Chpater 37: Teacher's Meet 2/2

"And what about him skipping all the classes?" Minerva questions.

"Regarding that, I asked Ms. Penelope if she knew where he was and apparently he practices spells on his own at that time." Flitwick tells her.

"That is what the classes are for." Minerva counters.

'Can't argue with that.'

"Professor McGonagall, if Headmaster's words about the boy's skill are to be believed, do you truly think that he can learn with others his age."

'Snape has a good point.'

"And we saw what happened when he was left alone, he nearly burned to death. We let it go thinking it was a bout of accidental magic, but if it was because of him trying those spells willingly then leaving him unsupervised is not a wise decision. Take today's example, you said the boy was casting Ice-Field, that is an advanced spell that if went wrong could freeze him up in an instant. He was blessed that nothing happened but what if?"

"He did get a severe cold recently because he froze up his room." Supplies Pomfrey.

"SEE!" Minerva is quick in reacting.

'Good point there.'

"So teaching him 'mediocre stuff' is the answer?" Snape questions.

'Now it gets real. I don't want to get between these two. Let them sort it out.'

" 'Mediocre stuff' you say Severus? What we teach is 'mediocre'?" Pomona took that personally.

'A little bit yes.'

"Don't you think so? The magical world is dangerous, a random plant can kill you yet when do we teach them the basic shield spell? In sixth-year? And what's the result of it? Half the people in the ministry cannot conjure one to save their lives if they had to."

'No, they can not.'

"Magic must be learned in a systematic manner Severus. Although I agree with you about the dangers of the magical world, still rushing your learning process isn't the way."

'This is good, Pomona and Minerva v/s Severus.'

"Professor Flitwick, in all your years of teaching here, have you seen even a single student worthy of being a 'duelling master'? And don't say things like they are still kids and such, you know very well none of them are qualified."

'Nice move, but dangerous. Now it can either be 2v2 or 3v1.'

"They ARE kids Severus. *sigh* But no, none of them qualify for it." Flitwick admits.

'And it's a success. Now both sides have the same number.'

"Then, good I say. The less people know to hurt each other the better." Minerva is desperate now.

"Minerva, you know that's not what you believe. We don't live in a utopia, where no one is hurt and no bad people exist. Strength is important, whether we like it or not does not matter." Hooch tries to sway Minerva.

'External support to team Sev.'

"I…. I know that. But children shouldn't need to worry about gaining strength. They should be worried about how to skip classes, what to eat for dinner, how to sneak out of Hogwarts. They should not worry about learning to defend because WE as adults should be there for that. They should just have fun, at least in Hogwarts."

'*sigh* that one hurts for some reason.'

"If I may intervene here Minerva, while I agree with your thoughts, children should be allowed to have fun, but Rolanda is also correct here. We do not live in an ideal world where we can say for certain that children will not have to someday conjure a shield to protect themselves." Flitwick doubles down.

"So what are we supposed to do Filius? Teach them how to blast things, how to curse people. Most children are just not ready for it. As Severus said, most students can not do a basic shield spell. How are we supposed to teach them anything advanced?"

"Most students are not, but Ansh is. As the headmaster said, he was able to perform advanced spells, and wandlessly at that. If that is not ready, then who is?" Snape reasons.

'Oh no, don't bring me in this.'

"But he is in first-year Severus. We should discourage such acts, not support them. A single mistake can have disastrous results."

"And that is where we come in. We can guide him, make sure he doesn't get in any harm."

'Safe! Thank Merlin, thought I would be dragged into it.'

"For what purpose? You want to take away a kid's childhood for what Severus? For power? That is exactly what we should NOT do. That is the kind of behaviour we should be concerned about. You don't want him to turn to the dark side, so what we should do is make sure he knows how to enjoy life, how to make friends, to know there are things more important than craving power."

"As far I know, the kid does not learn magic for power, but because he actively enjoys magic itself. You can feel his utter joy and curiosity about magic when you talk with him." Irma speaks in his support.

'Another support to team Sev, team Minerva looks weak.'

"If he enjoys magic then there are several other spells to learn. Ones which are not so dangerous. At least start with more ... basic ones, normal ones." Pomona speaks up.

"This kid has potential Pomona. And to let it go to waste will be a sin. And while I agree with letting kids enjoy their childhood, but why do we decide how they enjoy it. If a kid enjoys spending time with his friends then that is his choice, in the same way if Ansh enjoys doing magic then we should accept it." Flitwick speaks up.

'This is interesting! Now if only I could have some sweets to enjoy alongside it.'

'Why are they just sitting quietly now? Come on, try harder.'



'Hey! This is unfair. If you start a fight, you should know to end it. Why am I suddenly made to referee this.'

All the teachers present set their eyes on me, waiting for my verdict.

'*Sigh* now what to do? If I side with Severus, Minerva will chew me out. And if I side with Minerva, Severus will be more moody than usual. Alright, time to channel the techniques I learned in my political career.'

"I think Minerva has a point here, children should be able to enjoy their days as kids without worrying about things like strength."

'That's Minerva taken care of.'

"But, as Hooch pointed out, the world is not so good. Kids need to learn to atleast defend themselves. And if someone shows potential it is our duty as instructors to help them on THEIR path, not on the one we want them to follow."

'That takes care of Severus.'

"So, what do we do with the boy Headmaster?' Flitwick questions.

'You tell me. I have no idea how to handle him. Is it a fluke? I hope it is because if not, I want to see where he goes as much as I want to erase his memories and seal his magic. If done correctly, we might have a chance of an amazing wizard. But if done wrong, I don't want to think what could become of this world.'

"For now, we don't do anything."

Minerva and Severus look ready to tear me after hearing my words.

"Calm down. I know this is not a solution, but it is the best way for now. For all we know this fascination with magic could just be a phase. What we will do right now is let things stay the way they are and observe. I exempt him from classes, but I will also try to keep an eye on him to make sure he stays safe."

"For all we know, this could very well be a one-time thing. If the boy continues with this display of prowess, then we can think about how to nurture him."

"Or not, we'll see." I add as I see Minerva about to speak up.

With everything taken care of, I end the meeting.

As I am getting into my pajamas, my thoughts start to haunt me.

'If it does result in teaching him, am I even capable enough? What if I make a repeat of the past? I don't know if I can take that burden..... should I tell him about the kid?'

'*sigh* Question for the future me. The present me has only one task- sleep.'


A/N: The second half. I tried to keep their personalities and interactions as real as I imagine they would act like according to movies and books. Though it has been a looooong time since I read the books so, mostly just movies.

And a small spoiler, I recently started watching The Fantastic Beasts Series, mainly because I always wanted to watch Grindelwald burn Paris, and partially because I am planning to introduce some characters from there..... just try for now, we'll see how it goes.