Chapter 28: Subject #1

Ok, so new day, new spells to learn. I have learned a few simple ones, now time to learn something destructive. Reductor seems like a good option.

With today's target decided I head towards my usual classroom.

'Ok, so this spell can blast anything to fine pieces, and they let students learn this spell... Awesome!'

'The wand movem-, no the finger-movement seems pretty simple...........'



"Ouch! That was not fine pieces. 'Easy to reduce a target to a fine mist or a pile of ashes' my ass, or arse I guess?"

The table blasted into fragments and one of them cut me in the leg.

"Damn, even this blood looks real, *lick* even tastes real. My brain is certainly working hard, I might get a headache when I wake up." I chuckle at the ridiculous thought and decide to focus on the injury first.

"If I go to Pomfrey, she will give me a lecture. I remember the book had a healing spell, I say perfect opportunity to learn it."

"Here it is 'Episkey, heals relatively minor injuries such as broken noses, toes, and split lips.'"

"If it can cure broken noses, it can cure a minor cut." I believe.

'Maybe I have talent in healing, such a fine heal, like there was no cut in the first place. Or maybe the spell was just that good? Anyway, back to practice..... Should I cut myself again to practice this one... no, no, that hurt. Better to just focus on hurting other things.'

With that out of the way, I began to blast some other benches in the room, till I could blast it into fine pieces. And that took some time.

'Ok, it is almost noon, but now I can make fine powder of anything.'



'Why is there an echo?'



'Ok, that is not an echo.'

I turn around to see a shade of pink hair laughing maniacally.

Eventually, after her laughter died down, I waited for her to introduce herself.

*Petrificus Totalus*

'It worked!'

'I knew I learned this spell, I just needed a live specimen to test it out.'

"Now who is this person? Do I unfreeze her, or just leave her here? But this is MY classroom, if I leave her here, she might come here again to disturb me. Let's try to talk with her."


"Why did you do that!?"

"Why were you laughing like that?" I countered.

"Because you were. Why were you?"

"Because I can now do this *reductor*" and another table bites the dust, or becomes the dust.

"Cool. I can do that as well." And she proceeds to show exactly that.

"Okay, but still, who are you?"

"You don't know me?" she points at herself like she is Emma Watson and I am supposed to know her.

"A maniac?" That's the best I got.

"Well, yes. But for my introduction- I am Hogwarts's one and only Metamorphmagus, Nymphadora Tonks." She announces proudly.

"Hmm, so you are Nymphadora."

"That's Tonks for yo-"

'I got a Metamorphmagus! Although with a petrify spell and not a pokeball.'

'Okay, so first let me tie her up to a chair. *Incarcerous* I knew the spell would come in handy sometime. Now let me get my pen and paper.'


"What the-! Get me out of these ropes." Says subject #1.

"Okay, so entry 001. Subject #1 seems to be in a state of mild panic. She seems capable of understanding and analyzing her environment."

"What subject!!?"

"Subject #1 seems capable of understanding human speech. This would make further research and data-gathering much easier."

"hahaha, fun. Now get me out."

"Proceeding for experiment 1, sensitivity levels of Subject #1."

"What do means sensitivity levels? You stay away from me. Look I tell you, I am going to be a future auror. If you hurt me it wont be good." She tries to get out of the ropes.

"Observation: Subject #1 seems to have a loose moral compass, considering her will to abuse her powers for her own benefit. Now, onwards with the experiment."

I get near her and take out my equipment of choice.


"Equipment used: Feather Quill. Subject #1 seems highly ticklish on her neck. Proceeding with belly, underarms and sole of feet."


After taking sufficient data for 15 min, I was finally done with experiment 1.

"Experiment concluded. Subject seems to be experiencing aftershocks, as she is still giggling."

'Maybe I should go and get something to eat while she gets normal.'

With that thought I stupefy her and turn around to go get something to eat. Leaving Subject #1 to recuperate......

"Alright Subject #1, time for the next experiment-"

'She ran way, damn it!' The chair she was tied on is empty.

*Petrificus Totalus*

'Of course, she was behind me!!'

'Oh so you will tie me to the chair as well, fine. Hey, a little less tight if you can.'


"Who's tied up now?" She asks a dumb question.

"Me." What answer was she expecting?

"Yes YOU! You little devil, you will regret crossing me."

"Technically, you were the one that came in the room I was practicing in, so it was You who crossed Me."

"I only wanted to see who was laughing in the abandoned classroom."

"How did you un-stupify yourself?" I don't even know if that is a word.

"Oh, it happened itself." She casually says.

"How? I am pretty sure it worked."

"Oh it worked alright. Look I guess you don't know, but the magic in our bodies works against outside magic. You would have to be much stronger than the other person to stupefy them for long, or the magic would just come off by itself."

"That's new information. Very well Subject #1, I will add that to my notes."

"Pfft, in case you didn't realize, you are the subject now." Where the heck did she get that feather from.

"Subject #1 we can talk, okay. There is no need to get physical here."

"Oh we are wayyy past talking."

"Sujec-, no Nymphadora, please listen. It-it was a joke. Really, please stop Dora, stttOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPP HAHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

"How does it feel." She asks laughing.


"Okay, I guess I kinda deserved that." We were both sitting on the floor after calming down.

"Yeah, but I also went overboard with that tickle spell."

"If you are sorry, maybe you could let me do some experiments-"

"Let go of my hair you wierdo."

"Just a strand please. I wanna see what happens when I cut it off, and you nail too... maybe an arm if you agr-"

"Merlin's beard! You are a psycho, I thought the sorting drama was just an act for attention but you really do have a few screws loose."

"Just think, your body can change shape. So can it also regrow lost limbs? How can you control your hair colour, pink isn't even a natural colour, not to mention it is dead cells."

"Look, if I can regrow limbs, I hope to never have to know. And as for hair and changing shape, its MAGIC! Isn't that enough of an answer."

"... I suppose, that kind of does answers the question while not answering it." It's confusing.

"But it was fun." She says after a minute.

I agree with that point, it was fun.

"Okay, but how are you still here?"

"I told you, I heard you laughing and -"

"No, not that. Shouldn't you have graduated by now? How are you still in here?"

"What do you mean graduated, I am in first year like you."

'Okayyyyyyyyyyy, how does that hap-, You know what, forget it. If she is in first year, then so be it.'

"What are you thinking now?" She asks while getting up.

"Nothing. Just thinking that I should learn that tickle spell. Seems fun." I can already think of so many targets.

"Hey what's the time now?" she suddenly asks.

A simple tempus tells us the answer.

"Oh no, I am late for the transfiguration class. Meet you later." And she raced out of the room.

'Minnie will chew her out. Not my problem.'

I just flip open my book to learn another new spell.