
"Is the pain worth all this? Why don't you end your life already?" The lich spat words that fell on deaf ears; his fog had no psychological effect on Kayden.


Four months later, only 10% of the material remained in the room, with just a few piles of dirt and random trees. The lich even tried to create more matter to fill the floor, but Kayden seemed like a perfect machine at differentiating real things from newly created matter.


"I'll finish it in no time. If I find your object, you die. But first I will give you an offering: give me the piece of soul that remains in your object and submit to my will." The lich heard these words and almost let out a roar of rage.


"I will never surrender to a pathetic mortal like you!" His words were of no value to Kayden. Liches were divided into two classes: those who pursued a greater goal and those who just ran from death.