Getting Out of the Cave

Chapter 3 : Getting Out of the Cave

As Rylan emerged from the depths of the cave, he found himself standing on the outskirts of a bustling town. The sunlight bathed the cobblestone streets, and the sounds of laughter and chatter filled the air. It was a stark contrast to the eerie silence of the cavern he had just left behind.

As he made his way through the winding path towards the town, Rylan's thoughts were consumed with the newfound Weaver class. Each step he took was accompanied by a flicker of excitement and a determination to unravel the essence of his chosen path.

The Weaver's Clement Glass, clutched firmly in his storage, held the key to understanding the intricacies of the Weaver class. It was more than just a tool; it was a vessel that contained the very essence of his newfound abilities. Rylan realized that by delving deeper into the glass's capabilities, he could unlock the true potential of his Weaver skills.

His mind whirled with questions and possibilities. How could he tap into the energy stored within the Weaver's Clement Glass? What secrets did it hold? These thoughts consumed him as he ventured further along the path, the town drawing nearer.

Rylan understood that discovering the essence of the Weaver class would require more than just relying on external sources of information. While he could search for forgotten texts and seek guidance from sages and scholars, he recognized that the true understanding of his class lay within himself.

The Weaver's Clement Glass represented a direct connection to the core of his abilities. It was through this intricate tool that he could delve into the depths of the Weaver's essence and unlock its hidden potential. With each upgrade to the glass, he would come closer to unraveling the secrets that lay dormant within the Weaver class.

"Yellow Crescent Diamonds..."

For example, for the first upgrade, he needed the main materials called Yellow Crescent Diamonds. He needed to find information relating to this particular material first before he started to embark on his searching.

Yet, Rylan also acknowledged that this path of self-discovery could be challenging and frustrating. The Weaver class was stated that it had long been forgotten, and the information available was most likely scarce. However, he was determined not to let the frustration deter him. He would embrace the challenge and let it fuel his quest for power and strength.


As Rylan walked through, his thoughts drifted to his inventory. He couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile as he recalled the aftermath of his battle against the weakened Celestial Watcher. His once well-stocked collection of weapons and armors were now battered, almost all of them were destroyed and unusable. Especially for the better ones. The fierce battle had taken its toll on his equipment, leaving him with a sense of loss.

Opening his inventory screen, he saw the sorry state of his gear. The armor he had cherished was now dented and torn, barely holding together. His trusty weapons, which he had prepared meticulously, were chipped and dulled. It was evident that the confrontation with the weakened Celestial Watcher had been the toughest battle he had ever faced.

As his eyes scanned the depleted inventory, he couldn't help but think of the preparations he had made before the encounter. Countless hours had been spent accumulating a cache of potions, scrolls, and formations to aid him in that battle. The resources he had amassed were nearly depleted, leaving him with only a few scraps of his once formidable stockpile.

The intense struggle against the formidable foe had demanded as he had anticipated, but it truly made him twitch his eyes a little regardless.

Despite the challenges he had faced, Rylan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his accomplishments. Defeating the weakened Celestial Watcher was a testament to his skills. It had been a hard-won victory, one that had pushed him to his limits and tested the full extent of his abilities.

A Celestial! It was a bona fide apex expert in this world. The power that a celestial bore was enough to destroy a city without much trouble. Being able to kill a weakened celestial truly spoke of the skills of Rylan. It was no wonder that he lost many precious items, weapons, armors, and such in fighting against that weakened celestial.

"A celestial, an apex that has the power to stand at the top power of this world, was there to safeguard the class itself... It is truly a wonder just what kind of class is this Weaver.... If it was not weakened, let alone me, even an empire might not be able to enter the cave itself."

Lost in his thoughts, Rylan continued his journey towards the town. As he entered the bustling town, Rylan's gaze shifted to the lively streets before him. It was here, amidst the vibrant community of adventurers, that he decided to see the situation first.

As Rylan stepped into the bustling town, his attention was quickly drawn to a gathering of adventurers near the town square. Excited voices filled the air as different parties assembled, their gear gleaming in the sunlight. It was evident that a dungeon raid was about to take place, and the anticipation was palpable.

Among the groups, Rylan overheard snippets of conversations as people offered their skills or sought to join existing parties.

"Looking for a healer here! We've got a well-rounded group, just need someone to keep us alive!"

"I'm a rogue with maxed-out lockpicking. Any party need someone like me?"

A party nearby caught Rylan's attention. They stood apart from the others, their gear of higher quality, and their camaraderie apparent. Whispers rippled through the crowd as the name "Trevor Pagini" was mentioned. The Pagini family, known for their prestigious Purple Water Corporation, had sent one of their own to lead this elite group.

Curiosity piqued, Rylan couldn't help but listen in on the conversations of the passersby.

"Did you see that party led by Trevor Pagini? They're practically one of the best in this area. No wonder they have the best gear."

"Yeah, I heard they've completed some of the toughest dungeons out there. It's not easy to join their ranks."

"Imagine having access to all those rare and expensive items. They're practically unstoppable!"


As they were in their own discussions, suddenly a commotion broke out. An old man seemed to be running away from something scary.

Rylan and the others caught sight of the old man, NPC, frantically running through the streets with a frightened expression. Curiosity piqued, he followed the gazes of the other players, who were also observing the old man.

Tears welled up in the old man's eyes as he shared his plea for help. "Please, anyone who can find my son and bring him back to me, I will be eternally grateful!"

Approaching the NPC, Rylan and the others learned the cause of the old man's distress. He had ventured into the nearby forest with his son to gather herbs, a seemingly routine task. However, something had gone terribly wrong—the forest had become an unsettling and dangerous place. Beasts ran amok and the once peaceful woods had turned into a realm of restlessness and chaos. In the midst of the commotion, the old man and his son had been separated.

[Quest Initiated : Saving the Son of Aiden]

The old man Aiden urgently need help to save his son from the danger. The quest has a duration of 1 day.

Reward : 5 Gold, and an equipment.


Rylan was in his thought. What struck him was that the forest the old man mentioned was the very same cave where he had acquired the Weaver class. It seemed that the strange occurrences might be related to what Rylan did, as he accepted the Weaver class.

As Rylan pondered the situation, he noticed others among the crowd stepping forward to accept the old man's quest. Among them was Trevor Pagini and his elite party, who were drawn by the prospect of a challenge and opportunity.

They were not only curious to the occurences in the forest but also interested to the reward being given by the old man Aiden. 5 golds are quite a lot, especially for new players like them.

The equipment also made them interested because the equipment was not revealed as to what it is. They might as well try to see whether they can finish this quest or not.

Trevor Pagini huddled with his elite underlings to discuss their plans. His eyes gleamed with curiosity and a tinge of greed, clearly intrigued by the mystery surrounding the forest's unrest.

"So, it seems this forest holds some interesting things," Trevor mused, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I want to know what's causing these beasts to go wild. It could be a valuable piece of information."

His underlings nodded in agreement, their loyalty to Trevor evident in their unwavering attention. "We should proceed cautiously, sir," one of them remarked. "It wouldn't do well for our reputation if we were to underestimate the dangers lurking within."

Trevor chuckled, nodding at the wise advice. "Indeed, we shall tread carefully. But, my friends, there's another matter that interests me." His gaze shifted towards the old man, visible from a distance as he and his party continued their discussion.

"We don't know what kind of equipment that is going to be given toward the one who turn in the quest," Trevor said with a sly smile. "If some of these adventurers succeed in rescuing the old man's son, make sure to approach the one who saved him. Offer them a reasonable sum of coins for the old man's quest. If they're willing to part with it, then all's well. If not..." He paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We'll have to employ our persuasive skills."

His underlings exchanged glances, they knew better than to question Trevor's commands. They were loyal to their leader, and they understood that in the virtual realm, obtaining powerful equipment was a constant pursuit.

"But sir, what if the player who saves the son refuses to part with the equipment?" one of the underlings inquired with a grin.

Trevor's grin widened. "Then we'll have to show them that crossing us is a foolish decision. A bit of friendly persuasion, you see."

His words hung in the air, a silent understanding passing between Trevor and his elite underlings.