Chapter 10: We're going camping...

*CRASH* Ren slammed into the concrete ground, breaking his left arm and multiple ribs. "COUGH! COUGH!" Ren doubled over in a coughing fit, blood fly out and stain the ground.

"REN!" Olivia ran over, horrified at the scene. She couched down next to Ren to check his breathing.

"H-his breath is getting weaker..."

Olivia pulled out her phone and immediately tried to dial 911. Noticing her phone was broken, Olivia tried and failed to remain calm.

King noticed his enhancements to the plush was getting weaker, it was getting harder and harder for him to walk.

'Ren must be dying, I have to get the repair stone.'

King jumped onto Olivia, then dove for the bag. However, King couldn't open the zipper on his own, thus he turned to Olivia.

Noticing King, Olivia understood what he wanted. She quickly crouched down next to Ren and rummaged through her bag for the repair stone.

King watched as she places the stone on Ren, his consciousness slowly fading along with Ren's life. Eventually, King went back to the tattoo on Ren's arm.

*Yawn* Ren got up from the ground, stretching his arms as he wakes up. Rubbing his eyes awake, Ren remembers the situation he was in. Getting up as quick as he could, Ren scanned the surroundings, watching for any danger.

From behind Ren, a figure rushes out. *Fwump* Ren froze as Olivia hugs him from behind, sobbing. As Ren's mind raced, he dispelled his not so PG thoughts. Ren gently pulled away from the hug and patted Olivia on her head.

"Thanks Olivia, you saved my life."

Still sobbing, Olivia nodded. "I was so scared *Hic* when your tiger friend also collapsed. *Hic* He was the one who reminded me of the stone."

As Olivia collected herself, Ren checked his arm. Sleeping soundly and curled up on his right shoulder was King, breathing rhythmically.

'Thanks buddy, I owe you one.'

A few minuted later, King woke up and began reminding Ren to loot Beelzebub. Annoyed to no end, Ren allowed King to go back to the plush to search.

Ren looked around, finding the upper body of Beelzebub. Admiring his ugly head, Ren crouched down to search the body.

"I swear I'm gonna get some kind of disease doing this..." Ren muttered, sticking his hand through a hole in Beelzebub's chest.

While Ren was lamenting, King rushed over to Ren. 'Move!' King excitedly ran in between Ren and Beelzebub's upper body.

Pushed out of the way, Ren curiously watched King as he got on Beelzebub's chest.

*Crack! crack! crack!* As King channeled energy, Beelzebub's exoskeleton breaks apart, revealing a deep red stone in the centre of his chest.

'Quick!, Eat it!'

Ren stared at King, who was looking at him excitedly. 'Mind giving me an explanation before I eat some unknown thing?'

'Can't you tell? This is the shapeshifting ability stone!'

Ren's eyes widened, before he felt the centre of his chest for that grey orb.

'It only appears when you die.'

Ren breathed a sigh of relieve before ripping the ability stone off of Beelzebub. Studying it in his hand, Ren showed a face of deep disgust.

"Whats that?"

Ren turned around to face Olivia, who was curiously staring at the ability stone in Ren's hand.

"According to King, I eat this to gain the shapeshifting ability of that bug."

Olivia showed a face of disgust before backing off a few steps. Then show pulled a water bottle from her back pack and threw it at Ren.

Ren shot a grateful look at her and washed the orb as thoroughly as he can. A few minutes later, Ren looked at the cleaner ability stone nervously.

"Here goes..."

*July 31st, 20XX*

Ren hung up the phone with a serious look on his face. Staring out his window and towards the sky.

'Tomorrow...' Ren solemnly got up, checking that his bag had all the essentials.

"Flashlight, solar panel power bank, common medicine, spare change of clothes, canned meat, sleeping bag and other essentials." Ren took a deep breath after checking his bag, then he went to check on Jun.

"Jun! have you packed the stuff I told you to?"

Jun turned around to face Ren, he then proudly showed him the neatly packed bag. Nodding in approval, Ren ruffled Jun's hair before he moved to the living room.

"Hey Ren, why'd you make me pack all that anyways? We blew our budget from mom and dad this month."

Ren turned around and forced a fake smile, trying to come up with any excuse he could.

"We're going camping..."