
Aqui está a versão corrigida e traduzida para o inglês:


It only took a few months for her to start coming to talk to Kayden, and without realizing it, she no longer left his side and began to cultivate alongside him. One of the reasons for this was one of the phrases Kayden said to her: 


"Nature is not static; its harmony lies precisely in its chaos. Learn about these wolves and how they will change the dynamics in this world." A new world of ideas opened up for him. 

Could it be something meaningless? Yes, it could, but since the magic of love enchanted her... Kayden could spout dozens of silly things, and she would still trust him. After a few more years, Kayden began to change the girl's soul. 

The wolves continued, merely altering their sub-leaders and growing their brood. The main leader was an animal Kayden had placed from the beginning; it was the wolf with the most potential and the one with lightning on its back.