Past pain resurfacing

Cameron turning around.

 "Sorry!" Derk pats his back.

 "It's good" Dougal takes a big deep breath and tossing the ball up. Overhand serving it as Conner receives it.

 "It's Low!" Derek running horizontal to the net. Running towards the left.

 "It's mine!" He jumps up and spiking the ball past Kurai and Dougal. The ball bolting past Ajax as Kaneko appears under the ball. Sending it high up. The ball bolting straight for the bench and Coach Russ. Kurai lands and runs over. Pain violently shooting down his leg from his knee. Tumbling across the floor. Catching himself and reaching up and quickly setting the ball. Proceeding to fall over and roll towards the bench.

 "GET IT!!" Oswin jumps up as the ball floats. Spiking it as it appears on the court behind him. Ajax diving but not making it. Derek lands after blocking and rubbing his head.

 "Normally I can tell what's happening… which is how I can block… but… that was too fast for even me to process…" The Ref blows his whistle. MCHS 11-10 LWTHS. Russ looks over at Kurai as he slowly rises, holding his knee. Kurai stands slowly but quickly falls back to the ground. Russ' eyes widen as he thinks for a minute.

 "My knee's finally getting to me…" Kurai looks down slightly angry. Russ sorrowfully shakes his head at the Ref.

 "I'm gonna forfeit the match" The Ref nods as two whistles blow out.

 "11-10… Mason County wins" Everyone gathers at the bench. Ajax walking up to Russ.

 "Why did you forfeit the match!?... We've seen with our own eyes how capable this team is without a Setter!... so why!?" Ajax grabs Russ' shirt. Russ lifting his hands.

 "Beat me up as much as you want… But that's not proper manners… Anger isn't the way to let out emotions… I understand that this meant a lot to you… but you have to understand that this match is only practice, and that your guy's health, is more important to me than any trophy" Ajax's eyes widen as he let's go. Stepping back as Kurai takes a drink of water.

 "Thanks for the water coach" Lucas walking over to Kurai and sitting down.

 "Are you okay Kurai, that seemed like a Brutal fall…" Kaneko rushes through the team huddle and standing in front of Kurai. Absolute shock and fear on his face.

 "How's your back Kurai? What about your Knee?" Kaneko sits down and looks at Kurai's knee. Kurai swallowing some water.

 "I went to set the ball… my arthritis got to me and I fell… sorry for failing you guys…" Russ smiles knowing Kurai truly cares for everyone.

 "The fact you still set the ball so well proves how good a setter you are… But this is also a part of Volleyball… I forfeited the match, I know you guys can make up for not having a setter, but this was a practice match, a chance to learn from the greats of High School Volleyball… and you took it and spread your wings and flew… but a team is only as strong as it's weakest link… so while Playing, you need to maintain your own health… and keep an eye on others help… That's what a team is… Use this match as a Lesson, and grow stronger… Become batter… You become your strongest when you reach your lowest… And this right now… Is that lowest moment… So from here on… Grow into a massive Phoenix and fly over everyone else" Kurai looks down with an intense glare. 'We lost because of me… Im sorry Kaneko' Lucas sighs.

 "You heard the Coach, let's get going back home now…" They all start walking out of the field house. Kurai limping as they walk towards the exit together. Russ smiling: 'So this is the true LakeWood Technical, huh?... These kids might go the distance in this Years Winter Tournament.' Russ looks over at MCHS.

 "That is… if we beat Mason County in the qualifiers…" Russ watches in shock as the entire LWT team turn around. Violently bowing their heads.

 "Thank you for the Game!" Russ smiles as he walks out after them.

The entire team sits in a room off to the side of the LWT training courts.

 "So… Before we all go home today… I want to ask a big question from all of you… What did you do wrong? and how could you change yourself to become a better player? I want an answer from everyone who was on that court today… starting with whoever wants to go first…" Oswin sighs and sits up straight.

"I'll go first, since I was only on the court for the last two points… My receives were a bit shaky, especially up against such a high caliber team, I want to get better at receives" Ajax nods slowly and speaks up.

"no matter what I did… I couldn't keep the ball off the ground… And I want to be able to keep the ball off the ground so my team doesn't have to worry about the ground being covered, I WILL receive every ball that comes my way" Kurai looks over shocked that he said that with how good he was during the game. Dougal sighing.

"I just wish I was able to block that spike, then none of this would have happened…" Kurai looks over at Dougal.

"Even if you stopped the ball, my Arthritis would have still gotten me, just not as bad…" Kaneko nods in agreement.

"I want to learn how to become a master of air-battles, Defensive and offensive techniques…" A determined glare pours from Lucas as he looks at coach Russ.

"If it's my serves that failed me halfway through the match, then i'll… Kurai…" Lucas turns to Glare at Kurai with determination. 

"Teach me a jump serve so i'm not a burden to this team" kurai smirks. 'The dormant serving beast is about to awaken.'

"Sure, I'll get to it next practice" Russ smiles and claps his hands to get their attention.

"Good, now we will be receiving our official uniforms for the Winter tournament in a week and a half, that's also when the brackets will be revealed, and remember; You're future is created in what you do today and not tomorrow… Go home and get some well deserved rest… We will win against MCHS the next time we see them"