A god against the natural order

The knowledge that this wasn't the first universe was scary for most people, and yet understanding that Father was a being who lived the age of two universes was even scarier.

"I achieved godhood thanks to a human I will be forever grateful to, Kayden Heart. Wherever you are in the universe, you can look for me, my debt to you is eternal." Father regretted trying to kill the boy; the happiness of getting his wife back caused good feelings to well up in him in a strange way. "The shrinking of the universe is my work, I am consuming everything in search of mana and the moment has finally come. You will be able to see the timeline break."

Father smiled and opened his arms. A frightening amount of mana started to come out; There was so much mana that it began to break the space around it. The density was increasing more and more, and it slowly started to become a black hole where reality was bending over it.