
Quickly, the next few months passed and Kayden was unable to learn any concepts; he was lost. He tried to understand the concept of dominance, the concept of supremacy, and the concept of control and he was unsuccessful in any of them.

His relationship with Sarah improved by leaps and bounds; his only obligation was to be the golden boy at some royal banquets and events. Furthermore, he needed to give public gifts and things like that to the teenager.

In the end, what Sarah wanted was attention and fame, and that's what Kayden provided for her. Another thing that happened during this period was that the world of sex was introduced to Kayden. Incredible as it seemed, Sarah was a virgin.

Her last boyfriend couldn't even give her a peck on the lips. It wasn't that he couldn't; I just didn't have that courage. Kayden had several of his advances turned down at first. Sarah just wanted to use him as a trophy boyfriend, but slowly she let him.