Strange Looking Chest

Chapter 2 : Strange Looking Chest

With the Weakened Celestial Watcher vanquished, Rylan calmly approached the scattered loot left in the wake of the epic battle. The spoils of victory glimmered before him as a mesmerizing array of treasures waiting to be claimed.

Among the spoils, his gaze fixated on a particular item—a fragmented piece of equipment known as the Ring of Wonder. Its Unique Rarity designation piqued Rylan's interest, and a surge of anticipation coursed through his mind.

As he picked up the fragmented ring, a holographic interface materialized, revealing the details of the enigmatic artifact:

- Name: Ring of Wonder (Fragmented, can be upgraded)

- Rarity: Unique

- Attribute: Luck +70

The information revealed that the ring had once belonged to a celestial being known as Nufisar—a name long forgotten in the annals of time. Its rarity and the attribute it bestowed upon the wearer would very well make it a highly coveted item.

"Luck attributes!" Rylan shouted excitedly.

Luck attributes were exceedingly rare and sought after, capable of turning the tides of fortune in one's favor.

Rylan knew that an item of this caliber could bring about a frenzy among players and even ignite a war between guilds. Its acquisition could drastically alter the balance of power in the virtual realm, providing immeasurable advantages to those who possessed it. Even when it was still in an imperfect condition, it still brought a lot of luck attributes....

However, the circumstances surrounding this encounter revealed a deeper layer of complexity. The battle with the Weakened Celestial Watcher had taken place in a restricted map, accessible only to low-level players. While others had long surpassed Rylan's level of 30 and moved on to higher leveled areas, he found himself caught in the wake of their progress.

But with just this item alone, he was more than satisfied even if he was left behind compared to the others. He had information regarding high leveled top tier experts in which that they only had around pitiful 5 luck attributes all combined from items and others...

Even if a person was to take this ring and restart the account, he would be satisfied already cause this item worthy for the sacrifice. Even when it was still in an imperfect condition, it still brought a lot of luck attributes. What about when it was brought into the perfect state?

Rylan then put away the Ring of Wonder and walked toward a certain direction. And as he ventured deeper for a few seconds into the cave, Rylan encountered a dead end. The walls, stalactites, and stalagmites adorned the surroundings, creating an eerie ambiance.

To others, it may have seemed like a barren chamber devoid of significance, its sole purpose to house the boss. But Rylan knew better. He knew that there was more to this place, especially behind the looming stalagmite that stood before him.

It was only after he gathered a lot of information and finishing the related quests pointing toward this place that he had finally gained a deeper understanding about this cave. If someone else enters this place, others would just be more than contend to get the loots from the boss, especially the Ring of Wonder, and get the hell out of this place.

But fortunately not for Rylan. With interest guiding his actions, Rylan studied the stalagmite from various angles. Finally, from a certain vantage point, the formation revealed a hidden clue—a series of cryptic codes etched into the very structure of the stalagmite itself. It was as if the cave itself whispered secrets to those with the eyes to see.

Unlocking the mystery, Rylan deciphered the codes left behind by the stalagmite's peculiar formation. Each sequence provided a crucial clue, guiding him toward the next step in his solve. With each revelation, excitement surged within him, fueling his vigor to uncover the truth that lay dormant in the heart of the cave.

As the final code fell into place, Rylan did as what the codes ordered and done it meticulously.


The cave seemed to respond Rylan's triumphant deciphering. The wall behind the stalagmite shifted, revealing an abandoned room bathed in a dim, eerie light. Within this desolate room stood a lone, rust-covered chest— the very purpose of Rylan's tireless efforts.

With trepidation and anticipation intertwined, Rylan approached the chest, his hands trembling with a mix of caution and excitement. He unlocked the chest, the creaking of the aged mechanism filling the air.

Within the rusted chest, Rylan discovered not only a vial of potion but also a weathered parchment filled with cryptic writings. Curiosity coursed through his mind as he wondered what these enigmatic items might signify. As he pondered their significance, a notification from the system abruptly interrupted his thoughts.

[Ding! You have found an unknown rarity class. Do you want to accept it?]

Rylan hesitated for a moment. The Battle Mage class had served him well, and he had excelled in its mastery. He was sure of himself that he was one of the best Battle Mage users in this game. As for how and why he was sure of himself, actions speak louder than words! He would show it to those who didn't know yet soon....

But, he truly couldn't deny this very class. After all, he had come so far in his journey, delaying his progress, clearing clues here and there for years—how could he let go of an opportunity that lay within his grasp?

Without a second thought again, Rylan accepted the unknown rarity class, bracing himself for the possibilities it held. The system responded with a surge of energy as the parchment leapt out and shone brightly. The light enveloped Rylan, an acknowledgment of his choice.

[Ding! You have obtained the Weaver Class!]

As the notification appeared, Rylan's mind whirled with anticipation and curiosity as he read the through the small information that he got. Weaver—a forgotten one from the annals of history, known simply as the Weaver. This class was said to have the power to manipulate the very fabric of reality, weaving intricate spells and manipulating the threads of existence.

The status panel shimmered into existence before Rylan, unveiling the potential and capabilities of the newfound class:

- Class: Weaver

- Rarity: Unknown

Description : A forgotten class from the annals of history. Not much is known about this class.

The skills of the Weaver class revealed themselves, showcasing the unique abilities that allowed Rylan to manipulate the essence of reality:

1. Thread of Magic: Weave a delicate thread of pure magic, entangling enemies and limiting their movement. Mana Consumption: 200. Cooldown: 8 seconds.

2. Reality Shift: Manipulate the fabric of reality, briefly phasing out of existence to evade enemy attacks. Mana Consumption: 100. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

3. Essence Weave: Infuse your spells with ethereal energy, amplifying their effects and increasing their potency. Mana Consumption: 150. Cooldown: 12 seconds.

4. Warp Step: Twist the threads of reality, instantly teleporting to a nearby location to gain a tactical advantage. Mana Consumption: 80. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

5. Distortion Barrier: Erect a barrier of distorted space, deflecting incoming attacks and reducing damage taken for a short duration. Mana Consumption: 250. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

6. Weave of Renewal: Meld with the essence of nature, channeling its rejuvenating power to restore health and mana over time. Mana Consumption: 300. Cooldown: 30 seconds.


Rylan's heart quickened with both excitement and trepidation. The Weaver class seemed to represent a profound connection to the very essence of existence, manipulating the threads that wove the fabric of reality. While the Battle Mage had brought him far, this newfound class held the potential to transcend his previous limits.

"... Insane." As Rylan surveyed the skills before him, he couldn't help but marvel at the possibilities. The description seemed short and brief. But just a short look could tell that this class contained powerful skills that were world defying.

Rylan's curiosity piqued as he examined the vial he had discovered in the rusted chest. However, upon closer inspection, he realized that this was no ordinary potion vial. It was an intricately crafted tool, specifically designed for the Weaver class to harness and store unique energy inherent to their abilities. The vial, known as the Weaver's Clement Glass, held within it the key to unlocking the potential of the Weaver's skills.

The materials used in the creation of this tool remained a mystery, but Rylan could sense the sophistication and extraordinary craftsmanship that went into its making. It was evident that the Weaver's Clement Glass was not an item that could be replicated or used by anyone other than a true bearer of the Weaver class.

The panel status of the Weaver's Clement Glass shimmered to life, offering a glimpse into its capabilities and the energy it contained:

- Name: Weaver's Clement Glass (Upgradeable)

- Class Requirement: Weaver

- Energy Capacity: 500/500

The Weaver's Clement Glass served as a reservoir for the unique energy possessed by the Weaver. It acted as a conduit, allowing the class bearer to tap into and channel the latent power of their abilities. By harnessing this energy, the Weaver could unlock and utilize a range of exclusive skills that set them apart from other classes.

However, Rylan realized that to truly understand the Weaver's Clement Glass and its potential, he needed to unlock its secrets and upgrade it first. The glass held within it a set of knowledge and information waiting to be extracted. By upgrading the vial, he would be able to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Weaver's class and access a broader array of skills and abilities.

A surge of determination welled up within Rylan as he prepared himself mentally to uncover the secrets held within the Weaver's Clement Glass. Climbing so hard on a mountain and finally achieved its peak, only knowing that it was just a small hill...

But he knew that the best view, comes after the hardest climb!

Not only that, the journey so far had wielded not only this Weaver Class and Ring of Wonder, but also many things on the way. Didn't he also get many advantages as he reached toward this point?

That's right...

The journey...

The memories that has been etched...

The friends that has been made a long the way...

After all, it's the process that...

... A frown appeared on his face.

Why do I feel like some kind of a freaking 9 year old boy all of a sudden?

Freaking process your pointy navel...

He shook off his head as he washed away the thought. His eyes wandered on his status panel and suddenly his eyes widened like saucers.

He realized something crucial that he had missed as he was too excited about the Weaver class to notice it. The Battle Mage class was not gone!