The Decimator of Worlds

Even the fastest among the demigods could not fully keep up with Kayden's movements. At best, they could predict some of his shifts, but nothing beyond that. When Kayden reached the limits of his realm, an unsettling feeling took over him. He sensed that this was not his true limit, but rather something preventing him from further growth.

In response, Kayden fell into a frenzy, consuming hundreds of worlds every day. He became an unavoidable presence throughout the universe, his name echoing like a shadow of destruction. His slaughter reached such scale that it began to destabilize one of the universal zones. Entire regions became dead zones, incapable of sustaining life or mana.

The massacre reached colossal proportions, and the demigods could no longer ignore him. Eventually, two of them found Kayden during one of his bloodbaths. He made no effort to hide, and was easily found this time.