, we had a whole day to spend together, so naturally we talked."

"I heard she was very strict and students tried to not bother her usually."

"What can I say, I have a natural charm."

"Speaking of charm, don't think I forgot about how you tried to target me with those paper birds yesterday." She hissed at me.

"And you snitched on me." I countered.

"I- but- But Professor McGonagall thought I did it."

"She did not, she said that so you confess it was me."

"Yeah I got that….. after I said it." Her voice became low progressively.

Looking at her walking with her head down, I couldn't stay angry at her.

"Don't worry, just be careful next time." I say while patting her head.

"Okay. And don't act like you didn't do anything wrong in the first place. If you didn't prank the Great Hall in the first place nothing would have happened." She said swatting my hand away.

"Fair enough. Though it was fun, right?"

"It was. And the look on Parvati's face was the best." She says laughing.

"And I got to spend the whole day with a sexy Professor." I say with a grin.

"*Gasp* That is no way to talk about your professor. Your manners seem to be evaporating since we came here."

"Meh. I never reall-"

Out of nowhere, something hit me in the back of my head.

Turning around, I see the other twin holding a thick book in her hand.

"What was that for y-, wait I know. It was for those paper birds right?"

"That is what you needed my book for? To hit him." Padma, now you are supplying ammunition against me!!

"I was carrying this book the whole day to bash you in the head. Where were you anyway?"

"In the library. And you are done with just that? I was expecting you to retaliate more."

"Of course, the library. Should have been the first place I looked. And it's not like you just targeted me, so I am not really angry. Just wanted to equal the score."

"Return my book, it's not for bashing heads." Padma snatches her book back.

"Anyway, you better worry about yourself. Some might still be angry." Parvati predicts and went ahead.

"Yeah, sure. No one will keep grudges over something that simple. They won't right." I look towards Padma for confirmation.

"I am sure they won't. Hopefully." She comforts?

"You should be a motivational speaker." Well, no point in wasting time here, better just get it done with.

I tread forth, towards the Great Hall, mentally preparing myself for what is coming.......

'Wait a minute!! This is all my dream! Why am I scared in my own dream. This dream may not be totally under my control, but if I think hard enough, I should be able to make it so that they are not really angry.'

"Okay, Ansh, those students in there are not angry at all, it was just a harmless prank. Everyone had a laugh, no one was hurt. No need to worry."

"What are mumbling about to yourself?" 

"A spell." If it works, it can technically be counted as one.

"Why are you moving away from me?" Do I smell or something?

"No reason. Just that your recent fascination with magic isn't really..... friendly, to put it mildly." She reasons.

"And I remember someone clutching to my back a few days ago. I wonder who that animal was?"

"Okay, no need to bring that up again. It was your fault for being annoying." Who can fight against that logic?

With that banter, we reach the Great Hall and.... Things were pretty calm. No one sending deathly glares at me, other than a few girls, though that might just be them staring at this dashing man, or them staring at the guy who ruined their hair. But anyway, mostly calm and peaceful.

"Looks like your spell worked." Padma comments.

"Who do you think casted it?" She dares to doubt to my skills.

Dinner was a peaceful affair with nothing of interest happening. A few did come to say how my morning prank was good, especially my two fans- the Weasley twins.

After dinner I thought of practicing some more spells but I could hardly keep my eyes open, so tonight was one of the rare days when I went to sleep early, after telling Anthony not to wake me up tomorrow either.