Coming Out

Chapter 9 : Coming Out

Back then, Straight observed the panicked young man running through the forest in a glance, where he there might be something more to the situation than meets the eye. His prediction as a seasoned player told him that there must be something in the young man's possession that had triggered the 3 Horns Bear's aggressive behavior.

No, he believed that any observant player would guess that the young man was not just running away from the 3 Horns Bear because the bear wanted to eat him out of hunger. But most likely because the young man had incited the bear for what ever reason. What was the best way to know the reason beside taking out the answer from the perpretator himself?

Naturally, prediction was just prediction, that was why he needed to seek out the young man. And the best way was to seek him out privately.

The less people in the knew, the best the situation would be. Who knew if there was something great being brought by the young man? If many people in the know, they might do their best to snatch it away.

Leaving behind the players behind him was not just so that they could tank for him. He had attacked the bear and showed them some confidence, hence they started to attack the bear too. It was all part of his plan. Naturally because he wanted them to be left behind too. It was also so that he could get away easily without any hindrance when the two parties were busy by themselves. It was killing 2 birds with one stone.

"Alright, about time for you to show up." Rylan said a bit loudly as he faced toward a certain area.

As he said that, there were no movements whatsoever. The young man beside him was also dumbfounded when Rylan suddenly said this.

As Rylan and the young man stood in the desolate place, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. Rylan's sudden declaration caught the young man off guard, his eyes widening in surprise.

"What do you mean?" the young man stammered, unsure of what was happening.

Rylan's smirk widened as his spear pointed towards a specific location. "I know you're there," he called out, his voice firm. "Don't think you can hide."

But Rylan shake his face became pretty serious as he spoke in a cold voice, "If you don't come out, I will take that as an aggression."

Moments passed in silence, and then, as if obeying Rylan's command, figures emerged from the shadows. It was Trevor and his underlings, including Lyra and Marcus.

"Well, how did you know that we are here, aa.... Straight?" Trevor asked, his tone challenging.

"I believe the question is, what are you doing here?" Rylan replied coolly, sounded offended and pissed. He could see their names and sign that these people were players just like him.

"We were just passing through," Marcus chimed in, trying to sound innocent.

Rylan's eyes narrowed as he saw through their facade. "Passing through, huh? Like who in the hell is this sweet summber boy? Does he think I'm a 6 years old or something?" he retorted half laughing.

Marcus had a slightly ugly expression as he heard what Rylan had said. It was true that what he said sounded funny, but he was trying to give an excuse alright, at least he had tried to help even though that would even make it more suspicious.... Wait... When he realized that point, his faced turned even uglier.

The young man beside Rylan looked bewildered, caught in the middle of the unfolding confrontation.

Trevor's expression hardened as he stepped forward, his imposing figure trying to intimidate Rylan. "You've got it all wrong, Straight. We're just here to explore like everyone else," he claimed, but his eyes betrayed his true intentions.

Rylan remained undeterred. "I saw you and your underlings tailing us ever since we left the forest. Who are you trying to fool?" he pressed, refusing to be swayed by Trevor's attempts at deception.

Sometimes, a person would always be on denial on something. There were many factors around it, but one of the seldom reason was that because one wanted to catch a chance. Rylan knew this very well.

The young man's eyes darted between Rylan and Trevor, his confusion evident. "I don't understand... I thank you Sir for saving me, but please....?" he asked quietly.

"I still got some questions for you alright," Rylan said, sparing the young man a reassuring glance. "For now, let me handle this."

Turning his attention back to Trevor and his underlings, Rylan took a step forward, the tension between them palpable. "I don't have time for games, Trevor. Are you trying to get some smoke?"

Trevor seemed to be calm and composed as he straigthened his back, "You know, Straight, my family is a powerful and influential family in the real world," Trevor boasted, puffing out his chest. "We founded the Purple Water Corporation, a conglomerate that holds sway over various industries. Our wealth and connections are here and there."

Rylan listened without much interest, unfazed by Trevor's attempt to impress him. Still, he didn't try to cut him off.

"But what does that have to do with anything here?" Rylan replied casually, not taking the bait.

Trevor's smile wavered slightly at Rylan's lack of reaction. "Well, you see, I could use someone like you on my side," Trevor continued, trying to regain his composure. "My captain guard holds a prestigious position, and I only offer it to those with exceptional skills and potential."

Rylan raised an eyebrow, understanding Trevor's motive.

It was true for Trevor as he needed a solid position if he wants to get a big pie in the corporation. He wasn't just interested in recruiting Rylan for his skills; he wanted to boost his own image by having someone as formidable as Rylan at his side.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested in becoming your captain guard," Rylan replied firmly, declining without hesitation.

Marcus, feeling the need to chime in, added, "You should feel honored. Not many players get an offer like this from someone like Boss Trevor."

Rylan smiled, brushing off the attempt to flatter him. "Yea yea, that sounds pretty exciting alright," he said half heartedly. "Now if you excuse me, I have something important to do at the moment. We can catch up later on then..." Rylan started to walk away while dragging the young man with him.

Trevor's façade of charm and confidence faltered as he struggled to comprehend Rylan's refusal. "You'll regret this," he threatened, his tone turning cold.

"I doubt it," Rylan replied calmly, unshaken by the veiled threat. "You can prove it to me right here, show me what you got."

The young man, who had been listening quietly, admired Rylan's resolve and bravery. He could sense that Rylan was a player of straight forwardness. Even though Rylan was surrounded by a bunch of people, he still remained unfazed and brave.

"Oh, did I mention that I am from a guild called Red Lotus? You might think twice if you want to offend me then.." Rylan said while grinning playfully.

The people in front of him suddenly became apprehensive after they heard what Rylan had said.

Red Lotus!

It was a popular guild that was known for having skilled players, especially in terms of PVP. It was a pretty giant guild that someone like Trevor would tread around it carefully.

True that he was from an influential family, but he was not the only one damn it. How could I be so daring to offend someone from such a powerful guild like him? And more than that, this man Straight is an expert too...

But Trevor knew that Trevor might be bluffing too, which placed him in a dilemma.

Just as they were in a stalemate, the ground started to tremble once again as a huge monster dashed toward their location.

Amid the brewing conflict, the 3 Horns Bear emerged from the forest, its massive form towering over everything in its path. Despite its injuries, it looked even more fearsome than before, driven by rage and the thirst for revenge.

"The 3 Horns Bear is back!" someone shouted, panic spreading like wildfire between the people that Trevor had brought with him.

The young man, visibly trembled as fear gripped his heart. He had unknowingly led the 3 Horns Bear straight to them, and now it seemed like there was no escape.

As the bear growled, seemingly contemplating its next move, the son of Aiden made a sudden decision. With a swift motion, he pulled a weird looking fruit from his pocket and hurled it towards the bear, shouting, "Here! Take it back! Now let me go!"

The fruit flew through the air and landed right before the bear. The creature sniffed at it, its attention momentarily diverted by the strange offering. The young man didn't waste any time and took the opportunity to sprint away, leaving the bear and the others in shock.

"Did he just... give the bear a fruit?" Marcus asked, bewildered.

"That fruit must be valuable, and he threw it away just like that?" Lyra added, equally surprised.

Trevor, who had been watching the scene unfold with a mix of irritation and curiosity, was now intrigued by Aiden's actions. "What's so special about that fruit?" he asked, his interest piqued.

When they observed the fruit enough, suddenly they got the description from the status panel. Their eyes almost fell off out of their pockets as they saw that this fruit was one of the hidden rarity items in the game, the unique rarity fruit!