
"This is new to me," Achilles commented. Kayden agreed as well; he had never seen anything like this before, but it must have been one of the benefits of becoming something unique.

"Bring your soulmate here; I am not leaving this place." Kayden resumed cultivating while the mage left. It took only a few days for him to return, carrying a woman of medium stature with yellow eyes. She had a tail and cat-like ears.

"Are you sure about this?" Kayden asked upon seeing the unconscious woman. Achilles was visibly shaken; his eyes seemed to contain a hint of insanity, but deep down, there was a rationality that Kayden had not expected.

"Yes, I need to do this." Achilles crushed a stone in his hands, and Kayden felt the flow of time slow down to an insane degree across dozens of thousands of kilometers. Achilles' soulmate was an eighth-realm mage with the excellent strength of a ninth-ray mage, but in front of Kayden, she was nothing extraordinary.