Chapter 45: Infirmary again

Parvati POV

Padma- "I am telling you, I am fine now. I barely got some scratches and they are already healed."

Parvati- "Okay, just making sure. I was just really worried when I saw you both passed out."

Ansh- "Shouldn't you be used to it by now? I have passed out a couple times already."

We both turn to glare at the idiot, who I am sure is the cause of their stay in the infirmary.

Parvati- "Doesn't mean I don't worry for you every time it happens."

'I am going to get wrinkles by worrying about him all the time.'

Ansh- "I am telling you, I have no idea what happened. All I know is that I suddenly felt lightheaded, then I was somehow drowning, and then a tentacle monster was attacking us and I passed out. Now tell me where is my fault in this scenario?"

Parvati- "I don't know. But you track record doesn't exactly favour you."

I look to Padma for some backing.

Padma- "Maybe it wasn't his fault."

......This traitor.

Parvati- "If it turns out to be your fault, you owe us both an ice-cream."

Padma- "Just one? I say for the whole break."

Ansh- "And if it isn't, you both will owe me."

Parvati- "Deal."

Padma- "So how do we figure whose fault it was?"

???- "How about you let us solve the mystery?"

I look towards the infirmary entrance and see Professor Dumbledore enter along with Professor McGonagall and another Professor I don't know the name of.

Dumbles- "First thing, how are the both of you feeling?"

He asks the two sprawled on the bed as Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let them get up.

Padma –"We are completely fine Headmaster. It doesn't even hurt anywhere."

Ansh just gives a thumbs-up.

Dumbles- "Good, then th-"

??? –"No they are not."

We all turn around to see Madam Pomfrey coming with 2 potions in her hand that I can tell I wont like the taste of.

Pomfrey- "The girl had a mild concussion, 2 broken ribs, a ruptured eardrum and water in her lungs. I fixed the ribs, ear and water situation but she will have to stay here overnight."

I glare at my sister.

Padma- "Fine huh?"

Parvati- "I didn't know about all that."

Like that defense is gonna help her.

Dumbles- "And what about Ansh here?"

Pomfrey– "Don't get me started on this kid. A broken rib, a dozen more fractures all over, both eardrums ruptured, drowned lungs and from what I concur- extreme magic overuse."

They all have a serious look on their face from the last one.

Padma- "What's wrong with magic overuse?"

McG- "If it is an adult- nothing. They just have to rest for a day or two and that's it. But it is different for kids. In extreme cases, they become unable to channel magic through their body."

...........That sounds bad.

Dumbles- "Now no need to look so sad. What Professor told here was an extreme case. In most cases it just requires a day of rest. But frequent cases can cause decrease in ability to channel magic, eventually terminating completely. That is the reason why young wizards and witches are strongly advised to NEVER overuse their magic."

Parvati&Padma- "No more magic for you."

Ansh- "What? You can't do that to m-"

Dumbles- "I agree with those two. Can I trust you both to keep an eye on him for 2 days."

We both respond positively.

'Of course, with pleasure.'

Ansh- "Do I not get a say in this?"

Pomfrey- "No! Magic overuse is a serious condition for a young wizard. So no, you don't get any say in this. You will stay here for 2 nights and NO magic in that time."

'Two days of peace.'

Dumbles- "Now, for the other matter. What happened exactly?"

Ansh and Padma tell the same thing they told me.

McG- "Dagon said about an attack. And we all heard a strong explosion. What was that?"

Padma- "We don't know. We did hear an explosion but no idea what was that."

Unknown Professor- "Can you tell me where did you get this stone from. This was near the area."

She shows a stone with some markings on them.

Padma- "That is one of the stones he marked."

We all turn to him for explanation.

Ansh- "I was trying to write runes. And who are you?"

Dumbles- "Right, some introductions are necessary. This here is Professor Bathsheda Babbling, she teaches Study of Ancient Runes to senior years. Professor, these are Parvati Patil, Padma Patil and A-"

Bathsheda- "Ansh Patil. I remember him. He certainly left an impression during sorting. Now if am recognize this correctly, you were trying to carve the rune for explosion on this stone."

Ansh- "Yes. I was, in fact I tried for 3 hours with no success, can you please tell me what I did wrong?"

Bathsheda- "Hmmm. You were carving the rune for explosion and you don't think that could have caused that giant explosion?" she asks with her eyebrow raised.

Parvati- "I knew you were the cause. Now you owe us ice-cream."

All eyes turn to me and I realize I might have been a little too excited.

Ansh- "But none of them worked. Not a single one even popped."

Padma- "That is true. Though that last one did act weird."

Bathsheda- "Weird as in…"

Padma- "It had cracks on it and was glowing purple."

Bathsheda- "And you threw it in the lake?"

Padma nodded her head.

Bathsheda- "Well there you have it. An overcharged explosion rune."

Ansh- "Wow, so I was successful in that last attempt. I guess the amount of magic written in the book to supply was wrong."

Padma- "Your 'successful attempt' almost killed us."

Bathsheda- "I don't know if I would call it successful, but yes, you did manage to make an explosion. Quite a brilliant one at that. Pretty much the whole Hogwarts heard that."

Dumbles- "What was that about something wrong in the book?"

Ansh- "The book said to supply magic to the rune after carving it. But every time I used magic till the limit specified in the book it failed. Most of the time it was my fault because I couldn't get the quantity right, but even when I did nothing happened. So I kind of just decided to keep supplying magic until it did do something."

Padma- "And then it started cracking and glowing purple. He threw it to me, and I threw it into the lake. But we waited a couple minutes and nothing happened. So we thought it was a dud like the rest."

Parvati- "Why were you reading a book on explosions in the first place?"

Ansh- "It was a book on basic runes, not explosions. I just picked the explosion rune because it seemed the most fun........... Don't look at me like that, I thought it would just 'poof' explode, not 'BOOOOM' explode. It was a book on BASICS!"

'Hard to believe him right now.'