Chapter 46: Candy

'Hard to believe him right now.'

Bathsheda- "He is speaking the truth. It is the most basic rune for explosion, no fault there. It WAS supposed to just, as he said it, 'poof' explode."

Ansh- "I made that explosion from a basic rune? I knew I was amazing." The idiot says with pride in his voice.

I look over to Padma and we both come to a conclusion in that instant.

'The second the Professors leave, he is getting punched.'

Bathsheda- "Oh no. You did not make that explosion, at least not intentionally. Runes is a complicated subject and requires finesse. So even a slight deviation can result in…. practically anything."

Dumbles- "It was the same reason for which rituals are banned for the most part. They are even more unpredictable and dangerous if anything goes wrong, and with rituals it mostly does."

Bathsheda- "Right. Runes are a lot more safer, still they require precision. And carving runes on 'rocks' is not precision. They require special materials for complex diagrams, and even the most simple ones need a flat surface at the very least. Rocks is something you only ever think to use after you have practised runes for at least a couple hundred times and are sure nothing would go wrong."

Dumbles- "And in your case, everything went wrong."

Professor McGonagall looked like she was going to hex headmaster for that comment.

Ansh- "So…. Runes bad. Got that."

Bathsheda- "No. Don't blame runes for your mistakes. If you know how to properly channel their power, they can bring about astonishing results. You were able to make a explosion today that was heard across all Hogwarts by mistake, think about what you can do if you 'wanted' to make one!" She spoke with a fervor in her voice.

I am a bit scared of her now.

Ansh- "Hmmm, and how would one approach this if they wanted to do so?"

Bathsheda- "Kid, don't try to be over-smart. If you wanna learn about runes, choose that elective in your senior year."

Ansh- "Tch, worth a shot."

McGonagall- "This isn't a joke Mr. Patil. Advanced branches of magic like runes are not taught to young wizards for a reason, which you experienced first-hand. And above all, magic overuse is not a matter to be taken lightly. You will stay here quietly for two whole days, without using any form of magic, not even a simple 'tempus'. And if I see you doing otherwise, I will make sure you accompany me all the time so that I can personally keep an eye on you. And that, will not end in two days."

'She seems really serious about this. Now I feel a bit bad about Ansh...….. Nah, I love this!'

Ansh- "Bu- but tha- ….. *sigh* fine. I will stay here quietly."

Under Professor McGonagall's sharp gaze, even Ansh had to give up at the end.

'I am sure he was terrified by her threat of keeping an eye on him.'

Dumbles- "And without magic."

Ansh- "And without magic."

'It felt like he was hurt more by uttering those words than by…. What was his name again?.... Damon? No, Dagon! Yes, by Dagon.'

Pomfrey- "Good, now drink these both of you."

Madam Pomfrey handed them both the vials she was carrying. And if I didn't feel bad for Ansh before, I certainly did now.

Padma- "What exactly is in this?"

Pomfrey- "I can tell you, but do you really want to know? It would make it much harder to drink it."

Parvati- "On second thought, I trust you with this."

Dumbles- "Well, I think our work here is done. Lets leave them now to rest and get back."

With that all the Professors took their leave, with McGonagall warning Ansh once more.

Parvati- "Ugh~, do you have anything sweet. I think I am gonna throw up from this potion."

Padma- "I do have some candy, here."

Ansh- "Pass one to me."

Parvati- "You don't get any. This was your mess, so suffer."

Ansh just glares at me, nods and downs the potion.

'That was easy. Way~ too easy.'

He then got up and walked towards me.

Parvati- "What? I am not giving you any."

Ansh- "And I ugh.. I don't want any. You want to give it to me." He said while trying not to vomit.

I was confused by his words for a second but then he came in front of me and grabbed by face and brought his face in front of mine.

Ansh- "Give me one, or if I throw up, it will be on your face."

Parvati- "Hey get me you idiot! Get your face awa-"

Ansh- "Ughh~"

Parvati- "Fine fine fine. Take it. Take it, just don't throw up on me please please."

Ansh- "Good, Ahhh~"

Parvati- "Now you want me to put it in your mouth?"

Ansh- "Ughh~"

Parvati- "Okay. I get it. Here." I hurriedly take out the candy to stuff it into his mouth.

'I don't think he would actually throw up on me, but better to be safe.'

Ansh- "Hmm~ nice, lemon flavor."

He leaves me and goes back to lie down on his bed.

"Want me to bring some board games?" I ask.

"Sure. And a couple of my books too." Padma replies.

"Ok, tell me which ones. And what about you." I ask Ansh.

"Bring me my sp-"

"I am not bringing any books that have any kind of spell written in them. No magic for you for 2 days."

"Ugh~ fine. Then bring something interesting from the library. Pick something fun by yourself."

"Okay. Then I'll be back in a while..."