Chapter 11: The collapse

Ren took a deep breath, as he washed his face with running water for possibly the last time, He savoured every moment.

"Haaaaaa..." Ren looked into the mirror, fixing his black hair meticulously and checking his face closely before Jun walked in. Ren stopped what he was doing, face slowly turning red as he faced Jun. Ren and Jun awkwardly stared at each other, Before Jun slowly backtracked.

"Um, I didn't see anything!"

Jun quickly turned around to run away, Sadly, his escape failed as Ren grabbed his shoulder.

"Listen, I was only-" Ren tried to explain him self before Jun covered his mouth.

"I get it bro, that Brown haired girl a few days ago was pretty good looking. As your brother, I approve!" Jun flashed a bright smile, giving Ren a double thumbs up.

*Smack* Ren slapped away Jun's thumbs up before going for Jun's sides. Jun noticed Ren's plan and panicked, he began flailing and screaming as Ren tickled him mercilessly.

"STOP! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Jun screamed while laughing.

*Ding Dong!* Ren stopped his attack, shifting his attention towards the door. Taking this god given chance, Jun slips away and runs towards the door.

*Click* Jun quickly opens the door, ready to meet his saviour.

"Hi! I'm Olivia."

Jun quickly scanned Olivia from head to toe, before turning around and giving Ren another thumbs up.

Embarrassed, Ren quickly runs up and slaps the back of Jun's head before pushing him out of the way. Clearing his throat and ignoring Jun's snickering, Ren turned to face Olivia.

"Hey! Thanks for coming on such short notice, is your family here?"

"It was hard to convince them, but they're here and back at the car." Olivia then turned her head to Jun.

"Is that your brother? He looks just like you!" Olivia smiled and waved at Jun. Before Ren could reply, Jun rushed up and grabbed Olivia's hands.

"Hi big sis! I'm Jun, please take good care of my brother in the future!" Jun brightly smiled at Olivia before he was grabbed and shoved back by Ren.

"Please ignore him, he's always like that"

Ignoring Jun's protests in the background, Ren grabbed his packed bag before gesturing for Jun to do the same. Grabbing his bag, Jun grumbled under his breath while massaging the back of his head.

After everyone left the house, Ren locked the door to his house for the last time. *Click* Stepping back, Ren took one last look before heading towards Olivia and Jun who were chatting happily.

Catching up as fast as he can, Ren and Jun argued while on their way to the car. Olivia watched in amusement as the brothers argued loudly over the smallest things, none of them noticing a low hum in the air.


Ren stopped mid sentence when King called his name, listening carefully to the low hum.


Jun tilted his head as he looked at Ren in confusion, why did he stop mid sentence? Before he spoke another word, Jun noticed a light blue particle floating down.

"Snow? In August?" Jun reached out his hand to catch it. As the blue snow floated onto Jun's palm, it was absorbed into Jun's hand. Startled, Jun tried to wipe the spot where the blue snow fell, but no trace of it remained.

"It's here..."

Jun and Olivia looked at Ren, who was currently looking at the snow with a solemn expression.

The blue snow continues to fall, becoming an increasingly bigger storm. As Ren looked around at the blue snow, he urged Jun and Olivia to quicken their pace.

"Get to the car, now." Ren said impatiently, almost pushing the two of them towards the car.

"Hey watch it, what's wrong Ren?"

As Jun waited for an answer, a blue snow particle fell onto an unsuspecting ant. A blue glow covers the ant as it grew quickly in size, stopping when the ant was the size of a large dog.

*Swoosh!* The ant locked onto Jun in a blind rage, his anger towards human's grew as more blue particles get absorbed into his body.

Noticing the charging ant, Ren grabbed both Olivia and Jun and pushed them behind him. Bracing himself, Ren activated the reversal technique.


*CRASH!* the ant rammed into Ren at full speed, his new exoskeleton was hard as steel, making his attack comparable to a car crash. However, the ant backed up in confusion when Ren didn't move an inch.


Ren breathed out, red aura covering his fist as he slams both his hands down at the ants head. *CRACK* The exoskeleton of the ant shattered apart like eggshells under the force of Ren's fist, instantly crushing the ant's head flat.

Jun looked at the ant in horror, trying to wrap his mind around what just happened.

"We have to go Jun."

Having experienced something like this before, Olivia quickly calmed down and urged Jun to get to the car. Relieved by Olivia's calm mind, Ren picked up Jun and gestured for Olivia to catch up.