Chapter 29: Bestie

"Why didn't you come to any class?" Padma questions me at the dining table.

"You are still on about that. I was busy being a wizard."

"Yes, that is what the classes are for."

"Maybe, but why go to a boring class when I can just learn spells myself? And interesting ones at that."

"You know that is not right. *sigh* Well, if you 'are' learning some interesting spells, maybe you can teach me sometime?" She gives her version of puppy dog eyes.

I have to admit, she looks cute.

"I see, it isn't a problem if I miss classes till I teach you some fun spells." I look at her pointedly, and she at least had enough shame to look embarrassed.

"But sure, I can teach you some spells."

"Really! Thank you." She gave me a quick hug, that was a bit too tight.

'She packs more muscles than she looks to have.'

"And honestly, I get your point. Classes are boring with nothing but rules and the 'correct' way to cast magic. Even I want them to just get to the magic part."

"Don't worry. You have a Grandmaster Wizard to teach you. And you are lucky you are cute because I only teach cute people."

"I don't know about Grandmaster, more of a fledgling."

"Well then go and learn from someone else."

"Hey, you may be a fledgling, but you are still my fledgling."

"Not exactly an improvement, but I'll take it. Someone has to bear the burden of teaching an ogre, and I shall magnanimously accept the task."

"Oye, who's the ogr-"

"Hey there Ansh, what are you guys talking about." Came the cotton-candy.

"Nothing, just talking how she has double-standards." I said pointing towards Padma.

"I do not. And who is she." Replies the ogre.

"You don't have a problem with me skipping classes as long it benefits you, and she is my new best friend, Nymphadora Tonks. Bestie, this is Padma." I said introducing ogre to cotton-candy.

"Bestie? Since when did YOU get a best friend? I haven't seen you talk to anybody since we came here."

"And when did we become best friends?"

"Well that is just rude. And you are wrong about me not talking to anybody. I have not one, but two best friends. And after everything we did, you still don't want to be my friend? So I was the foolish one who thought of you as my bestie." I may have to improve on my fake-tears, because I don't think they bought it.

"Hey, I never said I had a problem. But are you sure you are ready for the honourable post of being my Best Friend, because let me tell you, that road is fraught with danger and crazy."

"And counting her out, who is dumb enough to become your 'bestie'?" Why does the ogre have to interfere with a touching moment between two friends?

"Why are you interrupting? Can't you see we are having a moment here. Two friends are about to take vows of brotherhood under the moon, with the stars as our witness, as we pledge on our blood to have each other's back. To be the one to bury the body, if the other ever murders somebody."

"He passes the crazy check, I guarantee it." Ogre says to cotton-candy.

"He did, maybe a bit too much. Heck, I am thinking of backing out." Says bestie.

"Can't now. You wanted danger and crazy, well I'll bring it in spades." I said hooking my arm around her shoulder.

"I didn't ask for it, but *shrug* I am in." She says with a smile that matched my own, and scared Padma.

"And there comes my other bestie." I said spotting one wild bunny.

"Who?" Padma seems oddly interested.

"There, hey Hermoine, over here."

She looks around to see me waving her over, hesitates for a second but then eventually comes.

"She is the one I was talking about. Bestie meet bestie and Padma, Padma and bestie meet bestie." I said introducing them.

"I am Nymphadora Tonks." Padma offers her hand after seeing her confused look.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Hermoine Granger." So prim and proper.

"Hello, I am Padma Patil. So how did you get stuck with this idiot?"

She thinks for a second about how to answer her, then looks at me and goes-

"I don't want to recall that."

"I can understand."  Shared Dora.

"So what did you all do today?" I ask them.

"I was just at the library, Professor McGonagall gave us an assignment today, and it was really interesting. Did you know about Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration, I really provided a perspective on magic's abilities and how it also has its own laws."

"That food can't be created one, right? Well, for my day I learned 2 new spells and did some research on an interesting subject, although it escaped in the end." I said, eyeing Dora at the last part.

"Well for my day, I met an infuriating idiot and got scolded by McGonagall for being late to class because of him." Ok, I get your point. Now stop crushing my foot, it hurts.

"I just slept after class today, I was up till late the previous day talking with others in the dorm and then had to get up early today. But forget that, I am more interested, or maybe concerned, about your 'subject'. What was it, and do I need to be careful of it now that it escaped?"

"Nah, don't worry. The 'subject' is very sweet and totally within my supervision. You have nothing to fear." Seriously, my bones are going to get crushed at this rate. I get it, just stop it Dora.

"If you say so. And when are you going to teach me a spell?" Padma asked.

"You are teaching spells, count me in." Chimed Dora.

"No, doing so without a teacher's supervision is dangerous. So many things can go wrong while doing magic."

"Don't worry, you can come too. How about at 3:00 tomorrow?"

I get affirmative answers along with a 'I will only come to make sure you don't burn down the school.'

With that settled, we all head to dorms to rest, for them, for me I just practiced another spell.