Chapter 40: Class 1/2

"There he is."

I turn around to see Dora intruding upon my sanctuary.

"Told you I knew where he practices."

"And how did you know that?" How did she know?

"We met here." She replies in an obvious-kind of voice.

"Well, time to pack my bags and find a new room." I will miss my man-cave.

"And why did you come here?"

"You promised to teach us another spell, remember?" Hermoine pointed out.

"It is lunch time already?" Time passes by when you are having fun.

"Yes, and since I didn't see you, I figured you forgot. So we came to get you." Padma declared.

"Okay, no problem with that. But first, I am going to eat something. I suddenly feel hungry after knowing the time."

"Sure, we didn't eat either. We came to get you before that since I predicted this." Padma seems proud of that.

"I thank you for that mother."

Lunch was more noisy than usual with all of us eating together.

'Can't say I hate it though.'

"Ansh, what spell are you showing us today?" Hermoine seemed like she wanted to ask that since we sat to eat.

"You choose, I have two options for you."

"One- we continue blasting things today by learning bombarda."

"I like that one." Dora chimes in favour.

"Let us hear the no-, less destructive option first." Penelope, ever the wise.

"Two- we learn the spell that every wizard should learn- fireball."

"But we are witches." Hermoine, you are focusing on the wrong thing.

"Then go and learn how to cook children."

At that 3 smacks land on my head.

I glare at my assaulters, but then realize I am not winning this fight.

"I just did it cause these two did it." Dora points at Penelope and Hermoine.

"Fireball is a nice option." Parvati seems interested in this.

"Any third option?" Penelope asks.

"Why? You have something in mind?"

"Not specifically, it's just that I already know fire-ball. My father taught me over the holidays." She admits.

"Hmmmm, what do you suggest?" Better to ask them.

"Something destructive." Parvati is quick in her decision.

"Something that goes 'BOOM'" I like the way Dora thinks.

"How about something NOT destructive this time?" Hermoine tries to ruin the fun.

"I agree. Let us switch the theme this time. How about something defensive?" Penelope comes in to support Hermoine.

"Defence... I say offense is the best defence, but I guess if you want something I can teach you the shield spell." I offer.

"You know the shield spell?" Penelope asks with scepticism in her voice.

"Penelope, why do we have to do this every time?"

Hearing that Penelope drops that worry and starts discussing which spell to learn.

I let them discuss it among themselves, why get in between them?

After a few minutes, they decide on the shield spell.

"Then let us head to The Great Lake."


"Okay, so this one is a fairly easy spell. The key is to want to protect something. Imagine something that you want to protect from harm at all costs, and then say 'protego'. Now please do call the spell out loud, we don't want another Lily Evans case here."

"A what case?" Dora, focus on the main thing.

"Nothing. Just focus on the feeling I just described. Then move your wand in a vertical line and chant out loud."




"Okay, this isn't working. It has been over an hour and none of you have managed to get anything to show for it."

"What do you want us to do? We are doing exactly as you said." Padma defends herself.

"Something IS wrong............... Okay, tell me what you think about protecting."

None of them speak anything.

"Just come on, I can't help you if I don't know the problem. No need to worry, just tell me."

"*sigh* My limited-edition book." Padma confesses.

"My reading glasses." Didn't know Hermoine had that.

"My favourite dress." Parvati admits.

"My notes, they are very important for exams." Penelope follows up.

We all turn to look at Dora.

"Your turn."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, now go on."

"*sigh* okay, but please don't laugh. It is my bear that I sleep with." She speaks and covers her face at the end.

'Why cover her face? We can still see her.'

"Guhhhh! Of course you can not conjure a shield. Notes, glasses, dresses, books and a damn teddy bear. Is that the best you got?" I feel like pulling my hair out.

"Hey, our stuff is important."

"Yeah, do you know how precious that limited-edition is?"

"Or my dress?"


"Shush. I get it. Your stuff is important. Let me think for a second."

'Okay, what to do? Their stuff is useless. Think Ansh, what could be important to all of them that you can use? Think!'

In the time I am thinking of how to make these people learn Protego, Dora pushes Paravati into the Lake, which results in an ear-piercing scream and subsequent tussle to throw and pull each other into the water.

'That's it.'

"I got it. Come out everyone, I got how to make you learn the spell fast."

"Come on out, we don't have all day to- Woah!"

'...... What was I thinking going near the water? Of course I'll be pulled in too.'

Seeing them giggling at getting me wet ticked me off.

"So you have chosen to defy peace. FOR YOU HAVE CHOSEN WAR WITH A GOD!!" I always wanted to say that since I saw the trailer.

I make jets of water burst out of my palm, targeting each and every one of them.

"Hahahaha, run. Run as far as you can, that's what makes it fun."

Penelope tries to fight back with her own spells, and she did get me a few times, but others- they were at my mercy, and I gave them NONE............