Chapter 47: What would mother say?

Ansh POV

'I have to say this 'Fantastic Beasts' book is an interesting read.... But I wanna cast a spell!'

"No you don't."

"Don't what?"

"You don't get to cast spell for another day."

"Wasn't going to."

"Good." The bitch had the audacity to pat my head.

The good part about being admitted with someone- you don't get bored; the bad part- they stop you from casting spells.

"Look Ansh, it is just one more day. Tomorrow you can practice spells again, and if you want I will accompany you again."

"You will?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Because you are here because of me? If it wasn't clear, we had some pretty serious injuries, and you still wanna come with me?" Did they overlook a head injury?

"Yeah, we did get roughed up. But it was soo fun. How many people in this castle can say that they faced off against a Giant Squid and came out alive? I have a pretty amazing story to share because of you now."

"Wow, did not expect that from you. What happened to Ravenclaw being buried in books?"

"Oh please, look who's talking. You are no Gryffindor either mister. And someone has to be there to pull you out of dangerous situations if you mess up."

"And you can do that?"

"Hey, I never let go of you back there, did I?"

"Alright *chuckle* you have a point. I would be delighted to have you 'watch' over me when I do crazy shit."

"Are you out of your mind? You are not doing another stunt like that." Parvati barges in on our moment.


"I am serious Ansh. You have been visiting the infirmary a lot lately. And magic exhaustion as well, please don't do anything else."

"Parvati, relax. We are fine now. And-"

"No and but or anything. Do you know how worried I was when I saw you both here? *sob* You were both unconscious and Ansh's arm was bent in that weird way. Everyone in Hogwarts heard that explosion and what do I find out? You two were at the center of it."

"Now not in the center of-" I try to calm her down but get cut off.

"You were close enough!"

"Please, just don't hurt yourself now. At least think about how mother would feel when she hears about your condition."

"Oh, I would be dead that very ...."

'What would my mother say?.....'

"Right she will kill you herself, or keep you both locked somewhere she can monitor you all the time. So please, if not for anyone else, keep yourself safe if you don't want to die by her hands. And she-"

'What would mother say?....'


Padma POV

"You both are free to go now."

"Thanks Madam Pomfrey for taking care of us."

"If you wanna thank me then don't get hurt again."

"I'll try for sure."

"And try to keep him out of trouble too." She points at Ansh.

"That, I can't be sure of. But I will try my best."

"Why is he so quiet?"

I turn around to see Ansh just staring at the ground.

"Maybe he's just hungry. Don't worry, he won't stay that way for long."

"Alright. If he feels ill, bring him here. I can fix him up in a jiffy. Now off you go, or you'll miss lunch."

With that we take our leave and make our way towards the Great Hall for lunch.

When we reach there, I see my friends calling me over.

"I'll go sit with them." I say to Ansh.

He just nods and goes to sit on the Hufflepuff table, and I make my way to my friends.....

(At Dinner)

"Doesn't he seem way too quiet?" Penelope asks me.

"He's been like that for two days." I tell her.

"Is he upset over something? I mean I am happy he is sitting quietly, but this is too quiet for him." Penelope asks.

"This may be my fault. I scolded him a bit too much before, and he has been like that since then." Parvati admits.

"But you didn't say anything too excessive, and certainly nothing to warrant THAT reaction." I say while pointing at him.

He is still sitting at the Hufflepuff table during dinner, exactly where he sat before.

'I don't think he even moved at all since lunch!'

"He is barely even responding when I try to talk with him. He just nods and humms." Penelope says.

"Maybe an upset stomach. Or maybe he is in one of those moments where you just rethink your life choices."

We turn around to see Hermoine speaking from behind us.

"What, it is not a weird thing to do." She seems to be defending herself?

"Let's leave him for now. Hopefully it is as Hermoine said and he'll stop his…introspection? Is that the word, anyway hopefully it ends. If he stays this way, we'll think of something."