Chapter 48: Die

Ansh POV

'What do I do?'

'2 Whole days since I was discharged, and still I don't have any idea about what I am supposed to do.'

'Actually, what can I 'even' do? I have tried waking up several times, still I am here.'

"How long are you planning to stay here boy? It is way past curfew and you have been sprawled here for the whole day." Spoke one of the paintings, don't care which one.

"Clearly the boy is having some troubles, if he was here for mischief he wouldn't be lying on the floor for hours." Spoke another 2-D being.

 "Oh please, what could be troubling these young ones that they need to ponder so much over? Young ones are supposed to get up and…."

I tuned out the painting, after all what is the use? He is only going to speak what my mind already knows.

"Think Ansh, think. How do you wake up? There has to be some way. If I can't wak-"

No, not going to think that…. Never.


"Ugh! What is it? What is so damn important that you have to speak out loud instead of quietly staying dead?"

"This piece of sh-" says painting 1

"Now calm down. The boy didn't mean it. He is clearly troubled by something and is just a little frustrated. Now kid, what the guy here was trying to tell you- is that you don't have to try to rack your brain sitting here in a desolate corridor in the middle of the night. You are in Hogwarts, the greatest magical school in the world. And here you will find countless amazing people that can help you. Your friends, your professors are all there for you." Says painting 2

"*chuckle* It doesn't who is there. They are all useless in this?"

"Maybe it fells like that now, but what's the harm in trying. Maybe you will find some help where you least expect it." The 2-D being shares her oh-so-great wisdom.

"Sure" I get up and make my way back, I am sure those paintings won't let me think in peace.


Padma POV

"At least he came for dinner." Penelope says.

"Yeah, I didn't see him for 3 days and when I got to his room to ask him if he has eaten, I just get 'Why does it matter?'" I tell them my experience.

"Maybe he got too engrossed in a book or something. I usually forget about dinner and stuff when I get into a book too much." Hermoine says.

"Are we sure he didn't just eat when we were not looking?" Parvati asks.

"No, I skipped lunch today to camp in the common room and see if he gets out of his room. Nothing. And that's when I went to his room to see him."

"He is looking half-dead to us."

"Maybe someone is bullying him?"

"Is it those one of those Slytherins?"

"If it was one of them, why would he sit on their table?"

"Maybe he was made to so they can make fun of him!"

"So that means he is basically kidnapped."

"We should go and rescue him from those snakes."

"Shut up both of you! No one is kidnapped here. And why are you suddenly interested in him?" Penelope asks the twins.

"We worry about our friend obviously."

"Are you sure he isn't getting bullied?"

"He isn't. I am sure of that part. He doesn't have time to get bullied. He was in his room for 3 days, and before that he was nose-deep in those spell books." I tell them.

"Maybe he took what you said too seriously to heart?" I ask Parvati.

"That seems so, he has been down since then. But I just wanted him to stop risking himself, not b- what is he doing!"

I look over and see Ansh picking up…..chicken?!

Why is he holding tha… wait a minute.

I rush towards him, though Parvati is ahead of me and gets to him before and smacks his hand.

"What are you doing?" She hisses at him.

"Trying out chicken." He says in the most deadbeat tone.

"Are you serious? If this is a joke, this is going too far Ansh."

"What's the problem it is not like what I do matters. And I have wondered how it tasted before, so why not try it here?" he replies.

"What kind of meaning are you hoping to find in having dinner! The whole 'matter' is to fill your stomach with food and get energy." Parvati says.

"Let me have it, this might be the only chance that I can test it." He refutes.

"You lit-"

"Stop it Parvati. If you want to eat it, go ahead then Ansh. We won't stop you this time."

"Parvati what are yo-"

"Just let him."

Ansh just shrugs, and picks up another spoon....

"Well, eat it."

He brings it close to mouth and then after holding it there for a minute, drops it.

"Now I am not in the mood anymore."

"*sigh* okay Ansh, what is happening to you?"

He doesn't even respond, just shrugs and puts his head down on the table.

"No, this has gone long enough. Look if you are upset about what I said before, I didn't say that for you to become depressed. I just wanted you to not get hurt." Parvati stops him.

"Hmm." That was all were graced with.

"Look, if there is anyt-"

"Mr. Patil what are you doing on the Slytherin table?"

'Shit! Snape is the last person I want Ansh to be talking to right now.'

... 'And he isn't even responding!'

"It seems I wasn't audible to you, I asked what are you doing here? And if I don't hear a response then I will shove a potion down your throat that will make you talk for an hour, nonstop!"

"Ughh! What do you want? Is it illegal to sit here? Am I sitting on your spot? Is my existence bothering you?"

'Okay... maybe quiet was better.'

"I don't have enough time to be bothered by you. But if you have enough time to mop here then maybe you should just come to classes from tomorrow."

"Uh huh."

"Was I clear Patil?"


'Why the heck are you answering Parvati?'

Snape glares at her and she seems to shrink in size.

"Sorry. You just said Patil and I answered for some reason." She offers in a meek voice.

"And I didn't hear you answer Pa- Ansh."

"Look Mr. Gotham, you don't have any idea of my sit-"

Suddenly I remembered the talk with those paintings.

'What do I loose?'

"….. actually wait a minute. You are a knowledgeable person, correct? With all the potion making and stuff, you would have to be pretty smart to do well, I assume."

"The amount of hard work and dedication that is needed to make even a half-decent potion would be too much for your brain to handle Pat- Ansh." Snape changes after glancing at Parvati.

"Good, that means YOU are definitely smart."

'Is he praising Snape?'

"What are you trying to get at Ansh?" Even Snape seemed confused.

"So, as a smart person, I have a question for you. I hope you can answer it for me please."

"If this is an attempt to play a stupid prank th-"

"No. No prank. Just a genuine question."

"...Speak." Snape answers after a few seconds.

"Okay, so suppose that you are in a dream. It is a nice dream, one where you have something that you desperately wished for all your life. And, and you are making the most of it, doing what have desired for so long before the dream ends... but it doesn't. The dream just doesn't end. NO matter what you do it just doesn't end. But you want to wake up…. What should I do?"

"….Ansh, I don't have time to answer useless questions li-"

"No, no. Please answer me. I beg you. Anything, anything would work. Please."

'What is happening here? Did he see a nightmare or something? He seems shaken up.'

"…..The second you realize that it is a dream and not reality, you can wake up anytime." Snape answers.

"But what if you can't."

"Then you c-"

"Kill everyone in the dream."

"Or destroy everything."

"10 points from Gryffindor, for cutting a professor." Snape instantly deducts points for twins.

"As I was saying, you will get up eventually. You just said it was a dream about something you like, so enjoy it while it lasts."

"But I am tired of it. I don't want it to last. I want it to end."

"I have no other idea to give you." Snape says.

Ansh hangs his head down after hearing that.

'I should ask him what happened later in his room.'


We all turn to look at the one who spoke.

"Just die. If you are dead, you can't really be in the dream anymore right?" Speaks a boy with almost-white hair.

Hearing that Ansh looks up and then gets up.

"You" Ansh points at the boy who spoke, moving towards him.


"Come here." Ansh holds his face in his hands.

"What are you doing? Get away from me."

"You my friend, are a genius. I just wanna kiss you."

'...The WHAT!?'

"The fuck?" Parvati blurts out.

Even Snape has big eyes.

"What? Get away you weirdo."

"Don't be like that come here you sweet angel of God. Chuuu~"


We all watched in astounded horror as Ansh smashed his lips on the white-haired kid's cheek, all while he tried to resist.

"…. I need to wash my eyes with bleach."

"…. I wish I had a camera."

'Okay, now I wish I had one too.'

"Alright now my friend, remember from today you are my brother. If you ever want anything, just say to me and it shall be done." Ansh tells Draco, who finally manages to get free and was trying to wipe his face.

"Just get away from me you psycho."

"Sure, for now."

"What just happened?" One of the twins asks after Ansh walks away.

"I don't know, but this is the first I've seen Prof. Snape shaken up." The other comments.

We all turn to look at Snape after that and he has his mouth open and eyes still towards the door as if he can't comprehend what happened.

"Though this is the first time I've seen a Slytherin that flustered." Twin 1 says.

"Should we try it ourselves brother?" Twin 2 asks.

Hearing that Snape seems to wake up from his daze.

"You two will do no such thing." Snape declares and walks away.

"….Now I want to do it even more."

"This could be used as the ultimate weapon I think."

"We can surely try it o-"

"You two will do no such thing. Now get back to your dorms." Says the Gryffindor prefect.

'Which I think I their brother as well? How many of these redheads are there?'

The twins are taken away by their brother.

"….So what should be do about Ansh now?" I ask my sister.

"Nothing? I don't think he is feeling down anymore. Can't believe I cared about that idiot for a second."

"*shrugs* At least won't respond like a puppet anymore."

"We can only hope." Parvati responds.


A/N: I have my mid-sems going on, hence this chapter was so late. It would be like this for another week. As a way to make up wrote a bit longer chapter.

It is a little cringe in between,with the chicken bit, but I couldn't think of anything better.

And if you have some suic*de ideas, give them to me. I'll see if I can incorporate them into story.(And not ones like carbon-monoxide poisoning and stuff, something that can be done in Hogwarts.)