Lessons and tribulations

At home Kaneko sits at the table waiting for dinner trying not to cry.

"Kaneko, stop crying… Its weird…" Kurai wipes down the counters to the restaurant Kitchen after finishing dishes.

"I'm just… so mad that we couldn't win… It's infuriating…!" Kurai sighs.

"Kaneko…" Kurai Walks over and stands beside Kaneko. 

"That wasn't our first match and it wasn't our last… All the jumping we do on that court tears our muscles… causing the fatigue we feel at night after an intense match…"

Lucas eats at the dinner table trying not to cry.

Dougal and Ajax enjoy their food at a nearby restaurant.

Coach Ross looks at some strategic boards and sighs.

Kurai puts a bowl of food in front of Kaneko that's steaming hot. 

"...And when our muscles rejoin and heal, they come back stronger… I need you to do the same… so Kaneko, Eat and grow stronger… Both physically and mentally" The food was steaming as a bowl sat in front of him. Noodles covered in a sweet sauce. Several vegetable leaves spread across the top with a smell of sweet honey filling the room. Kaneko takes a bite as a tear rolls down his cheek. Kurai sitting opposite Kaneko. Starting to eat, putting his fingers over his eyes to stop himself from crying. 'Why am I even crying?... Volleyball doesn't interest me anymore… so why?'

 "Eat and Grow Stronger"

 Kurai holds out the Volleyball and showing Lucas what to do.

"I normally toss it up first, spend a little bit trying to get the arc right, how high you want the ball and how forward it goes, but that depends on your run-up… My middle school coach told me to toss the ball and run up to spike it, but catch it… when you have it consistent then try pulling it all together…" Lucas blinks a bit, slightly shocked.

"You really think about all that during a jump serve?" Kurai hands Lucas the ball.

"Not really… I keep my mind clear of any doubt… but everyone has their own serve styles… so try it" Lucas turns to the court and tosses the ball high, running up and jumping but missing as the ball was too high.

"Agh!" Lucas lands as Kurai walks over.

"I mean… It took me a good year or so to land a proper serve… but you seem accustomed to it already…" Lucas nervously laughs. Rubbing the back of his neck.

"yeah… the pinch server in me is really helping me out here…" Kurai takes the ball and holds it.

"It might be just cause i'm a setter… but I calculate everything… If the ball was too high on my first serve, i'll put less strength behind it, too far forward?... I'd just toss it higher…" Lucas nods in appreciation to Kurai's commitment.

"so it's just like finding that perfect in-between then?" Kurai nods and hands him the ball as the gym door opens. Kurai turning to look.

"Who is-" Lucas turns around and dropping the ball.
